To arouse the interest of secondary school students in Chemistry, a series of popular science lectures are given by our faculty members in various occasions.
Lecture Series on Modern Chemistry
April 18, 2015
Alzheimer’s Disease: What Chemists Can Do?
Prof. Ricky M. S. Wong (Hong Kong Baptist University)
Inspiration: Seeing the Obvious and Making Connections
Prof. Patrick H. Toy (University of Hong Kong)
April 25, 2015
Encountering Daily Life Hazard: The Plasticizer (DEHP)
Prof. Michael F. Y. Kwong (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
Chemistry Behind Trans Fat and MSG
Prof. Qian Miao (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
April 30, 2016
Amazing Molecules that Changed the World
Prof. Gavin C. Tsui (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Pattern Formation by Reaction and Diffusion
Prof. Bo Zheng (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
May 7, 2016
The Chemistry of Fat and Its Derivatives
Dr. George F. Wong (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Organic Chemistry and Pharmaceuticals
Prof. Tony K. M. Shing (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
February 25, 2017
Amazing Molecules that Changed the World
Prof. Gavin C. Tsui (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Exploring Chemistry on Computers
Prof. Steve Y. L. Tse (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
March 11, 2017
DNA Repair - 2015 Nobel Prize in Chemistry
Prof. Jiang Xia (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Organic Chemistry and Pharmaceuticals
Prof. Tony K. M. Shing (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
May 5, 2018
Exploring Chemistry on Computers
Prof. Steve Y. L. Tse (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Pattern Formation by Reaction and Diffusion
Prof. Bo Zheng (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
May 12, 2018
Food Chemistry: The Past and the Present
Prof. F. Y. Michael Kwong (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Catalysis in Daily Life
Prof. Ying Yeung Yeung (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Contemporary Chemistry Lectures for Secondary School Teachers
May 9, 2015
Antibiotics and Superbugs
Prof. Jiang Xia (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Air Pollution: Aerosols and Greenhouse Gases
Prof. Hung Kay Lee (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
May 21, 2016
DNA Repair - 2015 Nobel Prize in Chemistry
Prof. Jiang Xia (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Modern Fuel Cells
Prof. Steve Y.-L. Tse (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
May 13, 2017
Miniaturization of Chemistry and Biology in Droplets
Prof. Bo Zheng (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
The Chemistry of Smog Formation
Prof. Hung-Kay Lee (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
May 18, 2018
Responsive Surfactants, What Can They Do for Us?
Prof. To Ngai (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Bioinorganic Chemistry: A Subject in Contemporary Chemistry Education and Research
Prof. Hung-Kay Lee (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)