This project aims to develop a new learner-centred and outcome-based teaching and learning pedagogy: Role-Playing Gamification of Flipped Classroom (RPGFC) and study its effectiveness and impact on students’ learning outcomes and learning experiences. Building upon existing flipped classroom, we propose to add “Role-Playing” element where students are
guided to digest the content, discuss with the instructors, and teach select topics to their classmates. The role-playing element is expected to promote higher order of cognitive learning since being challenged to teach is one of the ultimate ways of active learning. This new teaching and learning pedagogy will create and maximize multi-directional interactions among students and between instructors and students. It is expected that this teaching pedagogy can be applied and generalized to many other disciplines such as engineering, science, arts, education, social science, business and medicine. This project will develop comprehensive methodology for the RPGFC and study its effectiveness and impacts on students’ learning outcome and experience using exiting engineering courses as demonstrations. Comprehensive and systematic comparisons will be conducted and
discussions/strategies on generalizing this pedagogy to disciplines beyond engineering subjects will be reported.