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Academic appointees may pursue remunerative outside activities that advance or communicate knowledge through interactions with industry or the community, and through consulting or professional opportunities. Such activities give the individual experience and knowledge valuable to teaching, research, and creative activities and/or provide a University related public service. Appointees should however undertake such activities in a manner consistent with the full performance of their primary University obligations. There are University regulations and guidelines governing the various types of remunerative outside activities set out in the summary table below.

Such regulations and guidelines are also applicable to non-academic appointees considering that (a) there may be remunerative professional services rendered by non-academic appointees to outside organizations [or person(s)] or business ventures undertaken by them, and (b) the engagement of such activities will help the appointee keep abreast of developments in his/her field and to maintain professional contacts and/or bring benefit to the University or the community.

These regulations and guidelines providing for possible outside engagements are applicable to full-time appointees only. Non-full-time appointees should undertake non-CUHK engagements outside their agreed working hours at the University. Appointees in pursuing outside activities should always take care to ensure that there is not any conflict of interests and/or conflict of commitment, whether actual or perceived, with their roles and/or duties at the University.

Click here for an overview

Outside Activity

  1. Outside Practice (OP)
    • Remunerative Service (RS) to CUHK (e.g. teaching, teaching-related academic activities)
    • General Outside Practice (GOP) for external clients
    • Departmental private clinical practice (PCP) 

      Remunerative - Yes
      Applications of Professional Knowledge/ Expertise - Yes
  2. Outside Academic Appointment (OAA)
    • Visiting/outside appointment/double employment at other institutions
    • Participation in “Thousand Talents Scheme” and equivalent schemes

      Remunerative - May or may not
      Applications of Professional Knowledge/ Expertise - Yes
  3. Outside Business Activity (OBA)
    • Any activity for the purpose of financial gain in addition to the University
      emoluments but which is not outside practice

      Remunerative - Yes
      Applications of Professional Knowledge/ Expertise - No
  4. Remunerative Public Service (RPS)
    • Public service either by appointment or election

      Remunerative - Yes
      Applications of Professional Knowledge/ Expertise - May or may not


Links to Academic Staff Handbook & Staff Handbook (by Terms of Service)
Outside Practice (OP) - B7; B21
Outside Academic Appointment (OAA) - B7
Outside Business Activity (OBA) - B17
Remunerative Public Service (RPS) - B10


(Reference) - Communication Documents on Outside Activities
  1. Circular Memorandum on “Policy on the Appointment of Programme Directors for Self-financed Taught Postgraduate Programmes” - (September 8, 2015)|

    Target recipients:
    Faculty Deans & Supervising Officers Heads of Departments & Units & Programme Directors/ Administrators of Self-financed Programmes

    Salient features and policy on the appointment of Programme Directors for Self-financed Taught Postgraduate Programmes

  2. Circular Memorandum on “Policy on Appointees’ Participation in Outside Academic Appointments” - (July 13, 2015)

    Target recipients:
    Faculty Deans & Supervising Officers, Heads of Departments & Units

    Implementation of GOP Module on IOPAS

  3. Circular Memorandum on “Staff Engagement in Academic and Research Activities in Shenzhen” - (June 29, 2016)

    Target recipients:
    Heads of Departments & Units & all full-time teaching and research staff

    Staff Engagement in the University’s Shenzhen initiatives:
    • Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology (SIAT)
    • CUHK, Shenzhen (CUHKSZ)
    • CUHK Shenzhen Research Institute (SZRI)

    Information on the following topics is also available here:
    • SZRI membership
    • Appointment certificate for grant application

  4. Circular Memorandum of Shenzhen Research Institute (SZRI)

    Implementation of Personnel Operations Manual - (February 8, 2017)

    Update on Personnel Policies 2018 - (January 12, 2018)

    Target recipients:
    Faculty Deans & Supervising Officers, Heads of Departments & Units & Registered SZRI members

    Personnel Operations Manual of SZRI and update on personnel policy in January 2018

    Information on the following topics is also available here:

    • A recap on CUHK’s Policy on OP, OAA and staff engagement in SZ activities
    • Overview of SZRI personnel operations
    • Different modes of engaging support personnel for SZRI projects

[The Bursary (BUR) and the Personnel Office (PO) have been renamed Finance Office (FNO) and Human Resources Office (HRO) respectively with effect from July 1, 2018. The terms “Personnel Office”/“PO” and “Bursary”/”BUR” appear on this website refer to “Human Resources Office”/”HRO” and “Finance Office”/”FNO” starting from that date.]