Christian Greiffenhagen is a sociologist with a background in computer science concerned with developing new methodological and theoretical tools for understanding the impact of new technologies on social life, in particular, how these transform existing work and learning practices. Christian received an MSc in Mathematics and the Foundations of Computer Science and a DPhil in Social Science from the University of Oxford. Before joining CUHK he was a British Academy Postdoctoral Fellow and Simon Research Fellow at the School of Social Sciences, University of Manchester, a Research Fellow at the Horizon Digital Economy Research Institute, University of Nottingham, and a Lecturer and Senior Lecturer at the Department of Social Sciences, Loughborough University.
- Video Analysis
- Ethnomethodology (EM)
- Conversation Analysis (CA)
- Science and Technology Studies (STS)
- Human-Computer Interaction (HCI)
- Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (CSC W)
- Online Research Methods
- Digital Sociology
Gan, Y., Greiffenhagen, C., & Licoppe, C. (2020). Orchestrated openings in video calls: Getting young left-behind children to greet their migrant parents. Journal of Pragmatics, 170, 364-380. DOI: 10.1016/j.pragma.2020.09.022 |
Edmonds, D., & Greiffenhagen, C. (online first). Configuring prospective sensations: Experimenters preparing participants for what they will feel. Symbolic Interaction. DOI: 10.1002/symb.485. |
Gan, Y., Greiffenhagen, C., Reeves, C. (2020). Connecting distributed families: Camera work for three-party mobile video calls. In Proceedings of CHI2020. New York: ACM. DOI: 10.1145/3313831.3376704 *Winner of a CHI2020 Best Paper Award. |
Greiffenhagen, C., & Sharrock, W. (2019). Tensions in Garfinkel’s ethnomethodological studies of work programme discussed through Livingston’s studies of mathematics. Human Studies, 42(2), 253-279. DOI: 10.1007/s10746-019-09509-3 |
Didžiokaitė, G., Saukko, P., & Greiffenhagen, C. (2018). The mundane experience of everyday calorie trackers: Beyond the metaphor of Quantified Self. New Media & Society, 20(4), 1470-1487. DOI: 10.1177/1461444817698478 |
Franco, A., & Greiffenhagen, C. (2018). Making OR practice visible: Using ethnomethodology to analyse facilitated modelling workshops. European Journal of Operational Research, 265(2), 673-684. DOI: 10.1016/j.ejor.2017.08.016 |
Brooker, P., Dutton, W., & Greiffenhagen, C. (2017). What would Wittgenstein say about social media? Qualitative Research, 17(6), 610-626. DOI: 10.1177/1468794117713058 |
Tyagunova, T., & Greiffenhagen, C. (2017). Closing seminars and lectures: The collaborative accomplishment of classroom management. Discourse Studies, 19(3), 314-340. DOI: 10.1177/1461445617701992 |
Reeves, S., Greiffenhagen, C., & Laurier, E. (2017). Video gaming as practical accomplishment: Ethnomethodology, conversation analysis, and play. Topics in Cognitive Science, 9(2), 308-342. DOI: 10.1111/tops.12234 |
Goulden, M., Greiffenhagen, C., Crowcroft, J., McAuley, D., Mortier, R., Radenkovic, M., & Sathiaseelan, A. (2017). Wild interdisciplinarity: ethnography and computer science. International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 20(2), 137-150. DOI: 10.1080/13645579.2016.1152022 |
Mair, M., C. Greiffenhagen, and W. Sharrock (2016). Statistical practice: Putting society on display. Theory, Culture & Society, 33(3), 51-77. DOI: 10.1177/0263276414559058 |
Ivarsson, J. and C. Greiffenhagen (2015). The organization of turn-taking in poolskate sessions. Research on Language and Social Interaction, 48 (4),406-429. DOI: 10.1080/08351813.2015.1090114 |
Greiffenhagen, C., M. Mair, and W. Sharrock. Methodological troubles as problems and phenomena. British Journal of Sociology, 66 (3), 460-485. DOI: 10.1111/1468-4446.12136 |
Reeves, S., C. Greiffenhagen, M. Flintham, S. Benford, M. Adams, J. R. Farr, and N. Tandavantij (2015). I‘d Hide You: Performing live broadcasting in public. In Proceedings of CHI2015 (pp. 2573-2582). New York: ACM. DOI: 10.1145/2702123.2702257 ; *Winner of a CHI2015 Honorable Mention Award. |
Greiffenhagen, C. (2014). The materiality of mathematics: Presenting mathematics at the blackboard. British Journal of Sociology 65 (3), 502-528. DOI: 10.1111/1468-4446.12037 |
Greiffenhagen, C. (2013). Visual grammar in practice: negotiating the arrangement of speech bubbles in storyboards. Semiotica, 195(1), 127-167. DOI: 10.1515/sem-2013-0008 |
Greiffenhagen, C. (2012). Making rounds: The routine work of the teacher during collaborative learning with computers. International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, 7(1), 11-42. DOI: 10.1007/s11412-011-9134-8 |
Greiffenhagen, C., Mair, M., & Sharrock, W. (2011). From methodology to methodography: A study of qualitative and quantitative reasoning in practice. Methodological Innovations, 6(3), 93-107. DOI: 10.4256/mio.2011.009 |
Greiffenhagen, C., & Sharrock, W. (2011). Does mathematics look certain in the front, but fallible in the back? Social Studies of Science, 41(6), 839-866. DOI: 10.1177/0306312711424789 *Winner of 2014 Best Paper Award, American Sociological Association, Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis Section |
Greiffenhagen, C., & Sharrock, W. (2009). Two concepts of attachment to rules. Journal of Classical Sociology, 9(4), 405-427. DOI: 10.1177/1468795X09344450 |
Greiffenhagen, C., & Watson, R. (2009). Visual repairables: analysing the work of repair in human–computer interaction. Visual Communication, 8(1), 65-90. DOI: 10.1177/1470357208099148 |
Greiffenhagen, C. (2008). Unpacking tasks: The fusion of new technology with instructional work. Journal of Computer Supported Cooperative Work (JCSCW), 17(1), 35-62. DOI: 10.1007%2Fs10606-007-9068-x |
Greiffenhagen, C. (2008). Video analysis of mathematical practice? Different attempts to ‘open up’ mathematics for sociological investigation. Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 9(3). DOI: 10.17169/fqs-9.3.1172 |
Greiffenhagen, C., & Sharrock, W. (2008). Where do the limits of experience lie? Abandoning the dualism of objectivity and subjectivity. History of the Human Sciences, 21(3), 70-93. DOI: 10.1177/0952695108093954 |
Greiffenhagen, C., & Sharrock, W. (2006). Mathematical relativism: Logic, grammar, and arithmetic in cultural comparison. Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour, 36(2), 97-117. DOI: 10.1111/j.1468-5914.2006.00299.x |
Greiffenhagen, C., & Sharrock, W. (2006). Logical relativism: Logic, grammar, and arithmetic in cultural comparison. Configurations, 14(3), 275-301. DOI: 10.1353/con.0.0016 |
- SOCI 2003 Social Research Methods
- SOCI 3003 Classical Sociological Theory
- SOCI 6004 Advanced Qualitative Methods
- Graduate Studies Committee, Department of Sociology
- Admissions Committee, Department of Sociology
Member of Steering Committee