Understanding students’ learning experiences from their perspectives is an effective way to inform the University the effectiveness of the education we provide. Questionnaire surveys are usually adopted to gauge students’ views and self-perceptions. Centre for Learning Enhancement And Research (CLEAR), in collaboration with the Colleges, the Office of University General Education (OGE), the Office of Student Affairs (OSA), and the Office of Admissions and Financial Aid (OAFA), has administered an entry survey (Entry Class Questionnaire- ECQ) to all Year 1 students since 2012 when the first cohort of students going through the new senior secondary curriculum (“3+3+4” curriculum) were admitted. The First Year Experience Questionnaire (FYEQ) is also administered to Year 1 students. Seeing that 2016 is an opportune time to collect information about how students ‘summarise’ their university education, the same collaborative units designed and administered a comprehensive “Exit survey” for final year students/ graduates in July 2016 in order to track the development of the first cohort of students who have gone through the new curriculum. With the addition of the exit survey, the University will have a comprehensive set of longitudinal data about our students.
The main objective of this project is to collect data as one of the evidence of evaluating on the effectives of new curriculum at University, Faculty, Programme and College levels. This project mainly involves the continuation process of data collection, analysis and reporting of Undergraduate exit survey and dissemination of results through CUHK SharePoint and data visualization platform. In order to have a completed longitudinal dataset from entry to exit point of CUHK students, this project also supports the annual data collection, reporting, and revision of ECQ and First Year Experience Questionnaire (FYEQ).