Dr So Yuk Yan

Dr So Yuk Yan



BSSc (CUHK), MA (CUHK), PhD (CUHK), RSW 3943 5509
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Specialty and Research Interests

  • Parenthood and Parent Education
  • Life and Career Development
  • Social Group Work
  • Personal Growth and Development
  • Narrative Approach to Research and Practices


Curriculum Vitae

Click Here


Selected Publications

  • To, S.M., Lam, C.M., So, Y.Y. (2019). A Qualitative Study of Rural-To-Urban Migrant Chinese Mothers’ Experiences in Mother-Child Interactions and Self-Evaluation. Applied Research Quality Life. Published Online: 15 Jan 2019. Doi: 10.1007/s11482-019-9704-x
  • To, S.M., So, Y.Y., Kwok, C.M. (2018). Meaning-Making of Motherhood among Rural-to-Urban Migrant Chinese Mothers of Left-Behind Children. Journal of Child and Family Studies, doi: 10.1007/s10826-018-1169-2 (SSCI; IF in 2017: 3.596, 5 Year-IF in 2017: 1.397, Ranking: 23/46 (Q2) in Family Studies; 52/73 (Q3) in Psychology, Developmental; 87/142 (Q3) in Psychiatry)
  • To, S.M., Kwok, C.M., So, Y.Y., Yan, M.W. (2018). Parent Education for Migrant Mothers of Left-Behind Children in China: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial. Family process, Published Online: 13 Jun 2018, doi: 10.1111/famp.12369
    (SSCI; IF in 2017: 3.116, 5 Year-IF in 2017: 3.13, Ranking: 2/46 (Q1) in Family Studies; 28/127 (Q1) in Psychology, Clinical)
  • To, S.M., So, Y.Y., Iu Kan, S.M., Tsoi, K.W., & Chan, T.S. (2018). Supporting parents in late modernity through parent education: A mixed methods study in Hong Kong. Journal of Social Work, 18(2), 164-184
    (SSCI; IF in 2017: 1.09, 5 Year-IF in 2017: 1.325, Ranking: 20/42 (Q2) in Social Work)
  • To, S.M., So, Y.Y., & Chan, T.S. (2014). An exploratory study on the effectiveness and experience of a parent enhancement group adopting a narrative approach. Journal of Social Work, 14(1), 41-61
    (SSCI; IF in 2017: 1.09, 5 Year-IF in 2017: 1.325, Ranking: 20/42 (Q2) in Social Work)