Supporting the Development and Implementation of Internationalized Curricula
Principal Supervisors

Professor Chun Ka Wai Cecilia
Professor Eunice L.Y. Tang
(Department of Curriculum and Instruction)


1 year and 5 months

Approved Budget

HK $677,750

  • Abstract


  • The proposed project is aimed at materialising the concept of ‘Internationalisation at Home’ (IaH) in the context of CUHK by developing internationalised curricula which are guided by the ‘Conceptual Framework on Internationalisation of Curriculum’.

  • CLEAR will work with teachers from different faculties to develop discipline-specific courses which embed multicultural elements in teaching and learning in order to promote among our students a global mindset and enhance their intercultural understanding.

  • To supplement these formal courses, suggestions for informal co-curricular activities providing experiential learning opportunities will be made.

  • Input from local and/or overseas scholars experienced in internationalising university curricula will be sought to enhance our understanding in this area.

  • An evaluative study will be conducted as the courses progress to assess their impact.

  • Good practices will be identified and disseminated.