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Prof. LingMH

Associate Professor/ Associate Director/ Division Head of China Studies

   Room 1106, 11/F,
      Yasumoto International
      Academic Park

   3943 1220
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Academic Background

PhD Anthropology, Yale University

MPhil Anthropology, Yale University

MA International Relations, Yale University

BA English Literature, Fudan University

Research Interest

  • Migration and Mobility
  • Urbanization and Rural-urban Relations
  • Education and Equality
  • Youth Culture and Identity
  • State-society Relations
  • Socioecological Transformation

Current Research

  • Migrant youth and school-to-work transition in Shanghai
  • Migrant housing in Shanghai
  • Socioecological transformation in left-behind villages

Courses Offered

CCSS1004   Chinese Society in Transformation
CCSS2120 Chinese Family and Marriage
CCSS3102 Contemporary China: Summer Fieldwork
CCSS3110 Social Science Research Methods and China Studies
CCSS3111 Humanities Research on China
CCSS3112 Fieldwork Methodology and China Studies
CCSS3420 Social Issues and Problems in Contemporary China
CCSS3700 Urban China
CCSS4520 Capstone Research Paper
CHES1100 Unofficial China
CHES6010 China Seminar I
CHES6020 China Seminar II

Selected Publications

2020 "Living between incongruous worlds in Hong Kong." HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory 10 (2):308-312. doi: 10.1086/709526.
2020   "Container housing: Formal informality and deterritorialised home-making amid bulldozer urbanism in Shanghai." Urban Studies. Online First
2019 The Inconvenient Generation: Migrant Youth Coming of Age on Shanghai’s Edge. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.
2017 Returning to No Home: Educational Remigration and Displacement in Rural ChinaAnthropological Quarterly. 90(3): 715-742.
2017 Precious Son, Reliable Daughter: Redefining Son Preference in Migrant Households in Urban ChinaThe China Quarterly 229 (March 2017): pp. 150-171.
2015 Bad students go to vocational schools!': Vocational Education for Migrant Youth in Urban ChinaThe China Journal 73: 108-131.
2017 Review of “Youth Cultures in China by Jeroen de Kloet and Anthony FungChina Perspectives 2017/3: 70.
2016 Review of “Class Work: Vocational Schools and China’s Urban Youth” by T. E. Woronov. American Anthropologist 118 (3): 701-702.
2015 Review of “Class in Contemporary China” by David S. Goodman. Anthropos 110 (2): 622‒623.
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