EXPO 2019/20 - Application for Presenters

Apart from applications which were already accepted in our previous call in 2019, we would like to recruit a limited number of talks and/or posters, for the sharing of teaching and learning experiences in response to the emergencies and coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic happened in this academic year.  


Themes in previous call (2019): 

  • Curriculum enhancements and innovations

  • Pedagogical changes for learning enhancements
    (e.g. active learning, flipped classroom approach, and authentic learning, etc.)

  • MOOC/Courseware/Micro-module developments

  • Application/Innovation of educational technologies including VR/AR

  • Assessment and evaluation enhancements

  • Learning analytics and AI in Education

  • Other topics related to teaching and learning


Additional theme (Special Call for Presentations in June 2020): 

  • Challenges and opportunities: the social unrest and COVID-19 experience 

Application is open for the following categories:

Submit Application

Method 1: Submit through online abstract submission system

Method 2: Complete the abstract submission form (MS Word format) and email to expo@cuhk.edu.hk



Important Dates


June 28, 2020

Abstract submission deadline (Special call for presentations in June 2020)

July 05, 2020

Extended abstract submission deadline (Special call for presentations in June 2020)

By July 06, 2020 

Notification of acceptance / rejection release (Special call for presentations in June 2020) 

July 16, 2020 

Deadline for submitting poster PDF and video description (Poster Presentation)

July 16, 2020 

Deadline for submitting short paper (optional) 


July 28 to 30, 2020 

Event period 


Abstract Submission Guidelines


The abstracts will be reviewed by the Expo Organising Committee. Relevance to the themes of Expo and originality of approach are our major considerations.


All accepted abstracts, short papers, posters and short videos will be housed in the Expo website.


Abstracts will be published exactly as entered if accepted.


  • Length

  • The abstract's length should be a maximum of 250 words.


  • Language

  • Abstract submitted for presentation should be in English.




  • Talk presenters have an OPTION to submit a 3 minutes (max) video to the  organising committee, to provide basic information about their work. These videos will be made available to the public BEFORE the event day. The purpose is to enrich the interactions and exchanges. For example, if a participant has already understood the basics of the work in a certain presentation, he or she can ask more in-depth and direct questions on the day. 
