The University Grants Committee (UGC) allocated the Teaching Development Grant (TDG) to UGC-funded institutions since 1994 to encourage the adoption of innovative approaches to teaching and improvement of the quality of the learning environment. In the 2016-2019 triennium, the TDG was merged with the Language Enhancement Grant (LEG) forming the Teaching Development and Language Enhancement Grant (TDLEG).
Since the introduction in 1994, TDG has been playing an important role in enhancing the University’s teaching and learning quality. TDG gave impetus for initiating and experimenting new ideas to achieve better quality of teaching and learning in CUHK. Even though grant recipients usually disseminate their successful cases at the CUHK annual Teaching and Learning Expo, conferences and journal articles, it is possible that the benefits of these new successful pedagogies which are indeed invaluable resources are restricted to individual courses and students of the grant recipients. It is essential that exemplary projects with their outcomes be widely disseminated to the CUHK community as model showcases. By studying these TDG projects, good practices could be identified and disseminated. Future TDLEG applicants may also benefit by learning these good practices.
This project aims at identifying good practices in pedagogies as reflected in the TDG projects of CUHK and promoting the good practices identified from those exemplary TDG projects awarded in different rounds of grants.