School of Biomedical Sciences
The Chinese University of Hong Kong 香港中文大學


B.Sc., Ph.D.

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 Room 125A, 1/F, Lo Kwee-Seong Integrated Biomedical Sciences Building, Area 39, CUHK






Prof. MIU Kai Kei (繆啟基) graduated from his Bachelor degree in the Molecular Biomedical Sciences program in The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology with first class honours in 2011. Thereafter he joined our School as a Ph.D. student in Prof. LIN Ge’s laboratory working on the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of novel cancer therapeutics. After he obtained his Ph.D. in 2015, he became a post-doctoral fellow in Prof. CHAN Wai Yee’s laboratory and focused on the function of microRNAs in regulating stem cell differentiation and epigenetic control of developmental processes in the liver and reproductive systems. Since then, he also investigates the accurate detection of serum microRNAs and their implications as biomarkers to monitor endocrine system disorders including diabetes and reproductive cancers. He is now a Research Assistant Professor in the School of Biomedical Sciences at The Chinese University of Hong Kong since 2019.

  1. Stem cell and epigenetic reprogramming.
  2. microRNA regulation of diabetes.
  3. Liver development and differentiation.
  4. Cancer therapeutics.


  1. Wang, Z.T.#, Miu, K.K.#, Zhang, X.Y., Wan, A.T.Y., Lu, G., Cheung, H.H., Lee, H.M., Kong, A.P.S., Chan, J.C.N., Chan, W.Y. (2020). Hepatic miR-192-3p re-activation alleviates steatosis by targeting glucocorticoid receptor. Journal of Hepatology Reports, In Press.
  2. Jia, H.H., Li, R., Miu, K.K., Tang, S.J., Chen, W., Yang, G.Z., Li, Y.Y., Li, Q.N., Chen, J., Lu, L. (2020). Inhibited maternal bone resorption suppress fetal rat bone development during pregnancy. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology, 8:83.
  3. Li, L., Miu, K.K., Gu, S., Cheung, H.H., Chan, W.Y. (2018). Comparison of multi-lineage differentiation of hiPSCs reveals novel miRNAs that regulate lineage specification. Scientific Report, 8(1):9630.
  4. Yang, Y., Cheung, H.H., Tu, J., Miu, K.K.,  Chan, W.Y. (2016). New insights into the unfolded protein response in stem cells. Oncotarget, 7(33):54010-54027.
  5. Chu, Z., Miu, K.K., Lung, P., Zhang, S., Zhao, S., Chang, H.C., Lin, G., Li, Q. (2015). Rapid endosomal escape of prickly nanodiamonds: implications for gene delivery. Scientific Report, 5:11661.


  1. Miu, K.K., Cao, D.D., Wang, Z.T., Hao, S.Y., Chan, W.Y. The construction of 3D cognitive networks through precise spatiotemporal specification. Chapter in Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells-Novel Concepts, Advances in Stem Cell Biology (2020). Edited by Birbrair, A. Elsevier, In Press.
  2. Miu, K.K., Cao, D.D., Lu, G., Chan, W.Y. Genetics and genomics of early gonad development. Chapter 2 in Human Reproductive and Prenatal Genetics (2019). Edited by Leung, P.C.K. & Qiao, J. Academic Press.

    # Co-first Author