BA, MPhil (CUHK); Adv. Cert. Asian Stud (Pitt); PhD (Toronto)
Department Chairman; Professor, Department of History, CUHK;
Director of Centre for Chinese History, CUHK
I hold the PhD degree in Department of East Asian Studies from University of Toronto (1995). My research areas include Qin and Han China, with the focus on the Chinese institutional and social history. As a historian, I maintain that people occupy a prominent position in activating history as reflected from literary or archeological evidence. Historians should cut through ideological and methodological bias to strive for objectivity and truth. Under this premise, I attempt to interpret and structure all historical fragments into an integrated whole and to project the past of human being. Recently, I have been doing research in the Han social history through the investigation of the unearthed bamboo and wooden documents of Qin and Han periods. I believe these new evidence will give new lights to the study of the life of ordinary people in Han China.
My current project, The Linxiang Prefecture and the Changsha Commandery in the Eastern Han Dynasty (25 AD – 220 AD): The Governance of a Han Local Administration as Seen from the Archives Excavated in the Wuyi Square of Changsha, Hunan, aims at a thorough understanding of the Han governance on the Linxiang Prefecture, Changsha Commandery. (RGC General Research Fund 2018-2019).
Year | Research Project |
2018-2019 | The Linxiang Prefecture and the Changsha Commandery in the Eastern Han Dynasty (25 AD - 220 AD): The Governance of a Han Local Administration as Seen from the Archives Excavated in the Wuyi Square of Changsha, Hunan 東漢時期的長沙郡臨湘縣:湖南長沙五一廣場簡牘所示漢代地方行政的管理” Principal Investigator, RGC General Research Fund (GRF) 2018-2019 |
2018-2019 | The Local Economy and Governance of the Han Dynasty as Seen from the Newly Unearthed Documents of Changsha 長沙新出土漢代文書所見地方經濟與管理 Principal Investigator: Lai Ming Chiu Collaborator: Zhang Zhaoyang 張朝陽, Associate Professor, Department of History, SJTU Principal Investigator: Lai Ming Chiu, Collaborator: Zhang Zhaoyang 張朝陽, Associate Professor, Department of History, SJTUThe, Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) - Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) Joint Research Collaboration Fund (香港中文大學(中大)-上海交通大學(上交大)聯合科研基金) |
2013-2014 | Social and Political Conflicts in the Frontier Regions of the Qin and Han Empires (221B.C. to A.D.220): An Exploration on the Wooden Documents from Juyan, Jianshui Jinguan and Xuanquan 秦漢帝國邊陲地區的社會和政治衝突:居延、肩水金關及懸泉簡牘的探討 Principal Investigator, RGC General Research Fund (GRF) 2013-2014 |
2009-2010 | Institutions and Social Order of the Frontier Regions during the Qin-Han Periods (221 B.C. to A.D. 220): An Analysis on the Unearthed Documents from the Juyan 居延, Dunhuang 敦煌 and Liye 里耶 Regions Principal Investigator, RGC General Research Fund (GRF) 2009-2010 |
2006-2007 | A Historical Perspective on the Social Control of the Han Dynasty (206 B.C. to A.D. 220): An Analysis on the Evidences of the Bamboo Slips and Wooden Documents Excavated from Zhangjia Shan and Ejina Banner 漢代社會控制的研究:張家山漢簡及額濟納漢簡為中心的分析 Principal Investigator, RGC Earmarked Research Grant 2006-2007 |
2000-2001 | Bureaucratic Structure and Social Forces in the Commandery-Prefecture Levels of Han China (220 B.C. to A.D. 220): The Studies of the Bamboo Slips and Wooden Documents Found at Juyan Prefecture (居延縣) and Donghai Commandery (東海郡) Earmarked Research Grant, Research Grants Council, 2000-2001 |