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Prof Faure edited


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Academic Background

PhD Sociology, Princeton University

BA History, University of Hong Kong

Research Interest

  • The history of the lineage in south China
  • Chinese business history
  • The history of Hong Kong
  • Local history in China
  • Chinese social and business history, historical anthropology

Current Research

  • Historical Anthropology of Chinese Society (funded by the RGC)

Other Positions Held

  • Wei Lun Research Professor of History, CUHK
  • Director of Center for Comparative and Public History, CUHK
  • Director of CUHK-SYSU Centre for Historical Anthropology, CUHK

Selected Publications

2007 Emperor and Ancestor: State and Lineage in South China. Palo Alto: Stanford University Press.
2006 China and Capitalism: A History of Business Enterprise in Modern China. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press.
2006 "La solution lignagère La révolution rituelle du xvie siècle et l'État impérial chinois," Annales, Histoire, Sciences, Sociales 2006, 61:6: pp. 1291-1316.
2006 "The Yao Wars in the mid-Ming and their impact on Yao ethnicity," in Empire at the Margins: Culture, Ethnicity and Frontier in Early Modern China, ed. Pamela Kyle Crossley, Helen Siu and Donald Sutton (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2006), pp. 171-189.
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