![]() Outdoor Gear Workshop 2018
Myths and Facts of Long Distance Running and Trekking Gear
The “Myths and Facts of Long Distance Running and Trekking Gear” experience sharing session hosted by the SSPE Master Alumni Association was successfully held on 12 July 2018. We have invited Norman Man, a long distance veteran runner, to share his experience and extensive knowledge on long distance running and hiking. Norman is a passionate advocate for endurance sports and an owner of two sport stores (Trailsport) offering a wide range of sports equipment. In the sharing session, he has given us important tips on how to prevent injuries from endurance and hiking sports through essential gear and proper use of those equipment. He has also demonstrated the proper way to use those trekking gear and reminded us of some common preventable hiking injuries. In order to arouse the interest of endurance sports and increase sport participation, Norman travels around the world and shares his experience with sport lovers on various occasions. We would like to take this opportunity to express our most sincere thanks to Norman for his time and efforts to make this event a success. Without his help, this session would not have been possible. | ||||||