Lecture TimeMon 2:30pm-4:15pm
Lecturer WOO Tze Yan Jessie ((852) 3943 7129 / jessiewoo@cuhk.edu.hk)
Course Description:
This course examines British history from Victorian period to the twentieth century. The major political, social and cultural events are introduced in order to attain an understanding of modern Britain history.
Learning outcomes:
Students are able to have a full grip of modern British history after this course. They will be able to express ideas clearly and to analyze information and to critique differing viewpoints by the end of this course.
1. |
Introduction – Victorian Britain |
2. |
War and Empire |
3. |
Gladstone and Disraeli- British High Imperialism |
4. |
The Great War |
5. |
National Government and the Great Depression |
6. |
Churchill and WWII |
7. |
Swinging London and the 60s |
8. |
Commonwealth and the Cold War |
9. |
The Road to Welfare State |
10. |
Irish Question |
11. |
From Thatcher to Blair |
12. |
Contemporary Britain: Who are the British? |
1. |
Tutorial |
30% |
2. |
Mid-term take home paper |
30% |
3. |
Final take home |
30% |
Basic Reference:
Walter L. Arnstein, Britain Yesterday and Today: 1830 to the Present, 8th ed. Lexington: Heath, 2001.
Selective Bibliography:
Brendon, P., The decline and fall of the British Empire, 1781-1997, London, 2007.
Himmelfarb, G ,The De-moralization Of Society: From Victorian Virtues to Modern Values, London, 1996.
Johnson, Robert., British imperialism, New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2003.
Lynn, Martin(ed)., The British Empire in the 1950s : retreat or revival?, New York, 2006.
George Boyce, D., Decolonisation and the British Empire, 1775-1997, New York, 1999.
Marshall, P.J(ed.)., The Cambridge illustrated history of the British Empire, New York, 1996.
Salter, R., Peel, Gladstone and Disraeli, Basingstoke, 1991.
Rogaly, Ben., Moving histories of class and community; Identity, place and belonging in contemporary England, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011.[electronic resource]
Fox, K., Watching the English, London, 2004.
Ferguson, Niall, Empire: How Britain Made the Modern World, London, 2003
Royle, Edward., Modern Britain : a social history, 1750-2011, London, 2012.
Fowler, David., Youth culture in modern Britain, c.1920-c.1970 : from ivory tower to global movement – a new history, New York, 2008
Marr, Andrew, The making of modern Britain: from Queen Victoria to VE Day, London, 2010.
Archer, Ellis., A history of modern Britain : 1714 to the present, Chichester, 2010.
Thane, P (ed)., Unequal Britain : equalities in Britain since 1945, London, 2010.[electronic resource]
Pitcher, B., The politics of multiculturalism : race and racism in contemporary Britain, Basingstoke, 2009.
Edwards, D and Cromwell, D., Newspeak in the 21st century, London, 2009.
Burrell, Kathy, Polish migration to the UK in the ‘new’ European Union: after 2004 , Burlington, 2009. [electronic resource]
Hallam, E and Prescott, A (eds.) The British inheritance: a treasury of historic documents, Berkeley, c1999.
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