The Chinese University of Hong Kong Department of History Department of History
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HIST3420 Gender and History

Semester 1 (2020-2021)

Lecture TimeWednesday 4:30pm-6:15pm


Lecturer POON Shuk Wah ((852) 3943 1757 /

Teaching Assistant TSAI Chih-hsi (

Course Description





  1. 從歷史角度分析在不同宗教信仰與宗教生活中,兩性關係的變化
  2. 從性別角度思考宗教信仰與行為,如何延續或顛覆社會主流性別關係及論述
  3. 加入性別元素,反思宗教史的研究方向及史料運用


一、 導論:性別與宗教

二、中國民間宗教中的神、鬼、祖先 (1)

三、中國民間宗教中的神、鬼、祖先 (2)

四 、女神與女性特質

五 、通神:性別與神媒


七 、成仙:中國道教中的性別關係

八 、成佛:中國佛教中的性別關係



十一 、印度教:寡婦、娑提與殖民主義


十三 、總結

Assessment & Assignments






15% (6%+3% x3)


15%  (中文: 2000字/ 英文: 1200字)


10%(中文: 2000字/ 英文: 1200字)


5%   (27/11,4/12)



45% (中文: 8,000- 10,000字/ 英文: 4,000-6,000字)




10月5日 (以電郵提交)








導修日期:9/10, 23/10, 6/11, 20/11, 27/11, 4/12

Session A: 星期五,2:30-4:15                       

Session B: 星期五,4:30-6:15



一、 導論:性別與宗教

  • 李貞德,〈最近中國宗教史研究中的女性問題〉,李玉珍,林美玫編,《婦女與宗教:跨領域的視野》(台北:里仁,2003),頁1-31。
  • King, Ursula. “Religion and Gender: Embedded Patterns, Interwoven Frameworks.” In Teresa A. Meade and Merry E. Wiesner-Hanks, eds, A Companion to Gender History (Oxford: Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2004), pp. 70-83.
  • Teng, Jinhua Emma (鄧津華). “Religion as a Source of Oppression and Creativity for Chinese Women.” Journal of Women and Gender Studies 1 (January 1990): 165-194.


二、 中國民間宗教中的神、鬼、祖先 (1) [* Tutorial 1 readings]

  • *黃萍瑛,《臺灣民間信仰”孤娘”的奉祀 : 一個社會史的考察》 (台北市:稻鄉出版社,2008),第二章,〈臺灣漢人社會的冥婚習俗〉,頁37-68。
  • *Barr, Allan. “Disarming Intruders: Alien Women in Liaozhai zhiyi,” Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies, Vol. 49, No. 2 (Dec., 1989), pp. 501-517.
  • *Topley, Marjorie. “Ghost Marriages among the Singapore Chinese,” and “Chinese Women’s Vegetarian Houses in Singapore.” In Cantonese Society in Hong Kong and Singapore: Gender, Religion, Medicine and Money (Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2011), pp. 97-123.


三、中國民間宗教中的神、鬼、祖先 (2)

  • 廖小菁,〈神龕上的祖姑婆:何仙姑信仰與泛珠三角地區的女性崇拜〉,《近代中國婦女史研究》, 26期 (2015 / 12 / 01) ,頁133-191。
  • Ahern, Emily. “The Power and Pollution of Chinese Women.” In Arthur Wolf, ed. Studies in Chinese Society (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1978), pp. 269-290.



  • 于君方,〈寶卷文學中的觀音與民間信仰〉,林如主編:《民間信仰與中國文化國際研討會論文集》(台北市:漢學研究中心,1994),頁333-352。
  • Lee, Irwin. “Divinity and Salvation: The Great Goddesses of China.” Asian Folklore Studies 49 (1990): 53-68.
  • Poon, Shuk-wah. “Thriving under an Anti-superstition Regime: The Dragon Mother Cult in Yuecheng, Guangdong during the 1930s.” Journal of Chinese Religions, 43.1 (May 2015), pp. 34-58.



  • Chang, K. C., Art, Myth, and Ritual: The Path to Political Authority in Ancient China (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1983), ch. 3 “Shamanism and Politics,” pp. 44-55. (中文譯本: 張光直:《美術神話與祭祀》,第三章,〈巫覡與政治〉)
  • 林富士,〈中國六朝時期的巫覡與醫療〉,《中央研究院歷史語言研究所集刊》70:1(1999),頁1-39。
  • Potter, Jack. “Cantonese Shamanism.” In Arthur Wolf ed., Religion and Ritual in Chinese Society (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1974), pp. 207-231.



  • 潘淑華、黃永豪,〈文化遺產的保存與傳統的再造: 廣州珠村『乞巧文化節』〉 In Tik-sang Liu ed., Intangible Cultural Heritage and Local Communities in East Asia (Hong Kong: South China Research Center, HKUST, 2011), pp. 237-255.
  • Johnson, Elizabeth L. “Grieving for the Dead, Grieving for the Living: Funeral Laments of Hakka Women.” In James Watson and Evelyn Rawski eds., Death Ritual in Late Imperial and Modern China (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1988), pp. 135-163.
  • Watson, James L. “Of Flesh and Bones: The Management of Death Pollution in Cantonese Society.” In Maurice Bloch and Jonathan Parry eds., Death and the Regeneration of Life (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1982), pp. 155-186.



  • 張珣,〈幾種道經中對女人身體描述之初探〉,李豐懋、朱榮貴主編,《性別、神格與臺灣宗教論述》 (臺北:中央研究院文哲所籌備處,1997) ,頁23-47。
  • Despeux, Catherine & Livia Kohn. Women in Daoism (Cambridge, MA: Three Pines Press, 2003), pp. 1-30.


成佛:中國佛教中的性別關係 [* Tutorial 2 readings]

  • * 永明,《佛教的女性觀》,(台北:佛光文化出版社,1997),頁94-126。
  • * Hinsch, Bret. “Confucian Filial Piety and the Construction of the Ideal Chinese Buddhist Woman.” Journal of Chinese Religions, Volume 30, Issue 1, 2002, pp. 49-75.
  • 喻松青,〈明清時間民間秘密宗教中的女性〉,《明清白蓮教研究》(四川:成都人民出版社,1987),頁295-311。



九、日本女性與宗教:神道、佛教與水子供養 [* Tutorial 3 readings]

  • Ambros, Barbara R. “Why Study Women in Japanese Religions?” In Women in Japanese Religions (New York: New York University Press, 2015), pp. 1-4.
  • Ambros, Barbara R. “Ancient Japanese Mythology: Female Divinities and Immortals.” In Women in Japanese Religions (New York: New York University Press, 2015), pp. 22-39.
  • *Hardacre, Helen. Marketing the Menacing Fetus in Japan (Berkeley: University of California Press,1999), pp. 154-1250.



  • Kung, Hans. Women in Christianity (London, New York: Continuum, 2005), pp. 1-25.
  • Bynum, Caroline Walker. “Woman as Body and as Food.” In Holy Feast and Holy Fast: The Religious Significance of Food to Medieval Women (California: University of California Press, 1987), pp. 260-276.
  • Whitney, E. “The Witch “She”/The Historian “He”: Gender and the Historiography of the European Witch-Hunts.” Journal of Women’s History, vol. 7 no. 3 (1995), pp. 77-101.


十一 、印度教:寡婦、娑提與殖民主義 [* Tutorial 4 readings]

  • Midgley, Clare. “Female Emancipation in an Imperial Frame: English Women and the Campaign against Sati (widow‐burning) in India, 1813–30.” Women’s History Review, 9:1 (2000), 95‐121.
  • Oldenburg, Veena Talwar. “The Roop Kanwar Case: Feminist Responses.” In John Stratton Hawley, ed., Sati, the Blessing and the Curse: The Burning of Wives in India (New York: Oxford University Press, 1994), 101-130.



  • Çınar, Alev “Clothing the National Body: Islamic Veiling and Secular Unveiling.” In Modernity, Islam, and Secularism in Turkey: Bodies, Places, and Time (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2005), pp. 53-83.
  • Andreassen, Rikke and Doutje Lettinga, “Veiled. Debates. Gender and Gender Equality in European National Narratives.” In Politics, Religion and Gender: Framing and Regulating the Veil (Oxon: Routledge, 2012), pp. 17-33.


十三 、總結

  • Beata Grant, “Women, Gender, and Religion in Premodern China: A Selected Bibliography of Secondary Sources in Chinese and Western Languages,” Nan Nü 10 (2008), pp. 152-175.
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