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Each year CUHK welcomes nearly 1000 students from both partner and non-partner institutions to study here for one term or the entire academic year. Courses offered by the Contemporary China Studies programme are all taught in English and are popular to visiting students who are either striving for in-depth knowledge on China or are just wanting to catch a glimpse of Chinese culture or society.


For exchange studnets


Visiting students can choose courses from the introductory (1000) to the advanced (4000) levels, as well as postgraduate level (5000) in the following list. Anyone interested in joining the CUHK Visiting Student Programme should contact the Office of Academic Links for applications and details.


Course Code Course Title Unit(s)
CCSS1001 China’s Cultural Past 3
CCSS1003 The Cultural Revolution and its Legacies 3
CCSS1004 Chinese Society in Transformation 3
CCSS1005 Modern China 3
CCSS1006 Politics and Governance in Contemporary China 3
CCSS1007 Introduction to the Chinese Economy 3
CCSS1010 Chinese Languages and Cultures: A Linguistic Perspective 3
CCSS2002 Global China 3
CCSS2003 Thinking about Contemporary China 3
CCSS2005 Contemporary Chinese Popular Culture 3
CCSS2030 Modern Chinese Literature 3
CCSS2120 Chinese Family and Marriage 3
CCSS2150 War and Revolution in China 3
CCSS2410 Theories of Development and the China Case 3
CCSS2450 Business and China 3
CCSS2630 Fundamental Principles of Economics (Macro/Micro) 3
CCSS2800 Chinese Politics in Comparison 3
CCSS3030 China Under Mao 3
CCSS3050 Shanghai in Modern and Contemporary China 3
CCSS3101 Media China 3
CCSS3411 Cultural History of Modern China 3
CCSS3420 Social Issues and Problems in Contemporary China 3
CCSS3440 China on Screen 3
CCSS3451 Rural Development in China 3
CCSS3460 Chinese Literature: Late Qing to the Present 3
CCSS3500 China in Regional and World Systems 3
CCSS3550 Political Economy of China’s Reform 3
CCSS3600 Geographies of Development in China 3
CCSS3610 Investment and Finance in China 3
CCSS3700 Urban China 3
CCSS3800 Popular Protest and Social Movements in China 3
CCSS3900 Environmental Politics in China 3
CCSS4008 Places of Memory in Modern China Seminar 3
CCSS4009 Student Protest in 20th Century China Seminar 3
CCSS4010 Advanced Topics in Chinese Literature Seminar 3
CCSS4011 Advanced Topics on China and the Global Economy Seminar 3
CCSS4012 20th Century China through Local History and Fieldwork Seminar 3
CCSS4015 Social Conflict and Policing in China Seminar 3
CCSS4016 Youth, Market and State Seminar 3
CCSS4410 Law and Society in China Seminar 3
CCSS4502 Selected Topics in Contemporary China Studies (Humanities) 3
CCSS4504 Selected Topics in Chinese Language and Culture I 3
CCSS4505 Selected Topics in Chinese Language and Culture II 3
CHES5101 Selected Themes on Gender in China 3
CHES5102 Selected Themes on Chinese International Relations 3
CHES5105 Selected Themes on Chinese History 3
CHES5115 Chinese Business and Economy 3
CHES5124 Housing and Urban Governance in Contemporary China 3
CHES5126 China on Screen 3
CHES5130 China's Regions and their Global Interactions 3
CHES5133 Trauma and Memory in 20th and 21st Century China 3
CHES5134 East Asian Film Genres in a Globalizing World 3
CHES5135 State and Civil Society in Contemporary China 3
CHES5136 Hong Kong and Mainland China: Interaction and Integration 3
CHES5145 Chinese Art in the World after 1900: Aesthetics and History 3
CHES5149 China and Regional Order in Asia 3
CHES5150 Chinese Painting: Aesthetics and History 3
CHES5151 Selected Themes on Chinese Art History 3
CHES5152 "Ethnic Minorities" in China: Historical Perspectives and Contemporary Issues in Anthropology 3
CHES5154 Politics and Economy of China, 1900s-1990s 3

Note: Not all of the above courses are offered every year. Please refer to our Major programme and MA programme for our course lists.

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