Dean of the Faculty of Law 法律學院院長
Wei Lun Professor of Law 偉倫法律學講座教授
Solicitor (England & Wales) | Rechtsanwalt (Frankfurt a.M.)

(852) 3943 4424 / 3943 0918
(852) 3942 0932
Faculty of Law
6/F, Lee Shau Kee Building
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Sha Tin, NT, Hong Kong SAR
Professor Wolff was appointed Dean of the Faculty of Law in January 2019 and assumed the Deanship on 30 September 2019. Prior to that he was the Dean of the CUHK Graduate School from September 2014 to August 2019. Professor Wolff was a founding member of the Faculty of Law (then: School of Law). He has served amongst others as Associate Dean (Faculty Development) (9/2008 to 7/2010), as Director of the Master of Laws Programmes in International Economic Law, Common Law and Chinese Business Law (9/2008 to 7/2011) and as Associate Dean (Graduate Studies) & Head of Graduate Division of Law (8/2010 to 8/2014). Professor Wolff specializes in International and Chinese Business Law, Comparative Law, and Private International Law. He has studied, worked and conducted research in a number of jurisdictions, including mainland China, Taiwan, and the USA. He is admitted to practice in England & Wales and in Germany. He is frequently invited to work as consultant with multi-national companies and law firms on investment projects in the Greater China region.
- Staatsexamen (University of Passau, Germany), 1987
- Dr iur (University of Passau. Germany), 1990
- 2. Staatsexamen (OLG Dusseldorf, Germany), 1991
- Dr iur habil (University of Passau, Germany), 1997
- QLTT (London), 2004
- Admitted to the Duesseldorf Bar, 1991
- Admitted to the Frankfurt Bar, 1999
- Admitted to the Roll of Solicitors (England & Wales) 2004
- CUHK Vice-Chancellor’s Exemplary Teaching Award 2018
- Award of the title ‘Wei Lun Professor of Law’, 2014
- CUHK University Education Award, 2013
- CUHK Vice-Chancellor’s Exemplary Teaching Award, 2011
- CUHK Vice-Chancellor’s Exemplary Teaching Award, 2007
- CUHK Research Excellence Award, 2008-09
- Member of the Law Reform Commission of Hong Kong, since 2020
- Professor (apl.) Faculty of Law, University of Passau, Germany, 2004-2009
- International and Chinese Business Law
- Comparative Law
- Private International Law
Books (single-authored)
- The Law of Cross-Border Business Transactions – Principles, Concepts, Skills 1st and 2nd ed., Alphen aan den Rijn, 2013 and 2016
- Mergers & Acquisitions in China: Law and Practice – 1st to 5th ed., Hong Kong 2006 to 2015
- The International Business Law of the PRC (in German), 1st and 2nd ed., Frankfurt a.M., 1999 and 2005
- Property Transfer Risk and Restitutional Interests – Structure and Revocation of Property Transfers explained on the basis of the examples of ‘Synallagma’ and ‘Leistungskondiktion’ (in German), Berlin (Germany) 1998
- The Labour Contract in the PRC under the Labour Contract System of 1986 (in German), Hamburg (Germany) 1990
Books (co-authored)
- Flipped Classrooms for Legal Education, Singapore 2016 (with Jenny Chan)
Books (edited)
- Itineraria iuris – From Rome to China: Festschrift for Ulrich Manthe (in German) (with Peter Gröschler, Jan Dirk Harke and Dietmar Scharnbacher), Berlin (Germany) 2017
- Legal Dimensions of China’s Belt and Road Initiative (with Xi Chao), Hong Kong 2016
- China Outbound Investments, Hong Kong 2011 (Chinese version: Beijing, 2012)
- China Master Business Law Guide – Legislation (with Zhang Xianchu), Hong Kong 2009
Articles (single-authored)
- Legal Responses to China’s “Belt and Road” Initiative: Necessary, Possible or Pointless Exercise?, Transnational Law and Contemporary Problems Vol. 29/2 (2020), p. 249 (available online at:
- The relationship between contract law and property law, Common Law World Review (2020), pp. 1-25 (available online at: - Artificial Intelligence ante portas: The End of Comparative Law?, The Chinese Journal of Comparative Law Vol. 7/3 (2019), p. 484 (available at: - Comparing Chinese law … but, with which legal systems?, The Chinese Journal of Comparative Law Vol. 6/2 (2018), p. 151
- From a ‘Small Phrase with Big Ambitions’ to a Powerful Driver of Contract Law Unification? – China’s Belt and Road Initiative and the CISG, 34 Journal of Contract Law (2017), p. 50
- What is a Conflict of Laws? The Case of Chinese Customary Law in Hong Kong, Hong Kong Law Journal Vol. 46 (No. 3) (2016), p. 849
- Offshore Holdings for Global Investments of Multinational Enterprises: Just Evil?, (2015) 6 The Journal of Business Law, p. 445
- Flexible Choice-of-Law Rules: Panacea or Oxymoron?, Journal of Private International Law Vol. 10 No. 3 (2014), p. 431
- Chinese Outbound Investments in the Food Sector: Hungry for Much More!, Food and Drug Law Journal Vol. 69 No. 3 (2014), p. 399
- Chinese Investments Overseas – Onshore Rules and Offshore Risks, The International Lawyer Vol. 45 (No. 4) (Winter 2011), p. 1029
- Law and Flexibility – Rule of Law Limits of a Rhetorical Silver Bullet, The Journal Jurisprudence Vol. 11 (October 2011), p. 549
- Pathological Investment Projects in China, The International Lawyer (Fall 2010) Vol. 44 (No. 3), p. 1001
- Hong Kong Conflict of Contract Laws: Quo Vadis?, Journal of Private International Law Vol. 5 No. 2 (2010), p. 465
- Statutory Retention of Title Structures? Deakin Law Review Vol. 14 No. 1 (2009), p. 1
- China’s Private International Investment Law – One-way Street into Chinese Law?, American Journal of Comparative Law Vol. LVI (Fall 2008) No. 4, p. 1039
- China Business and Contract Penalties, Journal of Contract Law Vol. 23 10/2007, p. 180
- Assignment Agreements under English Law: Lost between Contract and Property Law?, (2005) 7 The Journal of Business Law, p. 473
- Self-Governance German Style: Comply or explain … and if you explain we will make you comply, Corporate Governance Law Review, Vol. 1 3/2005, p. 371
- Making Perfect Corporate Governance Rules: Mission Impossible?, (2004) 7 (3) Corporate Governance International, Sept, p. 6
- Law as A Marketing Gimmick – The Case of the German Corporate Governance Code, (2004) 3 Wash U Global Stud L Rev, p. 115
- Structured Problem Solving – German Methodology from a Comparative Perspective, (2004) 14 Legal Education Review , p. 19
- International Product Liability Law of the People’s Republic of China (in German), Versicherungsrecht 4/2004, p. 165
- International M&A and the Problem of the Effective Date under Chinese Law, Common Law World Review Vol. 33/3 (2004), p. 283
- Insolvency, Dissolution and Liquidation, Chapter 8 of: CCH Asia Pte. Limited (publisher), CHINA Company Law Guide (looseleaf, Singapore, since 2004)
- Materialization of immaterial damages (in German), Transportrecht 5/2003, p. 190
- The Disappearance of the Ultra Vires Doctrine in Greater China, 23 Northwestern Journal of International Law & Business (Spring 2003), p. 633
Articles (co-authored)
- The History of a Mystery: the Evolution of the Law of Unjust Enrichment in Germany, England and China (with Steve Gallagher and Lin Siyi), 3 International Comparative, Policy & Ethics Law Review (2020), p. 337
- The Risk of Mixed Laws (with Bing Ling), 15 Columbia Journal of Asian Law (2002), p 174
Book Chapters (single-authored)
- China’s Outbound Investments and the Rule of Law, in: Tim Wenniges/Walter Lohmann (eds.), Chinese FDI in the EU and in the US: Simple Rules for Turbulent Times (Singapore, 2019), pp. 101-111
- Competition Advocacy and Competition Culture (in Chinese), in: Yearbook of the German- Chinese Institute for Legal Sciences of the Universities of Göttingen and Nanjing, Vol. 14, (Beijing, 2017), pp. 63-80
- Impossibility of Performance and Contract Validity: A German Perspective, in: Larry di Matteo/Chen Lei (eds.), Chinese Contract Law – Civil and Common Law Perspectives (Cambridge, 2017), pp. 239-278
- Hong Kong, SAR of China, in: Juergen Basedow (eds.), Encyclopedia of Private International Law, Vol. 3, (UK/USA, 2017), pp. 2129-2138
- Hong Kong Legal History – why and for what? (in German), in: Peter Gröschler/Jan Dirk Harke/Dietmar Scharnbacher/Lutz-Christian Wolff (eds.), Itineraria iuris – From Rome to China: Festschrift for Ulrich Manthe (Berlin 2017), pp. 275-296
- The Flexibility of Chinese Law – Trick or Treat for the “Belt and Road” Initiative, in: Lutz-Christian Wolff/Chao Xi, Legal Dimensions of China’s ‘Belt and Road’ Initiative (Hong Kong 2016), pp. 593-625
- China’s “Belt and Road” – An Introduction, in: Lutz-Christian Wolff/Chao Xi, Legal Dimensions of China’s One Belt One Road Initiative (Hong Kong 2016), pp.1-31
- Cross-border Mergers & Acquisitions in China – Development Trends from a Legal Perspective (in German), in: Gerd Kaminski & Barbara Kreissl (eds.), With Thorne Crown and Sword – China’s Legal System (Vienna 2013), pp. 199-222
- Investment Modes, Investment Vehicles and Investment Restrictions, in: Lutz-Christian Wolff (ed.), China Outbound Investments (Hong Kong 2011), pp 131-141
- Approval and Registration Requirements, in: Lutz-Christian Wolff (ed.), China Outbound Investments (Hong Kong 2011), pp.13-27
- China Outbound Investments: Facts and Developments, in: Lutz-Christian Wolff (ed.), China Outbound Investments (Hong Kong 2011), pp. 8-12
- Insolvency, Dissolution and Liquidation, Chapter 8 of: CCH Asia Pte Limited (ed.), China Company Law Guide (Singapore 2004)
- 1st update 2005
- 2nd update 2006
- 3rd update 2007
- 4th update 2008
- Offshore Structures and China’s WTO-membership, in: David Smith/Zhu Guobin (eds.), China and WTO: Going West (Hong Kong 2002), pp. 151-164
- Chinese Foreign Trade Law in Practice (in German), in: Wirtschaftshandbuch China, Frankfurt (Germany) 1999, pp. 40-45
- Real Estate Law of the PR China (in German), in: Florian Ranft (ed.) Handbuch Wirtschaft und Recht in Asien (München, 1999), Teil D. III. (pp. 1-32)
- Investment Law of the PR China between Plan and Market (in German), in: Bernt Sierke/Karin Dietz (ed.),Wachstumsregion Asien-Pazifik (Frankfurt a.M.,1997), pp. 67-80
- Opting out of the CISG, Symposium on the “Application of the CISG to the HKSAR”, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 28 August 2020
- Unjust Enrichment or Unjustified De-Enrichment?, Conference on “The Role of the Law of Unjust Enrichment”, CUHK LAW, Hong Kong, 26 June 2020
- Contract Law is Property Law!, public online seminar, Obligations Lab Asia/Property Law Seminars, CUHK LAW, Hong Kong, 17 June 2020
- A Short History of China’s Belt & Road Initiative, CUHK LAW Greater China Legal History Seminar, Hong Kong, 20 March 2020
- China’s Belt and Road Initiative and the Export of Chinese Law, International Economic Law Forum “International Cooperation on Rule of Law and the Belt and Road Initiative”, Institute of International Law – Chinese Academy of Social Science, Beijing, 13 October 2019
- Flipped Classrooms, Faculty Seminar, Faculty of Law Singapore Management University, Singapore, 12 September 2019
- Legal Aspects of China’s Belt and Road Initiative, Lunchtime Seminar TSMP Law Corporation, Singapore, 11 September 2019
- Comparing Chinese Law: Will AI Soon Take Over?, Conference on Big Data and Chinese Courts, Institute of East Asian Studies – University of Cologne, Germany, 13 July 2019
- China’s Belt and Road Initiative: End or New Beginning of the Rule of Law Doctrine?, 16th Asian Law Institute Conference, National University of Singapore, 11 June 2019
- Special Purpose Vehicles in International Financial Transactions, Conference on International Financial Law, Ocean University of Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan, 30 March 2019
- Offshore Holdings as Structuring Tools in International Business Transactions, The University of Macau, Faculty of Law, Macau, 15 March 2019
- OBG Ltd v Allan – The Property Law Perspective, Torts Conference – Obligations Group Melbourne Law School, The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia, 6 December 2018
- Structuring BRI Investments – How to Balance the Competing Interests?, UNCITRAL-UM Joint Conference 2017, Macau (China), 1 December 2018
- The Tort of Conversion: OBG v Allan Revisited, CPD-course – Kornerstone, Hong Kong, 19 November 2018
- China’s Outbound Investment Regime(s), Round-table Presentation, LKI Institute, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 1 November 2018
- Flipped Classrooms – How to make them work and how to avoid failure, EduTECH Asia Conference, Invited Workshop, Singapore, 8 October 2018
- Legal Aspects of the New Silk Road Initiative (in German), Annual Conference of the German-Chinese Lawyers’ Association, Hamburg (Germany), 21 September 2018
- China’s ‘One Belt One Road’ Initiative, University of Milan, Milan (Italy), 17 September 2018
- Comparative Chinese Law Research: Which Legal Regimes to Choose?, 2018 Annual General Conference of the European China Law Studies Association, Torino (Italy), 14 September 2018
- Comparing Chinese Law, Inaugural Chinese Journal of Comparative Law Conference “Comparative Law and Transitional Systems: The Past, Present and Future, Xi’an (China), 9 June 2018
- Law Teacher Motivation – Really Important?, Directions in Legal Education Conference 2018, CUHK Faculty of Law, Hong Kong, 1 June 2018
- The History of a Mystery: The Development of the Law of Unjust Enrichment in Hong Kong, China and Germany (with Steven Gallagher and Lin Siyi), Public Seminar, Faculty of Law – The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 2 February 2018
- Legal Harmonization in the Belt and Road Area: Towards Flexible Commercial Law?, UNCITRAL-UM Joint Conference 2017, Macau (China), 11 December 2017
- Flexible Law as Response to the Challenges of Globalization?, 14th International Law Forum: “International Law in a New Era: Change, Innovation and Development”, organized by the Institute of International Law – Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing (China) 2 December 2017
- Merger Control and National Security Review – The Case of China, Conference on Competition Law and Telecommunications – Key Regulatory Challenges, organized by the Center for Financial Regulation and Development, Faculty of Law – The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 23 March 2017
- China’s ‘Belt and Road Initiative’ and the CISG: Accelerating Contract Law Harmonization through a Diplomatic Programme?, 2016 UNCITRAL Emergence Conference, Macau, 13 December 2016
- Hong Kong’s Legal History – for What and for Whom?, 35th Annual Conference of the Australian and New Zealand Legal History Society, Perth (Australia), 6 December 2016
- The Global Financial Crisis and the End of the Rule of Law, Conference on The Global Economy of Financial Regulation, Faculty of Law – The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 4 June 2016
- Legal Education without Teaching, Conference on Teaching and Learning in Law, Faculty of Law – The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 3 June 2016
- Chinese Investment Law 2016, CPD-course – Kornerstone, Hong Kong, 15 April 2016
- The Impossibility to Perform and Contract Validity: German and Chinese Contract Law Compared, Conference on Perspectives on Chinese Contract Law, School of Law, City University of Hong Kong, 15 April 2016
- Flipped Classrooms – An Educational Silver Bullet? (with Jenny Chan), CUHK Teaching and Learning ExPo 2015, Hong Kong, 16 December 2015
- The Relationship between ‘Regular’ Law and Chinese Customary Law in Hong Kong, Public Seminar, Centre for Rights and Justice, Faculty of Law – The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 23 October 2015
- Flexible Chinese Law, Annual Conference of the Europe China Law Studies Association, Köln (Germany), 26 September 2015
- Competition Advocacy and the Regulation of Monopoly Sectors (in German), Internationales Symposium “Reform von Monopolsektoren und Regulierung”, Nanjing (China), 21 September 2015
- Conflicts between ‘Regular’ Law and Customary Law – The Case of Chinese Customary Law in Hong Kong, 10th Anniversary Conference of the Journal of Private International Law, Cambridge, 3 September 2015
- M&A in China 2015, CPD-course – Kornerstone, Hong Kong, 23 January 2015
- 35 Years of Chinese Foreign Investment Law: Facts, Trends and Stories, Wei Lun Professorship Inaugural Lecture, Hong Kong, 13 January 2015
- The Use of Offshore Holdings for Investments in Asia, 11th ASLI Conference, Kuala Lumpur, 30 May 2014
- To Tweet or Not to Tweet: Keeping Students Engaged and Off Social Media during Class, International Trademark Association (INTA) Annual Meeting – Adjunct Professors Special Interest Group Panel, Hong Kong 12 May 2014
- Mainland Chinese Investments Abroad: Legal Framework and Latest Developments, Chinese Culture University, Taipei, Taiwan, 2 May 2014
- Offshore Special Purpose Companies for Cross-border Investments in Asia: Criticism and Counter Arguments, Institute of Law of the Sea, National Taiwan Ocean University, Keelung, Taiwan, 1 May 2014
- Learning without Teaching?, key-note speech CUHK Teaching and Learning ExPo, Hong Kong, 5 December 2013
- Chinese Outbound Investments – Between Hype and Reality, Annual General Meeting of the German Chamber of Commerce Hong Kong – Lunch Talk, Hong Kong, 4 December 2013
- Chinese Investment Law – Basics and Current Trends, University of Cologne (Germany), 29 November 2013
- Restructuring China Investment Projects (in German), public seminar organized by Marccus Partners, Frankfurt a.M./ Düsseldorf (Germany), 27 September 2013
- Choice-of-Law and Jurisdiction Clauses in International Business Contracts, CPD-course – Kornerstone, Hong Kong, 19 March 2013
- Cross-border M&As in China – Development Trends from a Legal Perspective (in German), Vienna Conference on “With a Crown of Thorns and Sword – China’s Legal System organized by the Institute for China and South-East Asia Studies, Vienna (Austria), 13 November 2012
- Establishing Sound Competition Law Cultures in Asia – Just Wishful Thinking?, Annual Conference of the Asian Competition Forum, Hong Kong, 6 December 2011
- ‘Flexibilisation’ of Norms and Values as Basis for a Multi-cultural World Order, Konrad-Adenauer Stiftung AS Forum, Hong Kong, 8 November 2011
- The Role of Law in a Globalized World, Keynote at the Graduate Conference on “Law and Institutions in China’s Economic and Societal Transition: Between Tradition and Modernity”, Hong Kong, 6 November 2011
- M&A in China 2011, CPD-course – Kornerstone, Hong Kong, 20 October 2011
- Conflict of Contract Laws in Hong Kong, CPD-course – Legal Professional Courses, Hong Kong, 19 October 2011
- Inter-cultural Management, Konrad-Adenauer Stiftung AS Forum, Beijing (China), 20 May 2011
- Chinese Investment Law – Ten Years After China’s WTO Accession, The 10th KAS-SIFT Annual WTO Forum, Shanghai (China), 12 December 2010
- ‘Flexibility’ – A Key Feature of Capacity Building in Asian Competition Regimes?, Annual Conference of the Asian Competition Forum, Hong Kong, 6 December 2010
- Chinese Investment Law – 2010 Update, CPD-course – Legal Professional Courses, Hong Kong, 29 October 2010
- M&A in China – Law and Practice 2010, CCH Master Class, Hong Kong, 8 October 2010
- Corporate Governance in Multi-Cultural Societies, Lunch Talk Australasian Compliance Institute, Hong Kong, 9 June 2009
- Hong Kong Conflict of Contract Laws, CPD-course – LexisNexis, Hong Kong, 31 March 2009, repeated on 20 October 2009
- Cross-cultural Lawyering in Asia, Opening Keynote Presentation – Lawtech Asia Summit, Hong Kong, 16 April 2008
- The Structure of China’s Merger Control System, Forum on Competition and Development organized by The International Development and Research Centre (Canada), the Japan Fair Trade Commission and the Faculty of Law, Doshisha University, Kyoto (Japan), 13 April 2008
- Payment of the Purchase Price and Title Transfer in the Sale of Goods Context (in German), Hamburg University, Hamburg (Germany), 22 January 2008
- M&A Legislation in Mainland China – Developments, Problems, Future Prospects, Annual Conference of the Asian Competition Forum, Hong Kong, 12 December 2006
- Asian Culture and Competition Law in Asia, Annual Conference of the Asian Competition Forum, Hong Kong, 10 December 2006
- Mergers & Acquisitions in China: Law and Practice, Executive Seminar – CCH Hong Kong Ltd., Hong Kong, 10 November 2006
- Private International Business Law of the PRC, CPD-course – The Law Society of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 10 October 2006, repeated on 29 March 2007 and 1 April 2008
- Mergers and Acquisitions in Mainland China, CPD-course – MindTheme, Hong Kong, 21 September 2006, repeated on 16 July 2008, 17 February 2009 and 19 November 2009
- Regulating Foreign M&A Activities in China, Conference on Regulating Enterprises:The Regulatory Impact on Doing Business in China – The Foundation for Law, Justice and Society, Hong Kong, 20 September 2006
- PRC Investment Law – the Basics, CPD-course – MindTheme, Hong Kong, 27 July 2006, repeated on 4 March 2009
- Private Equity in China, CPD-course – MindTheme, Hong Kong, 7 April 2006
- Investments in the PRC and the Amended PRC Company Law, CPD-course – MindTheme, Hong Kong, 20 March 2006
- The Development of Hong Kong’s Legal System since 1997 (in German), University of Bremen, Bremen (Germany), 8 December 2005
- Ownership Transfers in Different Jurisdictions (in German), University of Hamburg, Hamburg (Germany), 7 December 2005
- Introduction to the Legal System of Hong Kong, University of Münster, Münster (Germany), 3 December 2005
- Introduction to the Legal System of Hong Kong (in German), University of Basel, Basel (Switzerland), 2 December 2005
- Studying Law in Hong Kong (in German), Johannes-Gutenberg-University Mainz (Germany), Mainz (Germany) 30 November 2005
- Acquiring Non-listed Companies in Mainland China, CPD-course MindTheme, Hong Kong, 27 June 2005
- Retention of Title-Structures under PRC Law – A Comparative Analysis, School of Law – Washington University, Seattle (USA), 25 April 2005, repeated on 2 June 2005 at The Polytechnic University of Hong Kong
- PRC Investment Law, CPD-course – MindTheme, Hong Kong, 12 April 2005, repeated on 20 October 2005
- Legal Harmonization and Legal Culture, Faculty of Law – University of Greifswald, Greifswald (Germany), 8 April 2005
- The Impact of Culture on Corporate Governance Rules, School of Oriental and African Studies – Law Department, London (UK), 9 March 2005
- Deutsche Bank Values, panel discussion with opening statement, Deutsche Bank GTO, Frankfurt a.M. (Germany), 7 December 2004
- Cultural Diversity and Corporate Governance, University of Houston Law Center, Houston (USA), 30 November 2004
- Systematic Analysis of Legal Problems in German Legal Education (in Chinese), Conference on Legal Education – co-hosted by the School of Law, Tsinghua University and the School of Law, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 21 May 2004
- Making Corporate Governance-Rules in a Multi-cultural Environment, SLSA Annual Conference 2004, Glasgow (UK), 7 April 2004
- Sourcing in Mainland China – Legal Aspects, Seminar organized by the Austrian Trade Commission), Hong Kong (China), 22 October 2003
- Product Liability under PRC Law, CPD course – the Law Society of Hong Kong, Hong Kong (China), 8 October 2003, repeated on 13 September 2004, on 28 September 2005 and on 20 March 2006
- The ultra vires-Doctrine in Greater China, University of Freiburg (in German), Freiburg (Germany), 30 January 2003
- The German Corporate Governance Code (in German), University of Erfurt, Erfurt (Germany), 10 December 2002
- Multi-cultural Lawyering, CPD-course – the Hong Kong Law Society, Hong Kong, 2 September 2002
- PRC Contract Law – Practical Applications, CPD-course – Courses & Seminars, Hong Kong, 30 August 2002, repeated on 10 March 2003 and on 2 March 2004
- Interfacing with Mainland Law, Annual Convention of the Law Society of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 10 November 2001
- Solving PRC Civil Law Disputes, CPD-course Butterworths Professional Conference, Hong Kong, 1 August 2001, repeated on 1 March 2002 and on 10 October 2006
- Indirect Agency under Chinese Law (in German), Max-Planck-Institute for Foreign and International Private Law, Hamburg (Germany), 23 July 2001
- Multi-cultural Management, seminar conducted for the International Group of Controllers of Isola AG, Suzhou (China) 22 March 2001
- Comparative Dispute Solving Methodology (in Chinese), Northwest University of Politics and Law, Xian (China), 18 March 2001
- Multi-cultural Lawyering (in Chinese), Northwest University of Politics and Law, Xian (China), 16 March 2001
- Problems of the PRC Company Law, CPD-course – Butterworths Professional Conference), Hong Kong, 20 December 2000
- The Impact of China’s WTO Membership on Offshore Investment Structures, key-note speech (in Chinese), Conference on China’s WTO Membership and the Opening-Up of the West, Xian (China), 18 November 2000