22 Sep 2010
Dear fellow colleagues and students,
I am delighted to inform you that Release 1 of the Chinese University Student Information System (CUSIS) and the new University portal system (MyCUHK) were successfully launched on 5 Jul 2010.
Since then, over 23,000 users have logged in and accessed various services of the two systems. More than 70% undergraduate and a thousand of postgraduate students completed their course registrations successfully within the first 30 minutes of their enrollment periods. Although some students experienced challenges during the event, RES, GSO, ITSC and all academic departments worked together to address various enquiries through telephone calls and e-mails. This joint effort resulted in an overall smooth-running of the enrollment period.
Scheduled for launch on 22 Oct 2010, CUSIS Release 2 will include a number of additional functions such as grade book, graduation advisement, and alumni management. Currently user-acceptance testing and go-live planning are in progress, and upcoming training sessions will be extended to target teaching staff and other communities.
To accommodate the launch, a temporary shutdown of CUSIS is scheduled from 15 Oct 00:00 to 22 Oct 09:00 for data conversion and programme update. You will get the arrangement details shortly through e-mail and the project website.
For more details about CUSIS, please visit our CUSIS website: http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/cusis/ or contact the CUSIS Project Team (cusis@cuhk.edu.hk).
Yours faithfully,
Ching Pak-chung
Chairman of Steering Committee on the Development of CUSIS
