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KCLeung edited


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      Yasumoto International
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Academic Background

PhD Geography, University of Minnesota

MA Geographic Information Science and International Development, Clark University

BA Arts and Social Science, Hong Kong Baptist University

Research Interest

  • Urban Studies
  • Hong Kong Society
  • Globalisation and Development
  • Media Studies

Current Research

  • Community Identity and Mobilisation in Hong Kong

Courses Offered

CHES5136 Hong Kong and Mainland China: Interaction and Intergration

Selected Publications

2017 ‘Overseas Imaginations in Hong Kong’. In Chan KM, Cheung SK and Leung KC (eds) Hong Kong - - Society - Rupture.
2014 ‘Imaginations of the New Territories in Various Neighborhoods in Hong Kong’. In Chan KM, Cheung SK and Leung KC (eds) Hong Kong - Urban - Imagination.
2013 ‘Marginalization and Integration Imaginations in the High Speed Rail Contestation’. In Chan KM, Cheung SK and Leung KC (eds) Hong Kong - Discourses - Media. Hong Kong: Oxford.
2010 ‘Discussions on Sino-Latin American Relations in Qiangguo (or the Lack Thereof)’. In Shen S and Breslin S (eds) Online Chinese Nationalism and China’s Bilateral Relations. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.
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