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Payment Methods

Available payment methods for student fees include:

(A) For local payment in Hong Kong, one of the following payment methods should be used:


  1. Please login and follow the corresponding steps under "CUSIS > Financial Account > Make a Payment" to settle the outstanding amount through your PPS account via the Internet. OR

  2. Please call PPS Hotline 18031 (English) or 18033 (Cantonese) or visit, enter Merchant Code "9110"; Bill Type "01" and enter your Payment Reference Number as the bill/account number with the payment amount.





ATM card holder of HSBC, Hang Seng Bank or JETCO may pay at ATMs with signage of "BILL PAYMENT SERVICE" or "JET PAYMENT", enter "Bill Payment Services", select "The Chinese University of HK"; Bill Type "01" and enter your Payment Reference Number as the bill/account number with the payment amount.



Bank Website

If you are an internet banking user of HSBC, Hang Seng Bank or JETCO member banks in Hong Kong, you may visit your bank's website, enter "Bill Payment Services", select "The Chinese University of HK"; Bill Type "01" and enter your Payment Reference Number as the bill/account number with the payment amount.

* Please refer to Hang Seng Bank website at for details of Cash Dollars rebate offer for tuition fee payment settled by CUHK Affinity Card.



Counter Payment

Please visit Hang Seng Bank counter and pay into the bank account no. 293-005005-007 in the name of "The Chinese University of Hong Kong" and quote your Payment Reference Number on the bank deposit form.



(B) For overseas payment, remittance by telegraphic transfer should be sent directly to the University's bank account with details as follows.

Telegraphic Transfer (Overseas)

  1. Please arrange with your bank for Telegraphic Transfer the exact Hong Kong dollar amount printed on your Debit Note to the following bank account:

  2. Account Name:
    The Chinese University of Hong Kong
    Name and Address of Bank:  
    Hang Seng Bank Limited
    83 Des Voeux Road
    Central, Hong Kong
    HKD Account No.:   
    293-005005-007 (HKD)
    Bank Code:        
    Swift Code:      

  3. Please note that any bank charges should be borne by the student. You need to pay an extra charge of around HK$250 charged by the banks concerned, their correspondents and agents for telegraphic transfer.

  4. Please quote your name, Student ID No. and Payment Reference Number in the bank remittance advice. Payment Reference Number is used to identify settlement against individual student's record. Please enter or quote the number correctly when payment is made.

  5. It normally takes 1-2 weeks for transferring fee by Telegraphic Transfer, please arrange your payment in advance to ensure that your settlement could be received before the Payment Due Date.





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