CUHK is ready with the new curriculum, and enthusiastic about the changes. For most undergraduate subjects, the new undergraduate curriculum will be four years (the '4' in the '3+3+4' education reform) and will receive students who have completed the New Senior Secondary (NSS) curriculum (the second '3' in '3+3+4') – as well as students with equivalent qualifications acquired locally, nationally or internationally. Thus, the new curriculum is a part, perhaps the culmination, of the community-wide effort in Hong Kong to improve and reform its educational system for the challenges and needs of the twenty-first century.
CUHK offered a four-year normative curriculum from its establishment in 1963 (and in the Foundation Colleges before that) up to the mid-1990s. But the new curriculum is not a return to the four-year curriculum of old. We have built upon that tradition and foundation and developed a new curriculum fit for the times, to nurture citizens, leaders and professionals in many walks of life. In the preparatory process, first started five years ago, many units in CUHK have worked together to develop the different parts of the new curriculum, to bring them together as an integral and exciting learning experience for our students. We are excited by what will be on offer, and you would be as well.