Vice-Chancellor's Exemplary Teaching Award / University Education Award
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University Education Award
Vice-Chancellor's Exemplary Teaching Award
Vice-Chancellor's Exemplary Teaching Award 2008
The Vice-Chancellor's Exemplary Teaching Award Scheme was launched in the year 1999 to give recognition to outstanding teachers. Every year, each Faculty can nominate at least one teacher for the award whose performance in teaching is considered excellent in the eyes of students and other teaching staff. The award serves not only as a recognition of the contributions of the awardees in the area of teaching, but also reflects the University's commitment to providing quality education.
2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999

Professor Cheng Chung-yi
Department of Philosophy
Faculty of Arts
Professor Cheng Chung-yi
"Education is a matter of conscience"
—Professor Ho Hsiu-hwang, former Dean of Faculty of Arts, CUHK

Professor Jessica Y.Y. Kwong Professor Jessica Y.Y. Kwong
Department of Marketing
Faculty of Business Administration
"Intelligence derived from sincerity is nature. Sincerity derived from intelligence is instruction"
Book of the Mean
Professor Cheng Pui-wan
Department of Educational Psychology
Faculty of Education
Professor Cheng Pui-wan
"The good life is the one that is inspired by love and guided by knowledge"
—Bertrand Russell
Professor Charlie C.L. Wang Professor Charlie C.L. Wang
Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
A good teacher not only imparts knowledge but also inspires students to seek truth beyond tradition, definition and image.

Professor Swati Jhaveri
Faculty of Law
Professor Swati Jhaveri
Teaching is not just about developing knowledge but also about helping develop a real interest in the knowledge.

Professor Shekhar Madhukar Kumta Professor Shekhar Madhukar Kumta
Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology
Faculty of Medicine
Be sincere, honest and considerate!              

Professor Leung Kwok-nam
Department of Biochemistry
Faculty of Science
Professor Leung Kwok-nam
Teach students with all your heart, all your mind and all your strength, and learn from them while they learn from you.

Professor Leung Wing-leung Patrick Professor Patrick Wing-leung Leung
Department of Psychology
Faculty of Social Science
Be patient and listen to them for they are your students, but can also be your teachers.

Professor Chow Po-chun
Department of Government and Public Administration
(Nominated by the Senate Committee on General Education)
Professor Chow Po-chun
"It is advisable to place equal emphasis on the advancement of one's studies and the conduct of oneself; it is better still to achieve a combined mastery of both"
—New Asia College Regulation 1
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