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LI edited

Assistant Professor

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Academic Background

PhD Development Studies, University of Cambridge

MPhil Development Studies, University of Cambridge

BA Economics and LLB International Relations, Peking University

Research Interest

  • Political Economy
  • Public Policy and Growth Strategy
  • Governance & Institutional Analysis
  • Regulation and Financial Development
  • Business History
  • Value Investing and Security Analysis

Current Research

  • The political economy of China's large state enterprise reform
  • China's central state corporatism and centrally-controlled business groups
  • Policy regimes and China's financial market development
  • Industrial policy and regional development models in China
  • Bureaucracy, property rights infrastructure and China's economic governance

Courses Offered

CCSS1007 Introduction to the Chinese Economy
CCSS2450 Business and China
CCSS3102 Contemporary China: Summer Fieldwork
CCSS3550 Political Economy of China’s Reform
CCSS3610 Investment and Finance in China
CHES2102 China’s Business Environment in Historical Perspective
CHES3002 China's Financial Reforms: Problems and Perspectives

Other Positions Held

  • Assistant Professor (by courtesy), Lau Chor Tak Institute of Global Economics and Finance (IGEF), CUHK
  • Associate, Hong Kong Institution for International Finance (HKIIF)

Selected Publications

2020 Innovation and the Transition of China's Growth Model 以創新引領中國經濟增長模式的轉型, Wen Wei Po 文匯報, 01 December, 2020.
2020 Powering Ahead, China Daily, Global Edition, 30 November 2020.
2020 Why is It so Hard to Push Chinese Railway Projects in Southeast Asia? The Role of Domestic Politics in Malaysia and Indonesia” (with Guanie Lim and Emirza Adi Syailendra), World Development, 2021: (
2020 Big Business Boost, China Daily, Global Edition, 07 September 2020.
2020 中國大公司的趕超之路, Wen Wei Po 文匯報, 01 September 2020.
2020 "Cross the River by Feeling the Stones": China's Stock Markets Come of Age (co-authored with Andrew Sheng) “摸著石頭過河”:中國股票市場開始走向成熟 (與沈聯濤合撰), 中國日報中文網, 11 August 2020.
2020 Hybrid Regulatory Regime in Turbulent Times: The Role of State in China’s Stock Market Crisis in 2015-2016” (with Huanhuan Zheng and Yunbo Liu), Regulation & Governance, 2020: (
2020 “Neoliberalism and Economic Policymaking in Contemporary China”, in Michael Tribe (eds.) Economic Neoliberalism and International Development, Chapter 10, London and New York: Routledge, 2020.
2020 Chinese Stock Exchanges have Come of Age (co-authored with Andrew Sheng), China Daily, Global Edition, 07 August 2020.
2020 Hong Kong's Competitive Advantage still Strong, China Daily, Global Edition, 21 July 2020.
2020 U.S. Sanctions Cannot Weaken Hong Kong's Competitive Advantage 美國制裁不能撼動香港競爭優勢, Wen Wei Po 文匯報, 07 July, 2020.
2020 Endogenous Competitive Advantage is the Bedrock of Hong Kong's Prosperity 自身競爭優勢才是香港繁榮基石, Wen Wei Po 文匯報, 18 June, 2020.
2020 Competitive Edge will be Key to HK’s Prosperity, China Daily, Global Edition, 05 June 2020.
2020 How Big is the Threat of the US to Suspend Hong Kong's 'Special Trade Status' 美中止港「特殊貿易地位」威脅多大 Sing Tao Daily 星島日報, May 29, 2020.
2020 Will the US Suspend Hong Kong's 'Special Trade Status'? Hong Kong Institution for International Finance (HKIIF) Review, May 25, 2020.
2020 China's Economic Prospect amid Global Market Turbulence 全球市場震盪中的中國機遇, Wen Wei Po 文匯報, 09 May, 2020.
2020 “National Champions, Reforms and Industrial Policy in China” (with Muyang Chen), in Arkebe Oqubay, Christopher Cramer, Ha-Joon Chang and Richard Kozul-Wright (eds.), Oxford Handbook of Industrial Policy. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
2020 Hong Kong’s Economy Navigating Turbulent Times”, East Asian Policy 12 (1): 55-71.
2020 Grey Rhino, Not a Black Swan, China Daily, Global Edition, 26 March, 2020
2020 Hong Kong’s Economy in 2019 and Outlook for 2020, East Asian Institute (EAI) Background Briefs No. 1499, East Asian Institute, National University of Singapore.
2020 Promise of Virtual Money, China Daily, Global Edition, 14 February, 2020.
2019 No Time for Complacency, China Daily, Global Edition, 13 December, 2019.
2019 Quick Fixes Won't Be Enough for Hong Kong, China Daily, Global Edition, 01 November, 2019.
2019 Patient Capital in Impatient Times, China Daily, Global Edition, 28 August, 2019.
2019 Financing China’s Innovation Economy, China Daily, Global Edition, 7 August, 2019.
2019 Asia’s “Flying Geese”, China Daily, Global Edition, 22 July, 2019.
2019 “China’s Central State Corporatism: the Party and the Governance of Centrally Controlled Businesses”, in Lance L.P. Gore and Zheng Yongnian eds, The Chinese Communist Party in Action: Consolidating Party Rule. China Policy Series. Routledge, 2019.
2016 Review of China’s Evolving Industrial Policies and Economic Restructuring, edited by Yongnian Zheng and Sarah Y. Tong. London and New York: Routledge, 2014. Pacific Affairs, 89(4):868-870.
2016 Holding “China Inc.” Together: The CCP and The Rise of China's Yangqi, The China Quarterly 228 (December): 927-949.
2015          China's Centralized Industrial Order: Industrial Reform and the Rise of Centrally Controlled Big Business (Routledge Studies on the Chinese Economy). London and New York: Routledge.
2013 Li Chen, Xiao Geng and Andrew Sheng, "China's Evolving Growth Model", in Fung Global Institute Working Paper. Hong Kong: Fung Global Institute.
2013 Li Chen, Xiao Geng and Andrew Sheng, "The Story of Foshan City: Rethinking the Role of State and Market in China's Modernization", in the Framework Chapter, Fung Global Institute Working Research Report. Hong Kong: Fung Global Institute.
2010 How Inevitable is a 'Clash of Civilizations'? Journal of Cambridge Studies/Cambridge Journal of China Studies, 5 (2-3): 104-116.
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