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Art and Literature

  • The Functions of Animal Images in Chinese Children’s Literature: A Case Study of Yang Hongying’s Works
  • Addressing the problem of estranged-modern consciousness in the works of Wang Xioashuai: Illustration of China’s memory in the present
  • Participatory Art: Anti-Extradition Bill Movement through Posters
  • Case Studies of Ip Man Tetralogy: Transformation of Chinese Nationalism in Martial Arts
  • New Complements to “Shanghai Literature” and the “Literature of Lower-Class”: Stories about Conflict and Fuses in the World of Wang Zhanhei

Business and Economics

  • Politicising Credit Ratings: The Impact of the Social Credit System on the Regulation and Credit Worthiness Assessment of a Chinese State-Owned Enterprise Operating Abroad
  • Influence of the Policy Towards China’s Digital Advertising Market and their Resolution: Focused on the Provisions on the Administration of Online Publishing Service
  • Why non-local graduates in Hong Kong decided to work in the financial service industry in Hong Kong
  • China’s High-End Manufacturing Industry: Can China’s high-end manufacturing industry overcome the negative country of origin effect to become successful?
  • What are the Limitations and Areas of Improvement for China’s FinTech?
  • Exploring the Factors that Drive the Counterfeit Markets in China
  • Why Local Non-Bank Financial Intermediaries Prefer Local Debts: A Structural Perspective of the Home Bias Propensity in Chinese Debt Market (2012-2018)
  • What are the Factors that Influence Corporate Image of Foreign Corporation in China?
  • What Makes Successful Contemporary Chinese Entrepreneurs? The Brains behind Chinese Unicorns and China Concept Stock Companies

Culture and Society

  • Chinese Official Media’s Response in the New Media Era in the Face of “the Outbreak of COVID-19”
  • How Do Korean Cultural Entertainment Products Contribute to the Development of Mediascape in Chinese Cultural Industry from 2000 to 2016: Focusing on the Strategic Partnerships Between China and Korea
  • Urban Contemporary Chinese Women’s Pursuit of White and Fair Skin
  • Factors Driving Chinese Consumers’ Demand for the Korean Drama
  • Love in Contemporary China: Changes and continuities in the perception of ideal intimate relationships
  • Investigating the Relationship between Esports and Gaming Addiction in China: A Detailed Analysis of Overseas Chinese Case
  • An Emerging Power in Public Participation: Motivations of “Post-95s” to Participate in Relief Supplies Effort of the 2020 Coronavirus Outbreak
  • Hanfu in Hong Kong
  • Son Preferences among the Second-Generation Teochew Youth in Shenzhen

Hong Kong

  • Putonghua vs. Cantonese: The Future of Hong Kong’s Lingua Franca
  • To what extent the political intervention of the Chinese Central government affects the ethnic identity of Hong Kong youth?
  • The Contemporary Politics and Commerce in Hong Kong





Contemporary Society

  • Air Pollution in China: After the Air pollution Prevention and Control Action Plan (2013-2017)
  • Beliefs, Temple and Community: A Case Study of Nau Chi Wan Sam Shan Kwok Wong Temple
  • Pharmaceutical Firms in Contemporary China
  • An Investigation of the Stigma Towards MSG Amongst Homemakers in Hong Kong

Cultural Phenomenon and Hong Kong Issues

  • Understanding China-U. S Coproduction films: The Difficulties to Success?
  • The Inner Reality of an “Alcoholic Escapist”: Contesting Stream-of-Consciousness in Liu Yichang’s The Drunkard
  • The Gender Relations in the Chinese TV Drama “Dwelling Narrowness”
  • Boys’ Love (BL) Fiction as A Virtual Utopia for Female Readers: Analyzing the Female Consciousness behind the Blossom of BL Fiction
  • “What does the word ‘Zhongguo’ mean to you?”: Cultural Identity of Contemporary College Student and Graduates from Mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan
  • English or Mandarin? A Dilemma Faced by Bilingual Non-local University Students in Hong Kong
  • Emergence and Development of IP Movie Industry in China: The Relation with a Booming Fan Economy
  • What do Tightening Anti-Money Laundering Regulations Mean for Hong Kong as a Global Financial Centre?

Economy and Commerce

  • The Future Consumers and Trends of the Tourism Industry: The Psychological and Behavioral Determinants of Young-adult Mainland China Travelers
  • How Does University Students’ Perception Toward Mobile Payment Service Affect Their Willingness to Adopt the New Technology?
  • A Tale of Two Branches: The Comparative Analysis on the recruitment exercise of the Jiangxi Branch of China Mobile and China Mobile Hong Kong
  • The Effect of Congruence between Self-Image and Brand Personality on Chinese Consumer Purchase Intention for Korean Fashion Brand
  • Factors Influencing Chinese Mobile Banking
  • The Rise of Fintech in China: The Transition into a Cashless Society
  • Establish Causation between THAAD and the Performance of Korea’s Tourism Industry using Financial Data
  • The Impact of Human Resource Management Practices on Employee Performances: A Case Study of Mercer (HK) Limited

Education and Media

  • To What Extent Does Discrimination Affect Mainland Chinese Undergraduate Students of CUHK to Remain in Hong Kong Return to Mainland China after Graduation?
  • Haigui, Case of the Mainland Chinese Students in Hong Kong: The Pulling Factor to Hong Kong and the Return Trend to Mainland China
  • Correlations between Changes in the Sentiments of Chinese State Newspapers and Major International Events and Policy Changes

Politics and Diplomacy

  • What are the Views of Hong Kong University South Asian Muslim Students on Muslim Suppression in Xinjiang and How does it Affect their Willingess to Travel to China?
  • Return and Escape of Zhiqing: Breaking through the Utopian Experiment: A Study of Return and Escape in the Rustication Campaign
  • What Are Key Success Factors for Domestic and International Venture Companies in China? Is There Any Difference in Their Success Factors?





Contemporary Society

  • China’s involvement in the TAZARA project and the result of political support from African countries
  • CrossFit in Taiwan
  • Environmental pollution and cancer villages in China
  • Evaluating China’s implication of Howard’s Garden city in Chengdu, China
  • Kunming's civilized city program: Its content and the post 80s and 90s current perceptions of the program
  • Status Markers of Daily Life--a Study of Cosmetic Status Consumption in the 20s


Cultural Phenomenon and Hong Kong Issues

  • Contradiction of one country two systems
  • Democracy Wall Controversy: The Ideological Differences Between Hongkong and Mainland Students
  • “New woman” or “Modern girl”: categorizing female protagonist in the short stories of Feng Yuanjun, Zhang Ailing and Wang Anyi
  • Shanzhai — A Political and Cultural Label
  • Wang Hong (Internet Celebrities) Endorsement and Purchase Intention in China


Economy and Commerce

  • A gray area of the intellectual property law in China: the analysis on Chinese entertainment business copying the format of Korea TV entertainment shows
  • An Era to the New Lifestyle? The Car Sharing Economy in Greater China: A Case Study of Car Sharing Service by DiDi Quaidi
  • Chinese Consumer Behaviors Among Two Generations
  • Online Food Delivery Platform in China
  • Privacy Concerns in China’s Cashless Payment Systems
  • The Effects of Government Policies on FDI Trends: The case of tertiary industry in Shanghai


Education and Media

  • Early Childhood Education System in Shenzhen
  • Encouraging Junior Middle School Graduates to Further Study by Raising Education Consciousness of Their Families
  • Inequality in Education in Urban China: How do the parents practice ze xiao? Does the economic situation of parents affect the process?
  • The effect of Chinese social media censorship on university students' using behavior
  • The relationship between ability of English expression and undergraduate students’ core employment competitiveness
  • The Relationship between education and Chinese “fate” practice engagement in Hong Kong


Politics and Diplomacy

  • A Case Study into Private Sino-African Foreign Direct Investment: Startimes and Huawei Nigeria and South Africa
  • China's Belt and Road in South-east Asia: Measures and Impact
  • Factors influencing the determination of migration to Vietnam and return to China case study: The life of Chinese managers in Hai Phong
  • The effect of the 2010 - 2016 diplomatic freeze on Chinese outbound tourism to Norway
  • United Front Work Strategy and policy to Taiwan




Business and Consumer China

  • Hospitality Adaptations for the New Chinese Traveler: The Case of Spain’s Melia Hotels & Resorts
  • The Development of Business Ethics: Comparing South Korea and China
  • New Media and Young Chinese Consumers:  Young Chinese tourists in Hong Kong and their use of OpenRice for Eating Out
  • A Shopping Paradox in the Shopping Paradise: A Case Study of E-Consuming Behaviors among Chinese Students in Hong Kong


China and the World

  • The Influence of High School History Lessons on Mainland Chinese Students' Views of Japan
  • The Xi & Trump Struggle for Authority in Trade & Foreign Policy Strategy
  • Examining Shifts in Chinese Government Attitudes toward  North Korea and South Korea in relation to the US Deployment of the THAAD Missile Defense System, 2016 -2017


Cultural Phenomena

  • An Investigation of Body Art among Taiwanese Youth
  • The Mencian (孟子) Transformation of Mythical Characters
  • Chinese Buddhism in the Contemporary Age of the Internet and Social Media: A Case Study of Buddhism on Sina Weibo
  • The Changing Space of the White Cloud Monastery (白雲觀) in Beijing
  • The Social Phenomenon of the Popular Antiquities Collectors and the National Treasures Gang(國寶幫)in the Case of Xu Ming
  • The Popularity of Gufeng Music(古風音樂)in China
  • The Contemporary Development of Qinqiang (秦腔) Opera in Xi'an, Shaanxi


Economic Development

  • China’s Engagement with the WTO: Examining Chinese Government Discussions of WTO Dispute Cases with the USA, 2014-16
  • The Consolidation of Shipping SOEs in China: The Cases of Cosco and China Shipping
  • Current Challenges for Taiwanese-Owned Industrial Operations in China: The Case of a Taiwanese Tire Manufacturer
  • Political Risk and China’s Outbound Investments: Two Politicized Cases in New Zealand and Australia


Social Issues

  • The Death Penalty after Reform in China: The Case of Jia Jinglong
  • The Influence of Social Mobility on the Employability of the ‘Ant Tribe’ (蟻族) in Shenzhen
  • The Acculturation of Low-skilled Female Migrants in Hong Kong: The Case of Nepalese and Vietnamese Kitchen Workers
  • The Current Situation and Self-Identification of Chinese Chosunjok People in South Korea and China: A Case Study of a Family in Meihekou in 2017





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