
Academic Staff

Carmen LEE

Associate Professor
B.A., M.Phil.(HKU); Ph.D. (Lancaster)

Tel 3943 7994
Office Fung King Hey 317

Administrative Post:
Director of MA in English (Applied English Linguistics)

Research Interests
Sociolinguistics, language on the internet, multilingualism, literacy studies, qualitative research methods
Selected Publications (see also Google Scholar Site)
Multilingualism Online. London: Routledge.
(Co-edited with M. O’Sullivan and D. Huddart.). The Future of English in Asia. London: Routledge.
(With D. Barton). Linguagem online : textos e práticas digitais. Sao Paulo: Parabola Editorial. [Preview]
(With D. Barton). Language Online: Investigating digital texts and practices. London: Routledge.
Journal Articles
Googlish as a resource for networked multilingualism. World Englishes.39 (1): 79-93.
(with Xiao, R.) English in the linguistic landscape of the Palace Museum: a field-based sociolinguistic approach, Social Semiotics, DOI: 10.1080/10350330.2019.1697542
Introduction to Special Issue on ‘Discourse of Social Tagging’. Discourse, Context and Media. 22: 1-3. 185-208.
(With D. Chau). Language as pride, love, and hate: Archiving emotions through multilingual Instagram hashtags. Discourse, Context & Media.
(With D. Chau). Discursive construction of identities in a social network-educational space: Insights from an undergraduate Facebook group for a linguistics course. Discourse, Context & Media, 18, 31-39.
(With D. Barton). Redefining Vernacular Literacies in the age of Web 2.0. Applied Linguistics 33 (3): 282-298.
(With D. Barton). Constructing Glocal Identities through Multilingual Writing Practices on, International Multilingual Research Journal 5: 39-59.
Affordances and text-making practices in online instant messaging. Written Communication. 24 (3): 223-249.
Text-making practices beyond the classroom context: Private instant messaging in Hong Kong. Computers and Composition: An International Journal. Special Issue on Global Perspectives of Computers and Composition. 24 (3): 285-301.
Book Chapters
(With D. Barton). Methodologies for researching multilingual online texts and practices. In: Researching multilingualism: Critical and ethnographic perspectives, edited by M. Martin Jones and D. Martin. Abingdon: Routeldge.
Digital Discourse@Public Space: Flows of Language Online and Offline. In Jones, R., Chik, A. and Hafner, C. (Eds.) Discourse and Digital Practices: Doing discourse analysis in the digital age. London: Routledge.
Language choice and self-presentation in social media: the case of university students in Hong Kong, in Seargeant, P. and Tagg, C. (eds) The Language of Social Media: Community and Identity on the Internet. Palgrave Macmillan, 91-111.
Text-making practices in online writing spaces: from research to practice, in Goodfellow, R. and Lea, M. (Eds.), Literacy in the Digital University, London: Routledge, 149-161.
'My English is so poor…so I take photos'. Meta-linguistic discourse of English online. Discourse 2.0: Language and New Media. Georgetown University Press.
Researching the texts and practices in an online photo-sharing site. To appear in M. Sebba et al. (Eds). Language mixing and code-switching in writing: Approaches to mixed-language written discourse. London: Routledge, p. 128-145.
Texts and Practices of Micro-blogging: Status Updates on Facebook. In C. Thurlow and K. Mroczek. (Eds). Digital Discourse: Language in New Media. Oxford University Press, 110-128.
(With D. Barton). Literacy studies. In R. Wodak, B. Johnstone, and P. Kerswill. (Eds.). The Sage Handbook of Sociolinguistics. London: Sage Publications. 598-611.
(With D. Barton). English and glocal identities on Web 2.0: The case of In K. K. Tam (Ed.). Englishization in Asia. Hong Kong: Open University of Hong Kong Press, p.1-20.
Linguistic features of email and ICQ instant messaging in Hong Kong. In B. Danet and S. C. Herring. (Eds.). The Multilingual Internet: Language, Culture and Communication Online. New York: Oxford University Press. 185-208.
Editorial Posts
  • Associate Editor, Discourse, Context and Media (Elsevier)
  • Editorial board member: Journal of Sociolinguistics (Wiley)
  • Series co-editor, Language and Digital Media book series (Routledge)
  • Guest Editor, Special Issue on ‘Discourse of Social Tagging’, Discourse, Context & Media (Elsevier)
  • Editorial board member, Critical Discourse Studies (Routledge)
Research Grants and Awards
Knowledge Construction and Writing Online: Exploring Digital Academic Discourse and Practices in Hong Kong (funded by CUHK Direct Grant for Research, Co-Is: Dennis Chau, Open University of Hong Kong, and D. Barton, Lancaster University)
The Language of Cyberbullying in Hong Kong: A Pilot Study (Supported by the CUHK Student Campus Work Scheme 2018/19)
The Interaction between Online and Offline Linguistic Practices (funded by CUHK Direct Grant for Research, Co-I: D. Barton, Lancaster University)
Language and Writing Activities on Web 2.0: The Case of Young People in Hong Kong (HKD 427,286, RGC General Research Fund)
Multimodal Text-making and Learning in Online Social Spaces: The Case of (HKD 98,093, funded by CUHK Direct Grant for Research, Co-I: D. Barton, Lancaster University)
Multilingualism in Web 2.0 Spaces: A Pilot Study (HKD 48,920, funded by the OUHK Research and Development Fund, as Principal Investigator)