Ms. Chan Sin-han, Catalina
BS in Social Work( Central Missouri State University, USA)
MSW ( University of Illinois at Chicago, USA)
Register Social Worker
3943 7400
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Research Interests
- Child abuse and neglect case work and group work
- Mental health case work and group work
- New immigrant
- Single parent family
- Children with special needs
- Community mobilization
Curriculum Vitae
Selected Publications
- 「珍愛兒童」個案集,「幸福的重獲」童年被性侵犯倖存者治療個案剖析,防止虐待兒童會及明報出版 2009
- Presentation at 2008 International Congress of International Society of Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (unpublished) : "Characteristic of Child Sexual Abuse Investigation Cases - A Five Year Review from 2003 to 2007"
- 「輔導個案 示例與啟迪」,「傲霜蘭: 向童年被性侵犯倖存者致意」治療個案剖析,香港教育學院 (教育心理 ,輔導與學習支援系)講師, 前線教師,輔導人員及前線社工合著 ,香港教育學院出版 2005
- 「童心同行」,「憤怒之火」家庭暴力個案剖析 及「生存者的重生」童年被性侵犯倖存者治療個案剖析,防止虐待兒童會出版 2000