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MA in Chinese Studies

Frequently Asked Questions (2020/21)



Important Information


Postgraduate Student Handbook

Graduate School Student Platform

Graduate School Announcements




About Course Selection


1. How to perform course registration?

Please refer to detailed instructions from Graduate School website. If you encounter any error/warning message when enrolling courses in CUSIS, please refer to "Meaning of Error/Warning Messages" for detailed explanations. 


2. Can I change my course selection after the course registration period in August?

Yes, students can change their course selection during the add/drop period of the respective term. Please refer to here for term’s add/drop period.


3. How many courses should I enroll in?

Please refer to the study scheme for the graduation requirements. Students are required to complete 24 units (8 courses) for graduation. We strongly advise that you should not enroll more courses than the number required. Kindly note that each course has limited quota, other students will be not able to register or add/drop enough courses if you occupy unnecessary seats.


4. Can I sit in a course before officially enrolling it via CUSIS?

Arrangements will be made to ensure that students could sit in different courses offered by MA in Chinese Studies programme during the course add/drop period, details will be announced later. Please refer details from Orientation Site.


5. What should I do if I want to enroll a closed (quota is full) course?

Closed (quota is full) courses will open to students for joining the wait list during add/drop period of each term. Students wish to enroll a closed (quota is full) course should submit request via CUSIS to join the wait list, course enrollment will be handled via CUSIS on first come first served basis if course quota is released or adjusted. For enrolling CHES6002 in Term 1, please send your request to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  


6. How to register for CHES5002A/B?

Due to current COVID-19 situation, CHES5002A/B are still under planning, the Division will announce the final arrangement and enrolment arrangement before the start of the term.


7. How to register for CHES5201A/B?

Enrollment is not available via CUSIS. Enrollment of CHES5201A/B are subject to screening and your performance in Term 1. Enrollment arrangement will be announced in December 2020 (check course outline on CCS website).


8. How to enroll a course offered by other department/programme at CUHK?

Enrollment in Chinese studies-related courses offered by other Programmes/Department is subject to approval by the Programme Director and consent of the Programmes/ Department responsible. Student interested in non-CHES courses is not able to enroll the course directly via CUSIS, student should ensure the lecturer of that course agrees on their participation and submit application to MA in Chinese Studies Programme Office during the first week of each Term. Please refer to the application form (download from Orientation Site) for details.


9. Can I take language course as part of my MA programme?

Students will not be approved to enroll credit bearing non-CHES language courses. Students interested to enroll non-credit bearing language courses could refer to Yale Chinese Language Centre for details.


10. Questions regarding course enrollment in CUSIS

The CUSIS function “Enroll by My Requirements” or “Manage Course” may have confused some of students, because it may shows that course enrollment records do not match to fulfill graduation requirements even students have already enrolled one required course and seven elective courses. Students should find there is a note “this is a system generated report and is for reference only”. The CUSIS system is not able to recognize the stream specification of individual course therefore the system generated message could not reflect the real case. What students need to do is to ensure that you had followed our study scheme and stream specification of courses to select courses.





11. When is the deadline of the tuition fee payment?

The annual tuition fees are payable by two equal installments. Tuition fee should be settled by the end of September and end of January for Term 1 and Term 2 respectively, Finance Office will send notification to students in two weeks prior to the payment due date. Besides, the HKD40,000 deposit paid upon acceptance of admission offer will be offset against the first installment of tuition fee. Please refer to here for payment method.


12. When will my student status expire?

Our programme is a one-year full time programme. The expected graduation date of 2020/21 cohort is 31 July 2021.


13. What should I do if I need official document form the University?

Please make your request to Graduate School. Detailed procedures available at

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