香港中文大學 歴史系 歴史系

HIST7100 史學著作研討會:檔案與民間文獻

2020-2021年度 第一學期

時間星期三 2:30pm-4:15pm


課程講師 蔡志祥 ((852) 3943 7127 /


This seminar examines Chinese archives and local documents from the Ming-Qing period to the present. We will analyze and critically discuss meanings and usage of source materials such as imperial edicts, proclamations, business contracts, genealogies, inscriptions, family accounts and correspondences. This seminar is divided into three cycles according to students’ own research themes and needs. The first cycle will discuss students’ research frameworks, geographical settings as well as archives and documents that are fundamental to individual research. The second cycle will investigate special type of documents (i.e.: genealogy, inscriptions, Taoist texts, vernacular literature) and discuss how they are read in the context of a particular social environment. The third cycle, using an integrated approach, will connect source materials with particular research area (i.e.: a rural community, a business firm).

To be able to read these texts, written in classical or vernacular Chinese, students wishing to enroll in this seminar are required to have high level of competency in both written and spoken Chinese. All students are required to (1) write a research proposal, (2) prepare reading and annotated notes and (3) present and read first hand source materials for each cycle.

Students are expected to prepare and read documents before attending class.

Students enroll in the seminar are expected to submit their initial PhD or MPhil thesis topic and proposal to the instructor two days prior to the first class (September 7, 2020).


(Tentative Schedule)

Week 1: General introduction (research proposal due 17:00, Sept. 7)

Weeks 2-5 (reading documents submitted every Sunday @ or before 23:59)
Cycle 1-1, 1-2, 1-3, 1-4

Weeks 6-9 (reading documents submitted every Sunday @ or before 23:59)
Cycle 2-1, 2-2, 2-3, 2-4

Weeks 10-13 (reading documents submitted every Sunday @ or before 23:59)
Cycle 3-1, 3-2, 3-3, 3-4

Research Proposal 10%
Weekly reading performance 20%
Weekly documents and archives collection and analysis 50%
End-of-Term Presentation    20%
Total 100%

Topics and readings for 2020-21:

Documents and archives relating to participant students’ dissertation

Readings: (individual readings list, to be confirmed)




  • 如屬小組習作,則所有組員均須簽署聲明;所有組員(不論有否簽署聲明及不論有否直接或間接撰寫有問題的內容)均須負上集體責任及受到懲處。
  • 如作業以電腦製作、內容以文字為主,並經由大學「維誠」系統 (VeriGuide) 提交者,學生將作業的電子檔案上載到系統後,便會獲得收據,收據上已列明有關聲明。



