Supporting the Professional Development Needs in Teaching of CUHK Teachers – A Review of the Professional Development Activities Provided by CLEAR
Principal Supervisors

Professor Chun Ka Wai Cecilia


2 years

Approved Budget

HK $1,362,000

  • Abstract


To promote and support teaching excellence, the Centre for Learning Enhancement And Research (CLEAR) provides professional development opportunities for teachers through the Professional Development Course (PDC), workshops, talks, seminars and large-scale activities.  Though feedback of participants on the effectiveness of these PD activities is always collected through the course evaluation, the impacts of the professional development and their sustainability have not been explored thoroughly.

With the implementation of the Strategic Plan (2016 – 2020), teachers are expected to go into new areas, e.g. eLearning, internationalization and assessment.  These new developments have warranted more diverse professional development opportunities to cater for the needs of both new and experienced teachers in order for them to cope with the changes in the teaching context, student diversity and prevalent pedagogies in the tertiary sector.

Against such backgrounds, this project is proposed to (1) identify gaps in the need of both new and experienced teachers for professional development support in light of the recent developments in T and L; (2) formulate a comprehensive framework for professional development suitable for CUHK teachers; and (3) revise, if deemed necessary, the content and conduct of the PDC and other professional development activities at the University level.

The outcomes of the project will set a blueprint for future professional development opportunities which will better address the pedagogical needs of both new and experienced teachers of CUHK.