Doctoral Theses
Year |
Student |
Thesis Title |
1990 |
TSANG Wing-kwong 曾榮光 |
Class Structure and Social Mobility in Hong Kong: An Analysis of the 1981 Census Data |
1995 |
CHENG Yeung-hung 鄭養鴻 |
Living with Physical Disability: The Experience of Patients Suffering Hand Injuries at Work |
CHIU Chu-hing, Catherine 趙釗卿 |
Accumulation and Accommodation in Small Family Business: The Case of Retailers in Hong Kong |
ZHANG Jing 張靜 |
國營企業職工代表工會—個案例研究 |
1996 |
CHAN Shun-hing, Seguire 陳慎慶 |
The Making of Religious Universe: A Study of A Charismatic Church in Hong Kong |
LAW Wing-kin, Kenneth 羅榮健 |
Social Construction and Exaggeration of the Elderly Problem in Hong Kong |
QIU Haixiong 丘海雄 |
國有企業勞動僱用制度改革與工人的理性選擇 |
WONG Kam-yuet, Frances 黃金月 |
Health Care Reform and Transformation of Nursing in Hong Kong |
1997 |
CHUI Wing-tak, Ernest 徐永德 |
Limited Democratization: The Politics of Strategic Inclusion in Hong Kong |
LU Feiyun 陸緋雲 |
中國蘇南農村的社會供養與社會保障體系—歷史、現狀與未來 |
1999 |
NGAI Sek-yum 倪錫欽 |
The Politics of Identity Constitution among Outreach Workers in Hong Kong |
Year |
Student |
Thesis Title |
2000 |
DOU Zheyuan 鈄哲園 |
Institutional Change of Village Enterprises in Southern Jiangsu |
FAN Lizhu 范麗珠 |
當代中國人宗教信仰的變遷—深圳民間宗教信徒的田野研究 |
KWAN Chi-fai 關志輝 |
Gender, Identity, and Suicidality: A Study of Adolescents in Macau |
KWOK Hong-kin 郭康健 |
比較當代香港中產階級及勞工階級夾心代承受壓力及其面對的方式 |
2001 |
WEI Chengsi 魏承思 |
共產黨中國知識分子的工具化—上海知識分子群體的社會學研究:1949-1978 |
2002 |
NISHI Mariko 西麻里子 |
The Social Organization of Family Work: Restructuring Family Work in Japanese Expatriate Families with Maids in Hong Kong |
PING Ping 平萍 |
從“大而全”的組織到資產專用性的組織:廣州一家機器制造業國有企業的組織變遷 |
2003 |
KO Suk-fun 高淑芬 |
Political Transition and Resurgence of Chinese Medicine in Hong Kong |
ZHANG Wenhong 張文紅 |
中國城市的階級結構與社會網絡 |
2004 |
CHEUNG Wai-ting 鄭慧婷 |
Social Capital and Individualization in the Normalization of Drug Use among Adolescents in Hong Kong |
LU Huilin 盧暉臨 |
集體制度的形成:一項關於文化觀念和制度形成的個案研究 |
ZHOU Yi 周怡 |
轉型經濟中的後集體主義—華西村急劇分化之後的整合邏輯 |
2005 |
FUNG Yat-chung 馮一冲 |
Constructing a Relational Model for the “Professional-clientele” Notion within the Context of Workplace and Work Community – An Investigation into the Chef Profession |
LIU Xin 劉欣 |
再分配權力、尋租能力、巿場能力與生活機遇﹕對中國轉型期分層機制的權力衍生論解釋 |
2006 |
LI Linyan 李林艷 |
關係密集型市場:中國房地產市場的微觀社會動力研究 |
2007 |
CHEN Hon-fai 陳漢輝 |
Civilizing the Chinese, Competing with the West: Study Societies in Late Qing China |
DIAO Pengfei 刁鵬飛 |
華人社會中產階級的社會支持網絡—香港和北京的比較研究 |
2008 |
CAO Feilian 曹飛廉 |
當代中國的基督教社會服務組織與公民社會—以愛德基金會和上海基督教青年會為個案 |
HUANG Yu 黃玉 |
鄉村中國變遷中的地方政府與市場經濟 |
2009 |
HU Jieren 胡洁人 |
使和諧社區運轉起來──當代上海社區衝突解決研究 |
JIANG Yi 蔣怡 |
制度的模糊性、地方政府的角色與企業組織的成長──一個中國民營汽車企業的個案研究 |
LAU Siu-lun 劉紹麟 |
殖民地知識分子之興起:以香港、台灣及新加坡作個案 |
LIU Shuo 劉碩 |
The Ordinary Middle Class in an Ordinary Community: The Formation of the New Middle Class in China |
PENG Yinni 彭銦旎 |
Control, Resistance and Mobile Communication – New Labour Politics in South China |
SUN Weiwei 孫薇薇 |
中國城市居民的親屬關係與精神健康 親屬網絡與支持對心理抑鬱的影響:以北京為例 |
XUE Hong 薛紅 |
製造不確定性──全球化時代中國高科技電子製造業的彈性生產政治 |
ZHANG Chengguo 張丞國 |
旅遊、國家空間尺度重構和都市-區域發展──桂林的個案研究,1978-2001 |
Year |
Student |
Thesis Title |
2010 |
CHEUNG Yuk-man 張彧暋 |
Tracking the National Dream of the Sojourners: Railway Building as an Institution in Modern Japan |
LAU Siu-lai 劉小麗 |
愛情的社會學意義──當代香港文學的愛慾敍事 |
2011 |
CHAN Siu Han 陳少嫻 |
Tradition and Exile of the Intellectuals: A Comparative Study of Karl Mannheim and Tang Junyi |
DU Ping 杜平 |
家庭與身份:社會性別視角下的當代中國農民工 |
XIA Xunxiang 夏循祥 |
論無權者之權力的生成──香港市區重建的政治社會學考察 |
XIAO Wenming 肖文明 |
未完成的文化霸權:國家理論視野下的上海大世界,1949-1966 |
ZHANG Huanhua 張歡華 |
國家與地位獲得:1949-1996年的中國社會 |
2012 |
CHEUNG Ka Lok 張家樂 |
Resources, Gender and Social Control: Sociocultural Factors for Husband-to-Wife Physical Assault in Hong Kong
GUO Hua 郭樺 |
A Sociological Study on the Individual Concern for Information Privacy |
NG Ka Sing, David 吳家聲 |
Explaining Gender Gap in Illicit Drug Use: Evidence from a Time-series Analysis |
TSO Ho Yee, Vienne 曹可怡 |
Wedding Consumption in Hong Kong: Dynamics in Marital and Family Relations |
ZHU Yi 朱毅 |
Two Systems of Justice Judgment in Action |
2013 |
CHEUNG Ho Yan, Yannie 張可欣 |
The Expansion and Organization of Higher Education in Asia: A Comparative and Longitudinal Study, 1950 – Present |
GUO Na 郭娜 |
“去污名化”的政治:中國乙肝攜帶者與公民社會組織的反歧視抗爭 |
JI Yingying 紀鶯鶯 |
當代中國商業協會的政治經濟學 |
LI Hang 李鏗 |
Contentious Politics in Two Villages: Comparative Analysis of Anti-High-Speed-Rail Campaigns in Hong Kong and Taiwan |
LUO Weixiang 駱為祥 |
Social Inequality of Health in China |
ZHANG Chunni 張春泥 |
Life Course and Social Stratification in Contemporary China |
ZHOU Yan 周雁 |
底層抗爭與社會運動的交會——對金沙江邊農民反壩行動的個案研究 |
ZOU Yuchun 鄒宇春 |
中國城鎮居民的社會資本與信任的關係研究 |
2014 |
HO Ching Wai 何政偉 |
Teacher Education as an Institution in China: A Discursive Study, 1949 – Present |
LEE Tsz Lok 李子樂 |
Social Class and School Curriculum: The Case of Liberal Studies in Hong Kong | |
MENG Hong 孟宏 |
重新聚焦家庭:中國北京青少年問題網路行為背後的家庭因素探析 | |
NG Vitrierat 吳木欣 |
Emotional Politics: Joyous Resistance of People Power |
2015 |
CHEN Xi 陳曦 |
Strain, Family Socioeconomic Status, and Delinquency among Migrant Adolescents in China: A Multilevel Model of General Strain Theory |
JIANG Jin 江晉 |
Inequality of College Attendance amid Educational Expansion in Contemporary China |
LIU Zixi 劉子曦 |
Global Model, State, and Organizational Population: The Diffusion of Legal Education in China from 1949 to 2012 |
WU Fei 吳菲 |
相對經濟地位與中國居民的幸福感:社會比較效應的異質性 |
YAM Shing Chung, Jonathan 任承忠 |
Cooperative Knowledge Generation of the Information Society: Evidence from the Wikipedia Community |
ZHANG Yueyun 張月雲 |
家庭背景與中國兒童的教育成就:現象與解釋 |
2016 |
CHIU Tuen Yi 趙端怡 |
Mainland China-Hong Kong Cross-border Marriages: Gender, Family, and the State |
JU Niu 鞠牛 |
中國社會健康分層的異質性研究——基於社會變遷和個體生命歷程階段的分析 |
LEE Ka Man 李家文 |
Engendering Hong Kong’s Family Relations with Systems Theory |
XU Tuoqian 徐拓倩 |
嵌入性視角下的公司治理: 中國上市公司的連鎖董事網、經濟績效與CEO更替,1999-2013 |
2017 |
CHEN Chen 陳忱 |
Morals, Market and Competition in Transitional China |
LAI Weijun 賴偉軍 |
資助的邏輯:中國資助型基金會的發展與實踐 |
LI Ming 黎明 |
Social Networks and Lesbians’ Mental Health: A Study of a Lesbian Community in Northeast China |
LUO Ming 羅鳴 |
Will We Be Left Behind by Modernity?: Female Migrant Workers in the Pearl River Delta |
SHU Binbin 舒玢玢 |
中國“鄉-城”人口遷移對輸出地及其輸出家庭的影響:基於宏觀和微觀層面的綜合研究 |
XIANG Jun 項軍 |
中國代際職業地位傳遞:強國家的限制 |
2018 | LIN Zeli 林澤莉 |
SU Wenyang 蘇文揚 |
Three Studies on the Class Compositional Effects in Mainland China
2019 | GAO Haiyan 高海燕 |
LAI Yuen Shan 黎苑姍 |
Premarital Abortion: Reproductive Politics in Post-Socialist China
LI Yuet Man 李越民 |
學校創新作為文化現象:對香港中學校本STEM 政策與校本全納教育政策的文化解釋
MAN Pui Kwan 文珮君 |
General Strain Theory and A Gendered Analysis of Gambling Disorder: An Examination of Married Couples in Hong Kong
WANG Ninging 汪宁宁 |
MPhil Theses
Year |
Student |
Thesis Title |
1972 |
CHAN Yuen-ying 陳婉塋 |
The Handling of Internal Contradictions in Chinese Industrial Enterprises – A Sociological Enquiry |
LAU Tat-ching 劉達政 |
香港佛教的事業—政治、經濟、社會的分析 |
WONG Sik-yiu, Sidney 黃錫堯 |
Life Pattern of Hawkers – Case Study of Vegetable Hawkers in Yaumati |
1973 |
LEE Ming-kwan 李明堃 |
Innovation Diffusion – Communist China’s Experience in the Planning of Change |
NG Wing-cheung 吳榮璋 |
A Sociological Study of the Apprenticeship System in Hong Kong |
WONG Siu-lun 黃紹倫 |
Sociology in the People’s Republic of China 1949-1966 |
1974 |
KWAN Wing-kei, Charles 關永圻 |
馬克思主義在中國之出現 |
CHUNG Lun-nap, Tom 鍾倫納 |
下放 |
1975 |
CHAN Man-hung 陳文鴻 |
The Role of the Landlord Class in a Changing Class Structure |
LAW Yu-fai 羅汝飛 |
Tradition and Modernity: A Study of Factory Organization in a New Territories Temporary Industrial Area |
TSANG Wing-kwong 曾榮光 |
毛澤東的建國理論(上、下) |
1976 |
AU Ka-hing,William 區家慶 |
An Exploratory Study of Police Attitudes and Behaviour in Hong Kong |
CHAN Kwok-leung 陳國樑 |
The Perception of Industrial Relations: The Case of Garment Workers |
WONG Tso-sang 黃載生 |
中國農村公社人力利用研究—一個個案研究 |
1978 |
LEE Chiung-ying 李瓊瑩 |
現代化與婚姻態度—一個香港的個案研究 |
1979 |
BUT Ho-ming 畢浩明 |
Orientation to Work and Union Commitment : A Case Study of the Union of Midwives in Hong Kong |
CHAU Lam-yam 周林欽 |
The Power Bifurcation of a Changing Chinese Village in Hong Kong |
TSUI Wai-ying 徐慧瑩 |
Regionalization and Accessibility of Rural Health Services in the People’s Republic of China: A Comparative Case Study of the Huancheng and Doushan Communes |
WENG Wang-hui 翁望回 |
台灣勞工的工作投入與轉業行為 |
Year |
Student |
Thesis Title |
1980 |
CHAN Hoi-man 陳海文 |
The Confucian Theme in Contemporary Chinese Social Thought: A Study in New Confucianism |
CHENG Man-tsun 鄭文川 |
An Exploratory Case Study of the Management Systems and Work Attitudes in the Farm Machinery Manufacturing and Repairing Factory at the Huan-cheng Commune |
FUNG Sing-chung 馮承聰 |
Resource Management in the Hong Kong Fishing Industry |
KWOK Hong-kin 郭康健 |
The Impact of Social Change and the Adaptation in Family Firms: An Exploratory Study of the Case of the Piece-Goods Business in Hong Kong |
LI Yun-tai 李殷泰 |
香港教師的專業性 |
WONG Yan-chun 黃潤珍 |
Religion and Morality: The Influence of Christian Education on the Moral Orientation of Secondary School Students in Hong Kong |
1981 |
CHU Lap-tak 朱立德 |
The Authoritarian Personality and Occupational Choice: a Preliminary Study of the Royal Hong Kong Police Cadet School, Fanling, N.T. |
FUNG Yuen-king, Lucille 馮婉瓊 |
Strategies for Occupational Mobility in Hong Kong: A Biographical Approach |
KWOK Chun-yau 郭振游 |
The Problem of Professionalization: The Case of Chinese Language Newspapers in Hong Kong |
LAW Wing-kin, Kenneth 羅榮健 |
中國合法移民在香港之適應問題—一個探索性的研究 |
WAN Hing-po 尹慶葆 |
Politics of Urban Poor: A Study of Neighbourhood Association in Interaction with Local Administration in a Low-Cost Housing Community, Hong Kong |
1982 |
CHAN Hau-leung 陳孝良 |
Managerial Patterns and Practices of a Japanese Owned Factory in Hong Kong |
WAN Po-san 尹寶珊 |
香港新市鎮工廠工人之就業地區選擇:沙田新市鎮個案研究 |
1983 |
CHAN Kong-wah 陳光華 |
Internal Organization and Relation of Production in a Chinese Factory |
1984 |
CHEN Hsiaochao, Martha 陳曉昭 |
香港青少年之依附感 |
CHIU Chu-hing, Catherine 趙釗卿 |
Labor Market Structure and the Occupational Attainment of Mature Women: Evidence from the National Longitudinal Surveys |
LEE Yuen-kum, Anna 李婉琴 |
Childcaring, Fertility Expectation, and Labor Force Participation: A Survey of Married Women in Government Housing Units of a New Town |
LEUNG Kwong-chau 梁廣就 |
香港轉業行為的研究:以製衣業和電子業女工為主要研究對象 |
LEUNG Lai-chu, Angela 梁麗珠 |
新界民選區議員角色初探—大埔及沙田區個案研究 |
LEUNG Sai-wing 梁世榮 |
Perception of Political Authority by Hong Kong Chinese
NG Chi-hung 伍志雄 |
The Re-establishment of Sociology in the People’s Republic of China after 1979 – A Case in the Making of a Discipline |
SUEN Yiu-kwan 孫耀君 |
Shame as a Means of Psychological Construction in the Context of Chinese Culture |
TSUI Shung-fat, Dennis 崔崇法 |
‘Voting’ as a Mode of Political Involvement – A Study of the Voting Behaviour of the Residents in Shatin, Hong Kong |
1985 |
SHAE Wan-chaw 佘雲楚 |
Schutz’s Solution to the Problems of Intersubjectivity and Meaning: A Critique and Re-appropriation |
TING Kwok-fai 丁國輝 |
Early Job-changing Pattern and Occupational Achievement: A Life-course Study of Young Working Women in the NLS |
1986 |
CHEUNG Chui-yung, Susanna 張翠容 |
From Mobilisation to Solidarity: A Study of the Role of Non-Union Labour Organization in Labour Movement with Special Reference to the Hong Kong Case |
CHEUNG Wai-yee 張惠儀 |
The Workplace as a Stress Situation: An Analysis of the Relationship of Job Satisfaction and Health |
LEUNG Hon-chu 梁漢柱 |
Political Action in Compressing Space: A Study of Political Activist Groups in Hong Kong |
TAM Siu-man, Simon 談紹民 |
Medical Education and Professional Commitment: The Case of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Hong Kong |
1987 |
CHEN Shuo 陳碩 |
香港中國官僚的價值取向和滿足感的研究 |
QIU Haixiong 丘海雄 |
SING Ming 成名 |
Political Activism of University Students in Hong Kong
WONG Yuk-lin, Renita 黃玉蓮 |
Personal Network and Local Community Attachment: Illustrations from two Public Housing Estates in Shatin |
1988 |
LAW Wing-sang 羅永生 |
Housing Issues and Political Development in Hong Kong: An Application of Claus Offe’s Approach |
LUK Tak-chuen 陸德泉 |
「關係」—當代中國的社會組織形態 |
WONG Ting-hong 黃庭康 |
Job Satisfaction and Intention to Change Jobs among Secondary School Teachers in Hong Kong |
1989 |
CHOI Cheong, Ben 蔡昌 |
An Exploratory Study on the Influence of the Mode of Parental and School Supervision on Alienation Among Adolescents in Hong Kong |
LEE Kim-ming 李劍明 |
Local Politics in Tuen Mun: A Changing Political Structure in Hong Kong |
Year |
Student |
Thesis Title |
1991 |
AU Kit-ling 歐潔玲 |
Illness Management of Psychiatric Out-Patients in Hong Kong: A Case Study of 13 Anxiety Disordered Married Women |
CHAN Siu-shan 陳少山 |
Causal Determinants of Organizational Commitment: The Case of Hong Kong Hospital Nurses |
CHEUNG Ho-yin 張可賢 |
Institutional Politics in Rural China: Post Mao Reform Era |
CHU Yiu-kong, Vin 朱耀光 |
秘密社會之動員:1796-1805年白蓮教運動之個案研究 |
HO Keung-sing 何強星 |
Determinants of Ideology of Elderly Care in the Changing Rural China |
LAU Sai-leung 劉細良 |
後毛澤東時代的國家與社會之主從關係與國營企業工人的理性選擇 |
MOK Ka-ho 莫家豪 |
Dissidence and Critique: Intellectuals and the Crisis in Post-Mao China |
1992 |
CHOW Sung-ming 鄒崇銘 |
Political Organizations and Political Change in Lat Transitional Hong Kong – Interorganizational Cooperation and Conflict |
LEUNG Yee-kong 梁懿剛 |
Perceptions of Parental Well-being with School-age Children |
TSE Kwan-choi 謝均才 |
An Empirical Assessment of Bowles and Gintis’s Correspondence Principle: The Case of Hong Kong Secondary Schools |
1993 |
SO Fong-ying, Fiona 蘇方盈 |
The Impact of 1997 on Hong Kong Middle Class Family: Kin Network and Conjugal Relation in Particular |
VONG Vai-kun, Tanny 黃慧娟 |
Form of Organizing In Context: Local Entrepreneurs under the Relocation Process |
YEUNG Wing-tsui, Lisa 楊永翠 |
Professionalism as Cognition: A Case Study on the Production and Proliferation of the Western-Chinese Medical Discourse in Hong Kong |
1994 |
CHAN Shun-ching, Cheris 陳純菁 |
An Era of Reenchantment? A Case Study of the New Religion in Hong Kong |
IP Iam-chong 葉蔭聰 |
Industrial Employment, Gender, and Transformation of Individual-Familial Economic Ties |
KU Hok-bun 古學斌 |
Ku Village in Transformation – A Case Study of Village Politics in Post-Mao China |
KWOK Ngai-kuen 郭毅權 |
The Formation, Alignment, and Disintegration of Community Political Groupings: Political Exchange Networks in Kwai Tsing District Board |
LAI Yiu-keung 黎耀強 |
The Search for Public Sphere in Modern China: The Case of Shanghai 1843-1914 |
LAU Siu-lun 劉紹麟 |
A Matter of Trust: The Relation of the Banking and the Manufacturing Sectors |
MAK Wai-man 麥偉文 |
觀眾與解碼研究—九一年香港大事回顧 |
1995 |
CHEUNG Chi-wai, Charles 張志偉 |
The Upwardly Mobile Subcultures of the Underachievers in Hong Kong |
FUNG Siu-yin 馮小燕 |
Social Dynamics in Cathay Pacific Strike – A Micromobilization Perspective |
LEE Wai-tong, Richard 李衛棠 |
Born to be Satisfied? A Sociological Study of Job Satisfaction of Teachers in A Hong Kong Secondary School |
TSE Kam-fai 謝錦輝 |
Identity Transformation and Role-Support: A Comparative Analysis of the Social-Psychological Progress of Recovery under Two Drug Treatment and Rehabilitation Programs |
WONG Siu-wai, Winnie 王笑慧 |
Empowerment of Women Recipients of Comprehensive Social Security Assistance in the Welfare Campaign in Hong Kong |
YAU Kin-chung 尤建中 |
The Precarious Symbiosis: Inter-Organizational Relationships among Domestic Producers in Hong Kong |
YIU Chuen-lai 姚傳禮 |
Deciphering Small Business Owners Strategies : A Sociological Study of Business Format Franchise |
1996 |
CAO Mei-ying 曹美英 |
經濟改革與家庭變遷—對北京市「一家兩制」家庭的社會學分析 |
CHAN Wai-leung 陳緯樑 |
The Quests for Salvation: A Study on the Religious Discourse of Chinese Protestantism in the Republican Era |
PING Ping 平萍 |
KWOK Chun-pong 郭振邦 |
Making Sense of Organizational Isomorphism: The Case of ISO 9000 in Hong Kong Industries |
LEUNG Hiu-tung, Vivien 梁曉東 |
Gender, Household and Economic Restructuring in Hong Kong |
SHUM Kwok-cheung 沈國祥 |
香港選民投票參與的探討:以1995年立法局地區直接選舉為例 |
1997 |
CHU Wai-chi, Rodney 朱偉志 |
American Endeavors in Capturing the Post-War Chinese Society: A Critical Assessment |
WONG Shun-yin 黃舜賢 |
Different Consumers, Different Services: Managerial Control in the Insurance Industry |
YAM Chiu-ling, Elaine 任肖玲 |
Cultural Communication and Alternative Values: The Intervention of Chinese Writers in the Public Sphere |
1998 |
CAI Guoxuan 蔡國萱 |
中國改革過程中的城市社會分層秩序 |
CHAN Chun-mei, Sylvia 陳俊微 |
Gender Differences in Alcohol Use and Alcohol – Related Problems among Adults in Hong Kong
CHIU Man-yiu, Tony 趙文耀 |
Spatial Order of a Global City: Transformation of Urban Structure in Hong Kong, 1971-1996 |
HUNG Ho-fung, Sam 孔誥烽 |
Colonial State Building and Rural Protest in Hong Kong |
LAI Yuen-mei 黎婉薇 |
The Dynamics of Restructuring and Relocation: The Case of Hong Kong’s Garment Industry |
LEUNG Lai-yee 梁麗儀 |
LI Hang-tsang 李鏗錚 |
The Emerging Structure of Global Interaction: An Integration of the Network and World System Perspective |
NG Chor-kong 吳楚江 |
Encapsulating Subjectification – Reappraisal of the Possibilities and Constraints for Mothering Alone on Welfare |
TSE Hing-sang 謝慶生 |
基督教村的形成和發展:中國基督教的一種獨特皈依型態研究 |
WU Wai-man 胡慧敏 |
Public Housing Movement within the Democratized Context |
YUEN Siu-man, Amy 袁小敏 |
Gendered Job and Clerical Workers in Hong Kong |
YUEN Yun-chou 阮紉秋 |
In Search of Authenticity: A Study of Gay and Lesbian Movement in Hong Kong |
1999 |
CHENG Chi-man 鄭志文 |
Rethinking State-Society Relationships: Emgergence of Civil Society at Canton in Late Qing, 1896-1911 |
CHEUNG Pui-sze 張佩思 |
Engendering Parenthood: A Study of Chinese Family in Hong Kong |
CHEUNG Wai-ting 鄭慧婷 |
Social Capital and Post-Treatment Drug Use of Treated Heroin Addicts in Hong Kong |
FUNG Wai-hing 馮惠卿 |
一個理想社區的追尋—培僑中學46-97年文化社會學探索 |
LAM Lok 林樂 |
香港的新紀元運動—個案研究 |
LEE Ying-chuen 李瀅銓 |
The Practice of Marginality: A Study of the Subversiveness of Blackbird |
MA Kei 馬驥 |
From Underdogs to Modernization – A Exploratory Study on the Transformation of Peasants’ View of Life in the Rural Reconstruction Movement and the Land Reform Management during the Early 20th Century China |
WONG Ka-chung 黃家松 |
Restructuring without Upgrading: A Sociological Study on Hong Kong Electronics Industry, 1978-1996 |
YIM Kit-sum 嚴潔心 |
香港街頭性工作—性別與社會組織 |
Year |
Student |
Thesis Title |
2000 |
CHAN Chun-wai, May 陳春慧 |
The Contemporary Wave of Emigration from Hong Kong: In Anticipation of 97 |
HUANG Yu 黃玉 |
市場改革下中國知識分子的轉型—知識分子下海與知識分子非政治化 |
IP Chung-yan 葉仲茵 |
Managing the Service Workplace: A Case Study of Life Insurance Industry in Hong Kong |
LEE Ka-man 李家文 |
The Timing of Family Formation in Post-war Hong Kong |
WONG Wai-ling 王惠玲 |
Gender and the Politics of Cross-Border Family Organization |
2001 |
CHEN Hon-fai 陳漢輝 |
Functionalism and Theoretical Humanism: A Comparison between Talcott Parsons and Niklas Luhmann |
CHU Sheng-hua 朱盛華 |
Consumption and Advertising in Urban China: The Construction and Pursuit of A Middle Class Way of Life |
HO Chui-ming 何翠明 |
Negotiating Marginality in Urban Milieu: The Resistance of the Street Sleepers in Yaumatei |
KOO Wai-sze 古緯詩 |
Institutionalization of Preschool Education and Services in Hong Kong |
LAU Siu-lai 劉小麗 |
神話與絕望—當代香港小說的文學社會學分析 |
MAK Wing-yan 麥泳恩 |
The Construction of Identity: A Case Study of Elder Volunteers in a Multi Service Center |
MAN Chi-shing 文志成 |
Exploitation, Exit and Familism: Economic Retreatism of the Migrant Workers in the Pearl River Delta |
TSANG Yuk-ha, Eileen 曾玉霞 |
Class Formation, Living Styles and Consumerism for the “New Class Fraction” – A Case Study in Pearl River Delta Region |
2002 |
DIAO Pengfei 刁鵬飛 |
浮現出的上海新中產階級 |
LEE Chi-miu 李志苗 |
游戈在旅遊業與歷史古跡之間—殖民統治與東方主義下的身份建構 |
LO Suet-yee 羅雪怡 |
Explaining the Development of the Primary Science Curriculum in Hong Kong |
MAK Tsz-wai 麥子偉 |
The Rise and Institutionalization of Management Education in Hong Kong |
TAM Wing-sai, Jessica 譚穎茜 |
The Technology of Self in Cyberspace: Exploring Foucauldian Perspective on Ethics |
YIU Wai-hung 姚偉雄 |
漫畫與社會:從《龍虎門》看香港文化結構 |
YUNG King-fung, Phoenix 翁京鳳 |
We Have No Choice! Social Exclusion and Citizenship of the Nepalese Community in Hong Kong |
2003 |
DING Lai-ling 丁麗玲 |
The Agency of the Minority Women: A Case Study of the Miao Women in A Rural Community of Guizhou in China |
FANG Fang 方芳 |
Service Work and the Commercialized Relationship: A Case Study of A Multinational Soft Drink Company in China |
HOI Pui-shan 許佩珊 |
The Interplay of Mobile Technology, Structure of Social Relationships and Adolescents’ Agency: A Study of Adolescents’ Social Use of Mobile Telephone in Hong Kong |
LAM Kit 林潔 |
The Building of Christians: A Case Study of Cell Group Church in Hong Kong |
LEE Kam-yan 李錦茵 |
Individualism under Chinese Modernization: A Study in Guangzhou |
NG Pui-man 吳佩雯 |
The Dilemma of Teachers’ Work Lives: An Exploratory Study of the Organization of Teaching in Hong Kong |
TIAN Xiaoli 田曉麗 |
Political Capital in A Transitional Economy: A Study of Chinese Private Entrepreneurs |
TSANG Chung-yan 曾頌欣 |
The Cultural Construction of Child Images: A Study on Films in Hong Kong from the 60s to the 90s |
WONG Shun-wah 黃舜華 |
Gender and Professional Authority in Hospital |
2004 |
HO Pui-hung 何佩紅 |
Constructing Modern Citizen: Civics Education in Postwar Hong Kong |
HO Wing-yee 何詠儀 |
Schooling Boys and Girls: The Development of Single-sex and Co-educational Schools in Hong Kong |
LAU Hoi-leung 劉凱亮 |
Gay Specificity: The Reworking of Heteronormative Discourse in Hong Kong Gay Community |
SO Ka-lok, Carol 蘇嘉珞 |
State Feminism in Hong Kong: Implications on Women’s Movement Agenda |
WONG Wo-ping 黃和平 |
A Sociological Study of the Marginal Labor Market Situation in Hong Kong: A Case Study of Public Housing Estates Sanitors |
YEUNG Hoi-shan, Frances 楊凱珊 |
Contending for the Private Sphere in a Guangzhou Community |
2005 |
CHAN Siu-han 陳少嫻 |
Culture and Modernization in the Hong Kong New Wave Movement: A Culture Industry Perspective |
LAM Siu-mun 林少敏 |
Martial Negotiation of Gender Relations among Status Reversal Couples |
LAU Kim-ling 劉劍玲 |
靈性的集體追尋—一個邊緣基督徒群體的研究 |
LEE Tsz-lok 李子樂 |
Contested Terrain? An Exploratory Study of Employment Relations between Foreign Domestic Workers and Middle-Class Chinese Employers in Hong Kong |
LIU Shuo 劉碩 |
Guanxi and Economic Performance in Product Promotion: The Case of Pharmaceutical Industry in China |
LUI Kwong-fa 呂廣花 |
身體資本的打造,規訓與培育—香港美容顧問個案研究 |
NG King-sau 吳琼秀 |
Global Civil Society and Cultural Change: The Case of Environmental Groups in China |
SHUM Hoi-ying 岑凱盈 |
Community Currency as an Empowering Mechanism for the Poor in Hong Kong: Understanding Its Success and Deficiency |
YUE Yin 岳崟 |
Cultural Habitus and the New Urban Underclass: A Study of Southern Beijing Communities |
ZHANG Yanan 張雅楠 |
Civil Society and Power of Professional Gropus in China: A Case Study of Beijing Municipal Lawyers’ Association |
2006 |
CHOW Suk-kin 周淑健 |
清潔香港與公民身份的形成 |
GAO Yang 高洋 |
Gender and Nationalism in Chinese Films between 1949 and 1989 |
LI Zhijin 李之瑾 |
多子女和獨生子女家庭支持和權力關係的比較—以上海為個案 |
MOK Yui-ting 莫蕊亭 |
Social Correlates of Adolescent Deviant Behavior in Hong Kong: A Test of Agnew’s General Strain Theory |
ZHANG Jiabing 張佳昺 |
The Relevancy of Work Ties in Job Hunting |
WONG Lai-fong 黃麗芳 |
Network Deficit? Interorganizational Relationships and the Software Industry in Hong Kong |
2007 |
CAO Lida 曹理達 |
Selling the Body, Keeping the Soul: Construction of a Gendered Self among Female Sex Workers in Southwest China |
LAI Yuk-ling 黎玉玲 |
The Conception of Love among a Group of Young Hong Kong People: From Modernity to Postmodernity |
LO Kai-ching 羅啟政 |
Towards a Sociology of Ethics and Morality: A Comparison between Jürgen Habermas and Niklas Luhmann |
ZHANG Moxue 張默雪 |
中產階層的客觀位置,生活方式與主觀認同—以南京等五大城市為例 |
2008 |
CHAN Chun-hay 陳春曦 |
Towards the Revitalisation of Everyday Life Sociology: An Exploration of the Potential of the French Tradition, and Some Reformative Proposals |
HO Ching-wai 何政偉 |
The Workplace and Reality under Educational Reform: How Teachers Navigate through the Sea of Change |
HO Chun-kit 何俊傑 |
Broker Organizations and Coalition Forms: Coalition Formation and Maintenance |
NG Vitrierat 吳木欣 |
制度的神話—NGO推行男男性接觸者預防愛滋病措施的研究 |
OR Pui-ying, Cookie 柯珮凝 |
Consuming Karaoke in Hong Kong |
TSUI Sing-yan, Eric 徐承恩 |
State-business Relations in Hong Kong through Executive Council, 1982 – 2005: A Network Perspective |
2009 |
FUNG Ka-wo 馮嘉和 |
The Development and Expansion of Extra-curricular Activities in Hong Kong Secondary Schools |
LUI Ching-wu, Lake 呂青湖 |
Division of Household Labor When She Earns More than He Does |
WEI Yifan 魏一帆 |
Politics in Command: The Origin of Late Reform in Northeast China |
WU Yanni 吳燕妮 |
Do Well or Do Good? — Analysis of Conditions and Motivations that Drive Corporate Philanthropy in China |
YAU Ka-wai 邱家偉 |
香港學童的興趣班風潮—自反性現代化的建構 |
2010 |
CHENG Man-chuen 鄭文荃 |
Dangerous Rice Bowl: Risks and their Management among Chinese Female Sex Workers (FSWs) in Macau |
LAW Helen 羅海倫 |
Cross-National Patterns of Gender Gap in Math Test Scores: Role of Family Background, Single-Sex Schooling, and Gender Equities |
LI Ming 黎明 |
Different Lives under the Same Name: Stresses and Identities among Lesbians in Northeast China |
SHIN Kei-wah, Victor 冼基樺 |
Hollywood of the East: The Rise and Fall of the Hong Kong Film Industry since the 1970s |
ZHU Ying 朱穎 |
當代中國農村的家庭養老模式與養老期望 |
Year |
Student |
Thesis Title |
2011 |
BAO Luoman 鮑羅曼 |
Motivations for Supporting Elderly Parents in Chinese Families |
KIM Ji-hye 金智惠 |
Social Relations and School Life Satisfaction in South Korea
LIU Yao 劉瑶 |
YICK Man-kin 易汶健 |
Ecological Change and Organizational Legitimacy Repair: A Case Study of Hong Kong YWCA, Tai O |
ZHANG Xun 張珣 |
當代中國職業經理人群體的工作管轄權控制及影響因素分析 |
2012 |
CHIU Tuen Yi 趙端怡 |
Wife Abuse in Cross-border Marriages: Intersections of Migration, Gender, Class, and Culture |
LO Sin Chi 盧善姿 |
The Construction of Movement Identity in Lifestyle Movements: A Case Study of Choi Yuen Village Livelihood Place |
LI Yuet Man 李越民 |
構建一所現代型大學:香港中文大學的個案研究 |
LIU Yue 劉悅 |
Generating Social Solidarity: Some Preliminary Evidence |
SZE Tak On 施德安 |
框架與身份認同:廣州文化保育運動的個案研究 |
YIP Chun Ting, Patrick 葉俊廷 |
Constituting the Modern Self through Numbers: Tracking the Development of School Mathematics Instruction in Hong Kong |
ZHU Ling 朱靈 |
市場化進程中的“能力-庇護”雙效應與衝突性偏差:關於轉型期中國共產黨員收入優勢的悖論 |
2013 |
LIU Ran 劉冉 |
Transformation of Trust Structure: Goal Displacement of Microfinance Institutions in Rural China |
SHI Lizi 石粒子 |
祖輩照料對孫輩認知能力的影響 — 基於臺灣教育長期追蹤資料的實證研究 |
WANG Xiao 王驍 |
Child Endowments and Parental Investments: A Case of Contemporary China |
XIANG Jun 項軍 |
The Overlooked Importance of Familial Ties as a Channel of Hukou Mobility and Unequal Access to its Use |
2014 |
CHEUNG Pui Yin 張培然 |
Mediating and Moderating Effects of Psychological Well-being in Health Inequality: A Longitudinal Study |
HUNG Yuk Leong 洪旭亮 |
Wage Penalty and Subjective Stress of Care Work: Sources of the Double Burden among Caregivers in the U.S. |
LAI Yuen Shan 黎苑姍 |
Abortion among Female Migrant Workers in China: State, Market and Interpersonal Dynamics |
PANG Chi Long, Javier 彭梽樃 |
家庭、城市與物質化男性特質 – 以南中國男性農民工為例 |
REN Huiyan 任慧岩 |
策略與門檻:中國企業社會網路作用機制的探討 |
SHEN Xirong 沈茜蓉 |
Emergent Norms of Scientific Recognition in China: A Case Study of Life-science Research in Two Universities |
ZHU Can 祝粲 |
當代重點大學大學生政黨認同與政治參與研究——以廣州中山大學為例 |
2015 |
LIN Pik Man 連碧文 |
Beyond “No Regrets”: Family Class Background, Current Status and Collective Memories of Shanghai Educated Youth |
LUO Xiaoya 羅曉亞 |
Self-control, Social Factors, and Victimization among Rural-to-Urban Migrant Adolescents in China |
2016 |
CHAN Chui Shan 陳翠珊 |
How New Generation Chinese Migrant Workers’ Social Network Affects Their Psychological Well-being Through Employment Satisfaction and Social Integration? |
CHAN Kei Tung 陳紀彤 |
Transgender People’s Negotiation of Gender Identity in Public Restrooms: Spatial Access, Interaction, and Body Position |
CHAN Pui Man 陳沛雯 |
Framing: A Study on Pro-LGBT Protestant Organizations in Hong Kong |
CHEUNG Chun Lok Joycie 張浚樂 |
Postsecondary Educational Choice of Working-class Low Performers in Hong Kong: Associate Degree or Higher Diploma? |
SHEN Yifan 沈一帆 |
The Association between Spouses’ Earnings and Earnings Inequality in Urban China: 1988-2007 |
WONG Miu Yin 黃妙賢 |
Female Activists in Hong Kong Umbrella Movement: Body as a Site of Structure and Agency |
2017 |
CHAO Mun Wa 周滿華 |
The Paths to Youth Activism in Hong Kong: A Case Study of the Scholarism |
CHENG Ka Long 鄭嘉朗 |
Conformity of the ‘Non-Conformists’: How does Self-disclosure Influence the Attitudes of the Umbrella Movement Participants? |
HU Yutong 胡語桐 |
延續科爾曼報告的中國研究:初中生成績的城鄉差異解構及相關機制探討 |
LIU Shichao 劉詩超 |
The Development Trajectory of Social Organization Incubators in Shenzhen — Taking the Luohu Social Innovation Space as Example |
WANG Jingxuan 王景璇 |
Neighbourhood Social Characteristics and Adolescent Mental Health in China: Concentrated Disadvantage and Collective Efficacy |
YE Hanzhang 葉瀚璋 |
A Fuzzy Set Approach to Structural Balance Theory: A Different Interpretation of Heider’s Theory |
2018 | CHANG Yun Tzu 張芸慈 |
Bargained Corporatism: The Study of Non-Profit Incubators in China
WU Haotian 吳昊天 |
The Effects of Non-Cognitive Skills on Educational Attainment and Income: A Comparative Study of Mainland China and Taiwan | |
2019 | BU Xuan 卜璇 |
Understanding the Impacts of Government Purchase of Social Services on NPOs in China: A Case Study in Shenzhen
WANG Shengbo 王聖博 |
Contentious Public Space: A City Square in Shandong, China | |
YUAN Xiao 袁晓 |
How Does Peer Academic Performance Affect Educational Aspiration?