Lectures and Seminars on Global Challenges, Piloting an Alternative University GE Pathway
Principal Supervisors

Professor Leung Mei Yee
(Office of University General Education)


1 year and 11 months

Approved Budget

HK $478,695

  • Abstract


  • This proposal puts forth to pilot an alternative pathway named Global Challenge GE in CUHK (General Education) GE programme for students aspiring to understand better the challenges faced by the world, and to contribute to finding solutions.

  • The proposal intends to align with the current Academic Development Planning exercise of the University which values two themes and related pedagogy that can enhance students’ capabilities in innovation and design thinking on the one hand, and foster their awareness and attitude of global citizenship and enterprisingness on the other.

  • The alternative pathway i.e. Global Challenge GE would include three levels of student engagement:
    Level one: a new cross-disciplinary Global Citizen Lecture course under Area C, an existing University GE Area;
    Level two: at least one relevant knowledge-based course in the existing Four-Areas of GE;
    Level three: one course in the Areas with a strong application component which can be labelled as Global Challenge Seminars.