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Stephan Ortmann edited

Adjunct Assistant Professor

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Academic Background

PhD Political Science, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg

MA Political Science, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg

Research Interest

  • Political and social changes in Greater China and Vietnam
  • Contentious politics
  • Civil society
  • Democratization

Current Research

  • Environmental protests in Vietnam and China
  • Contentious politics and civil society in Hong Kong
  • Liberalism and political opposition in Singapore

Courses Offered

CHES5135 State and Civil Society in contemporary China
CHES5141 US-China Relations

Selected Publications

2020 China's ‘Singapore Model’ and Authoritarian Learning, co-edited with Mark R. Thompson. London: Routledge.
2020 “Hong Kong’s Constructive Identity and Political Participation: Resisting China’s Blind Nationalism,” Asian Studies Review, ahead-of print.
2020 "Unmasking nativism in Asia’s world city: graffiti and identity boundary un/making in Hong Kong," co-authored with John Lowe, Continuum, 34:3, pp. 398-416.
2019 "Contentious politics and democratization in Hong Kong: Explaining growing demands for self-determination", Asian Education and Development Studies, ahead-of-print.
2018 “Mis-Modelling Singapore: China's Challenges in Learning from the City-State,” co-authored with Mark R. Thompson, The China Quarterly, 236, pp. 1014-1032.
2018 “From Sweden to Singapore: The Relevance of Foreign Models for China's Rise,” co-authored with Yang Kai, The China Quarterly, 236, pp. 946-967.
2017 Environmental Governance in Vietnam: Institutional Reforms and Failures. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.
2016 "Political Development in Hong Kong: The Failure of Democratization," Asian International Studies Review, 17:2, pp. 199-219.
2016 "The lack of sovereignty, the Umbrella Movement, and democratisation in Hong Kong," Asia Pacific Law Review, 24:2, pp. 108-122.
2016 "Singapore 2011-2015: A Tale of Two Elections," Asia Maior, 26, pp. 197-212.
2016 "China and the 'Singapore model'", co-authored with Mark R. Thompson, Journal of Democracy, 27:1, pp. 39-48.
2015 "The Umbrella Movement and Hong Kong's Protracted Democratization Process," Asian Affairs, 46:1, pp. 32-50.
2015 “Political Change and Civil Society Coalitions in Singapore,” Government and Opposition, 5:1, pp. 119-139.
2015 "The Significance of By-elections for Political Change in Singapore's Authoritarian Regime," Asian Survey, 54:4, pp. 725–748.
2015 "Democratization and the Discourse on Stability in Hong Kong and Singapore," Taiwan Journal of Democracy, 10:1, pp. 123-145.
2014 "China's obsession with Singapore: learning authoritarian modernity," The Pacific Review, 27:3, pp. 433-455.
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