The Chinese University of Hong Kong Department of History Department of History
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HIST3404 Historical Literature and Documents: Introduction to Japanese Sinology

Semester 1 (2020-2021)

Lecture TimeMonday 11:30am-1:15pm

VenueTemporarily conduct Zoom class.
Resume face-to-face class at Y.C. Liang Hall (LHC)103 when the pandemic stabilizes.

LanguageCantonese /

Lecturer SIU Kam Wah Joseph ((852) 3943 7274 /

Teaching Assistant LAN Tu

Course Description

Course Description

This course introduces the formation and development of Japanese sinology and well-known Japanese sinologists in the period from 1860 to 1960 through studying their biographies and typical works written in Japanese. By reading and translating these prominent works, students will be able to master their sources, style, structure, arguments, and the Japanese grammar (including morphology and syntax), Japanese-Chinese translation skills and the Japanese vocabulary pertaining to sinology, and have a general knowledge of the features of the Japanese sinology development during this period.

Learning Outcomes


At the end of the course, students should be able to:

  1. understand the Japanese sinologists and the sources, structure, style, views and features of their prominent works on the Chinese history and culture.  
  2. enhance their ability in reading, comprehending and translating prominent works of the Japanese sinologists. 


References Used in the Course



13 Lectures

(Zoom classes are conducted temporarily. Face-to-face classes would be resumed at Y.C. Liang Hall (LHC)103 when the pandemic stabilizes.)


. 19世紀後期近代日本漢學之誕生


講授一 (7 Sep)

  1. 日本語文字與語法
  2. 19世紀後期近代日本漢學之誕生
  3. 漢學家:副島種臣(そえじまたねおみ1828-1905)


講授二 (14 Sep)

  1. 日本語的名詞與代名詞
  2. 漢學家:重野安繹(しげのやすつぐ1827-1910)


講授三 (21 Sep)

  1. 日本語的數詞
  2. 漢學家:那珂通世(なかみちよ1851-1908)


. 19世紀末20世紀初日本漢學之形成


講授四 (28 Sep)



講授五 (5 Oct)

  1. 日本語的形容詞
  2. 19世紀末20世紀初(1895-1918)日本漢學之形成
  3. 漢學家:林泰輔(はやしたいすけ1854-1922)


講授六 (12 Oct)

  1. 日本語的形容動詞
  2. 漢學家:市村瓚次郎(いちむらさんじろう1864-1947)


講授七 (19 Oct)

  1. 日本語的動詞I
  2. 漢學家:瀧川龜太郎(たきがわかめたろう1865-1946)


講授八 (2 Nov)

  1. 日本語的動詞II
  2. 漢學家:白鳥庫吉(しらとりくらきち1865-1942)


講授九 (9 Nov)

  1. 日本語的助動詞I
  2. 漢學家:服部宇之吉(はっとりうのきち1867-1939)


講授十 (16 Nov)

  1. 日本語的助動詞II
  2. 漢學家:內藤湖南(ないとうこなん1866-1934)


. 20世紀前期日本漢學之多元發展


講授十一 (23 Nov)

  1. 日本語的助詞
  2. 20世紀前期日本漢學之多元發展
  3. 漢學家(歷史):桑原隲蔵(くわばらじつぞう1871-1931)、藤田豊八(ふじたとよはち1869-1928)、羽田亨(はねだとおる1882-1955)


肆. 二次大戰後日本漢學的衰後復興


講授十二 (30 Nov)

  1. 日本語的副詞與連體詞
  2. 二次大戰後日本漢學的衰後復甦
  3. 漢學家(歷史):前田直典(まえだなおのり1915-1949)與仁井田陞(にいだのぼる1904-1966)


講授十三 (7 Dec)

  1. 日本語的接續詞、感動詞、敬體、接頭詞及接尾詞
  2. 漢學家(歷史):宮崎市定(みやざきいちさだ1901-1995)


Assessment & Assignments

Assessment & Assignments


1) Term Paper                                                             60%

2) Take-home Exercise                                              10%

3) Blackboard Multiple Choice Test                        10%

4) Tutorials                                                                  20% 

(Zoom tutorials are conducted temporarily. Face-to-face tutorials would be resumed when the pandemic stabilizes.)


Grade Descriptors

Grade A 

Outstanding performance on all learning outcomes. 

Grade A-

Generally outstanding performance on all (or almost all) learning outcomes. 

Grade B 

Substantial performance on all learning outcomes, OR high performance on some learning outcomes which compensates for less satisfactory performance on others, resulting in overall substantial performance.

Grade C

Satisfactory performance on the majority of learning outcomes, possibly with a few weaknesses. 

Grade D 

Barely satisfactory performance on a number of learning outcomes 

Grade F

Unsatisfactory performance on a number of learning outcomes, OR failure to meet specified assessment requirements.



Tutorial is held before lecture at 9:30-11:15am (Mon).

Online tutorials are conducted on Zoom temporarily. Face-to-face tutorials would be resumed when the pandemic stabilizes.


12 Tutorials:


  1. Consultation on the course, lecture and term paper topic (7 Sep)
  2. Consultation on term paper topic (14 Sep)
  3. Consultation on term paper topic (21 Sep)


(Students are divided into Group 1, 2 and 3. Each group is also subdivided into Group A and Group B.)

  1. Group 1 Term Paper Outline Presentation (Group 2 & 3 may freely join it) (28 Sep)
  2. Group 2 Term Paper Outline Presentation (Group 1 & 3 may freely join it) (5 Oct)
  3. Group 3 Term Paper Outline Presentation (Group 1 & 2 may freely join it) (12 Oct)
  4. Group 1 (A) Term Paper First/Partial Draft Presentation & Commentary (Group 2 & 3 may freely join it)(19 Oct)
  5. Group 2 (A) Term Paper First/Partial Draft Presentation & Commentary (Group 1 & 3 may freely join it)(2 Nov)
  6. Group 3 (A) Term Paper First/Partial Draft Presentation & Commentary(Group 1 & 2 may freely join it) (9 Nov)
  7. Group 1 (B) Term Paper First/Partial Draft Presentation & Commentary (Group 2 & 3 may freely join it) (16 Nov)
  8. Group 2 (B) Term Paper First/Partial Draft Presentation & Commentary (Group 1 & 3 may freely join it) (23 Nov)
  9. Group 3 (B) Term Paper First/Partial Draft Presentation & Commentary (Group 1 & 2 may freely join it) (30 Nov)

The Japanese Sinology


  1. 李慶:《日本漢學史1:起源和確立》。上海:上海外语敎育出版社,2002年。
  2. 李慶:《日本漢學史2:成熟和迷途》。上海:上海外語敎育出版社,2004年。
  3. 李慶:《日本漢學史3:轉折和發展》。上海:上海外語敎育出版社,2004年。
  4. 嚴紹璗:《日本中國學史稿》。北京:學苑出版社,2009年。
  5. 錢婉約:《從漢學到中國學-近代日本的中國研究》。北京:中華書局,2007。
  6. 江上波夫編:《東洋学の系譜》。東京:大修館書店,1992年。中譯本:江上波夫著,林慶彰譯:《近代日本漢學家:第一集•東洋學的系譜》。臺北市:萬卷樓圖書,2015年。
  7. 江上波夫編:《東洋学の系譜》第2集。東京:大修館書店,1994年。
  8. 吉川幸次郎編:《東洋學の創始者たち》。東京:講談社,1976年。
  9. 礪波護、藤井讓治編:《京大東洋學の百年》。京都:京都大學學術出版會,2002年。
  10. 劉正:《京都學派漢學史稿》。北京:學苑出版社,2011年。
  11. 斯文会編:《日本漢学年表》。東京:大修館書店,1977年。
  12. 東方学会編:《東方学回想》9冊。東京:刀水書房,2000年。
  13. Wixted, John Timothy. Japanese Scholars of China: A Bibliographical Handbook. Lewiston: Edwin Mellen Press, 1992.
  14. 倉石武四郎:《倉石武四郎講義:本邦における支那學の發達 昭和廿一年


  1. 陳瑋芬:《近代日本漢學的「關鍵字」研究:儒學及相關概念的嬗變》。上海

市: 華東師範大學出版社,2008年。

  1. 品田悦一、齋藤希史編:《近代日本の国学と漢学:東京大学古典講習科を

めぐって》(Kokugaku and Kangaku in modern Japan : on the Training Course

for Classics at the University of Tokyo)。東京:東京大学グローバルCOE「共


  1. 《日本中國史研究年刊》刊行會编:《日本中國史研究年刊》(2006, 2007, 2008


  1. 漢字文献情報処理研究会編:《電脳中国学入門》。東京:好文出版,2012


  1. 武內義雄著,吳鵬譯:《中國學研究法》。臺北市:臺灣學生書局,2016年。
  2. 陶徳民:《日本における近代中国学の始まり: 漢学の革新と同時代文化交涉》。


  1. 大島晃:《日本漢学研究試論:林羅山の儒学》。東京:汲古書院,2017年。
  2. 賈菁菁:《近代中國學者論日本漢學》。上海:上海古籍出版社,2018年。
Honesty in Academic Work

Attention is drawn to University policy and regulations on honesty in academic work, and to the disciplinary guidelines and procedures applicable to breaches of such policy and regulations. Details may be found at

With each assignment, students will be required to submit a signed declaration that they are aware of these policies, regulations, guidelines and procedures.

  • In the case of group projects, all members of the group should be asked to sign the declaration, each of whom is responsible and liable to disciplinary actions, irrespective of whether he/she has signed the declaration and whether he/she has contributed, directly or indirectly, to the problematic contents.
  • For assignments in the form of a computer-generated document that is principally text-based and submitted via VeriGuide, the statement, in the form of a receipt, will be issued by the system upon students’ uploading of the soft copy of the assignment.

Assignments without the properly signed declaration will not be graded by teachers.

Only the final version of the assignment should be submitted via VeriGuide.

The submission of a piece of work, or a part of a piece of work, for more than one purpose (e.g. to satisfy the requirements in two different courses) without declaration to this effect shall be regarded as having committed undeclared multiple submissions. It is common and acceptable to reuse a turn of phrase or a sentence or two from one’s own work; but wholesale reuse is problematic. In any case, agreement from the course teacher(s) concerned should be obtained prior to the submission of the piece of work.

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