香港中文大學 歴史系 歴史系

UGEC2011 The Making of Modern Singapore

2020-2021年度 第二學期




課程講師 李曉康 ((852) 3943 7122 /



This course traces and examines the development of Singapore since 1819, when Stamford Raffles of the English East India Company established a trading settlement on the island. The main focuses of the course will include the political, social and economic development of Singapore since the colonial era up to the post-independent period, the characteristics of the Chinese, Malay and Indian communities in Singapore, the impact of decolonization on Singapore and Southeast Asia, the roles performed by Lee Kuan Yew and the People’s Action Party in the nation-building of Singapore, and a comparison between Singapore and Hong Kong from a historical perspective.


1. Introduction

No Readings


2. Stamford Raffles and Modern Singapore

Tarling, N. Colonial Singapore. Singapore: Straits Times Press, 2015, pp. 7-27.


3. Botanic Gardens and Singapore’s Colonial Economy

Huff, W. The Economic Growth of Singapore: Trade and Development in the Twentieth Century. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994, pp. 43-68.


4. Overseas Chinese and Peranakans in Singapore

Kwok, K. & Teng, S. Chinese. Singapore: Straits Times Press, 2018, pp. 18-39.


5. 15 February 1942: The Fall of Singapore

Comber, L. Japanese Occupation. Singapore: Straits Times Press, 2017, pp. 9-24, 40-54.


6. 9 August 1965: Independence of Singapore

Ooi, K. “Politics Divided: Malaysia-Singapore Relations.” in T. Shiraishi (Ed.) Across the Causeway: A Multi-dimensional Study of Malaysia-Singapore Relations. Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 2009, pp. 27-51.


7. Nation-Building of Singapore: Lee Kuan Yew and After

Barr, M. “Singapore’s Lee Kuan Yew: Traveling Light, Traveling Fast.” in R. Guha (Ed.) Makers of Modern Asia. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2014, pp. 244-266.


8. Becoming First World Country: Economic Growth and Development in Singapore

Trocki, C. Singapore: Wealth, Power and the Culture of Control. London: Routledge, 2006, pp. 160-180.


9. Reengineering the Society: Pragmatic Social Policies for Political Hegemony

Chua, B. Liberalism Disavowed: Communitarianism and State Capitalism in Singapore. Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press, 2017, pp. 74-97.


10. Moulding a Nation: Education for Elitism and Meritocracy

Tan, J. “Notions of Equality and Fairness in Education,” in K. Kennedy & J. Lee (Eds) Routledge International Handbook of Schools and Schooling in Asia. London: Routledge 2018, pp. 28-39.


11. Governing Singapore: The Government Machine under the PAP

Tan, K. “The Ideology of Pragmatism: Neo-liberal Globalisation and Political Authoritarianism in Singapore.” Journal of Contemporary Asia, 42 (1), 2012, pp. 67-92.


12. Filming Singapore: Mass and New Media in Singapore

George, C. “Consolidating Authoritarian Rule: Calibrated Coercion in Singapore.” The Pacific Review, 20 (2), 2007, pp. 127-145.


13. Beyond SG50: Past, Present and Future

Woo, J. The Evolution of the Asian Developmental State: Hong Kong and Singapore. London: Routledge, 2018. (Optional reading; E-book available in CUHK Library)


Attendance: 5%

Further details will be given when the semester begins.


Online Forum on Required Readings: 20%

Students are required to write three short notes, each of which with 150-200 words in English, on three required readings assigned. Further details will be given when the semester begins.


Mid-Term Source-Based Questions: 25%

Students will have one week to complete the task of Source-Based Questions related to the development of Singapore before 1965 to be covered in the first six lectures. Further details will be given when the semester begins.


Term-End Take-Home Exam Essay: 50%

Students will be allowed two weeks to write an essay in English with 2,000-2,500 words in response to one of a few questions. The questions will be given in the second last lecture, when more details will be given.


Note: The course information is tentative and subject to change and confirmation when the semester begins in early January 2021.





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