2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011
22 Jun
Prof. Qian Miao and Prof. To Ngai were awarded the CSJ Lectureship Award 2020 presented by the Chemical Society of Japan.
Prof. Qian Miao and Prof. To Ngai were awarded the CSJ Lectureship Award 2020 presented by the Chemical Society of Japan.
Details : here
Prof. Fuk-yee Kwong has been elected a member of the Hong Kong Young Academy of Sciences
Details : here
Professor Lee Hung Kay has been awarded the Faculty Exemplary Teaching Award 2019
Details : here
Prof Xie is elected a member of The Hong Kong Academy of Sciences on November 26, 2019 .
Please click here for details.
Prof. Jimmy YU Chai Mei have been listed one of the nine professors of CUHK who have earned the honour of being named in the list of “Highly Cited Researchers 2019”
as among the world’s top researchers who have demonstrated significant and broad influence reflected in their publication of multiple papers, highly cited by fellow academics.
This is also the second consecutive year that he is named in the list.
Please click here for details.
Professor Yeung Ying Yeung has been awarded the Young Researcher Award 2018
Details : Professor Yeung Ying Yeung has been awarded the Young Researcher Award 2018 to recognise his research accomplishments. His research interest lies in synthetic organic chemistry, novel methodologies development, and complex molecules synthesis.
The Young Researcher Award and the Postgraduate Research Output Award were established in 2002 to recognise the research accomplishments of young faculty members and to encourage quality research. The Young Researcher Award is open to all eligible full-time teachers at Assistant Professor rank or above and below the age of 45.
Mr. WONG CHAK KUI has been awarded the University of Oxford Croucher Scholarship
Details : http://admission.cuhk.edu.hk/news/graduate-wins-croucher-scholarship.html
Mr. Pun Sai Ho has been awarded the "Chemistry Letters Young Award"

Prof. Ying-Lung Steve Tse has been awarded the Faculty Exemplary Teaching Award 2019

Prof. MIAO Qian receives Croucher Senior Research Fellowship.
Details : https://scholars.croucher.org.hk/senior_research_fellows/qian-miao
Prof. Jimmy YU Chai Mei have been named by Clarivate Analytics in the list of “Highly Cited Researchers 2018” as among the world’s top researchers whose work has been highly cited by fellow academics and are hence making a significant impact in ongoing research in their respective fields of study.
Please click here for details.
5 Dec
Our alumnus, Dr. CHEUNG Kwan Yin (張均然), receives the Croucher Fellowship for Postdoctoral Research 2018
ontent: Dr. CHEUNG Kwan Yin (張均然), receives the Croucher Fellowship for Postdoctoral Research 2018. He graduated with a PhD degree in 2016 under Prof MIAO Qian supervision, and is currently a postdoctoral researcher in Nagoya University
Details : https://scholars.croucher.org.hk/scholars/kwan-yin-cheung
31 Oct
Mr. Wu Ri has been awarded the Best Poster Award in the 22nd International Mass Spectrometry Conference (IMSC) 2018
Mr. Wu Ri, a postgraduate student in Prof. Dominic T.W. Chan’s group, has been awarded the Best Poster Award in the 22nd International Mass Spectrometry Conference (IMSC) 2018, held in Florence, Italy from 26th to 31st August 2018.

18 Sep
Mr. Pun Sai Ho has been awarded the Researcher Poster Prize in the Third International Symposium on the Synthesis and Application of Curved Organic p-Molecules & Materials.
Mr. Pun Sai Ho, a postgraduate student in Prof. Miao Qian’s group, has been awarded the Researcher Poster Prize in the Third International Symposium on the Synthesis and Application of Curved Organic p-Molecules & Materials, held in Oxford, UK from 5th to 7th September 2018.

15 Aug
Prof. Lee Hung Kay received a “Poster Award in the 43rd International Conference on Coordination Chemistry (ICCC2018)”.
Prof. Lee Hung Kay received a “Poster Award in the 43rd International Conference on Coordination Chemistry (ICCC2018)” held in Sendai, Japan on 30 July to 4 August 2018.
Details: http://www.iccc2018.jp/award_announcement.html
8 Jul
Ms. ZHOU Xiaoyu has been awarded the The Biointerphases First Prize for the Best Student Presentation.
Ms. ZHOU Xiaoyu (left 2), a postgraduate student in Prof. Zheng Bo’s group, has been awarded The Biointerphases First Prize for the Best Student Presentation at the 2018 GRC on Biointerface Science: Surfaces and Compartments in Biology and Medicine, held in Tuscany, Italy from 17 to 22 June 2018. The award is the only one out of the total 79 posters.

Dr. George Wong receives the CUHK Exemplary Teaching Award in General Education 2018, as recognition for his outstanding teaching performance and contribution to the University. The award presentation ceremony was held at the University Bookstore, Yasumoto International Academic Park, CUHK on 4 May 2018.
Dr. Wong joined our Department of Chemistry in 2014, and has since been engaging in general education, laboratory, STOT and PBL courses. He has also devoted himself in other teaching engagements of Summer Institute, Science Academy for Young Talent, The Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education and Education Bureau.

28 Apr
Mr. Pak Chi Yuen has been awarded the “Best Poster Award in Physical Chemistry” in the 25th Symposium on Chemistry Postgraduate Research in Hong Kong.

28 Apr
Mr. Pun Sai Ho has been awarded the “Best Oral Presenter Award” in the 25th Symposium on Chemistry Postgraduate Research in Hong Kong.

The 29th Chemistry Olympiad (for Tertiary Institutions), co-organized by the Hong Kong Chemical Society and the Royal Society of Chemistry, was held in the afternoon of February 24, 2018 at the City University of Hong Kong. Teams from six local universities participated in this event. The theme for this year was “Sustainable Living Style”. CUHK team made a presentation on “How do you ‘FUEL’” and won the Second Runner-up for the competition. The CUHK team coordinator was Prof. CHAN Man Chor and Prof. Steve Y.L. Tse, assisted by Dr. George F. Wong, while Prof. Gavin C. Tsui sat on the panel of judges as the representative from CUHK.
Presenting Team
CHEONG Hau Lam Jody
WONG Chak Kui
YENG Sze Ching
(Year 3)
(Year 3)
(Year 4)
Supporting Team
CHAN Kam Tung
LEUNG Ming Yau Vincent
TSUI Shu Wai
YAU Tsz Ying
(Year 2)
(Year 3)
(Year 4)
(Year 3)
(Year 3)
(Year 2)
Event Photos:

Caption: CUHK Presentation Team made a presentation

Caption: (Left) Mr. Jimmy Kwok, BBS, MH, JP (Guest of Honour), Miss Jody CHEONG, Miss YENG Sze Ching and Mr. WONG Chak Kui

CUHK Team taking photo with academic staff [Prof. Gavin C. Tsui (Left 1), Dr. Y.S. Cheung (Left 2), Prof. Steve Y.L. Tse (Right 1) and Dr. George F. Wong (Right 2)]
Let’s see what WONG Chak Kui say:
It was a challenging but rewarding experience to participate in the Chemistry Olympiad. This year, the theme was “Chemistry for Sustainable Living Style”. We received a photo of a gas station as the topic, so we decided to focus on the sustainable use of fuel. With only two days for preparation, we had very limited time to prepare the slides. Thanks to our team spirit, we successfully finished the slides on time.
During the preparation, we searched for a lot of information related to the topic and we have learned a lot. We can also apply what we have learnt in the lessons and deepen our understanding. Of course, we have also improved our collaborative skills and time management.
I am very grateful for the efforts and hard work of my teammates. I would also like to thank Prof. Steve Tse, Prof. Chan Man Chor, Dr. George Wong and Dr. Cheung Yu San for their valuable advice and support during our preparation.
12 Dec
Mr. CHOY Tsz Hei has been awarded the “Best Poster Award” in the 4th Japan-Taiwan-Singapore-Hong Kong Quadrilateral Symposium on Coordination Chemistry.
Mr. CHOY Tsz Hei, a postgraduate student in Prof. H.K. Lee’s group, has been awarded the “Best Poster Award” in the 4th Japan-Taiwan-Singapore-Hong Kong Quadrilateral Symposium on Coordination Chemistry held at The University of Hong Kong on 10-12 December, 2017.

Ms. Lu Xiaolin, a postgraduate student in Prof. Henry, N.C. Wong group, has won the Best Oral Presentation Award at The 7th Junior International Conference on Cutting-Edge Organic Chemistry in Asia (ICCEOCA-7) and The 3rd Junior Advanced Research Network on Cutting-Edge Organic Chemistry in Asia (ARNCEOCA-3). The title of her talk is Gold(I)-Catalyzed Tandem Cycloisomerization of 1,5-Enyne Ethers via Hydride Transfer.

18 May
Prof. Ngai’s student, Miss LIN, Kuan-Ting has won the Best Presentation at the Network for Advanced Materials Open Research (NAO) meeting held at BASF, Shanghai
The PhD student, Miss LIN, Kuan-Ting has won the Best Presentation at the Network for Advanced Materials Open Research (NAO) meeting held at BASF, Shanghai on March 31, 2017. She also obtained the full financial support from BASF company to attend the coming International Polymer Colloid Group Conference (IPCG 2017) in Arantzazu, Spain, during June 25-30 2017.

6 May
Ms. Wong Yi Ling has been awarded the “Best Poster Award in Analytical and Environmental Chemistry” in the 24th Symposium on Chemistry Postgraduate Research in Hong Kong
Award: The Best Poster Award in in Analytical and Environmental Chemistry
Name : Ms. Wong Yi Ling (Supervisor: Prof. Chan Tak Wah Dominic)
Title: Generation and Characterization of Gas-phase Doubly-ionized Peptide Ions (M2+ ).
25 Apr
Ms. Ho Ka Ka (Year 2, undergraduate) was awarded the Innovation and Technology Scholarship Award Scheme 2017
The “Innovation and Technology Scholarship Award Scheme” aims to provide recognition to outstanding undergraduates in universities in Hong Kong as well as opportunities to widen their international/Mainland exposure and gain industry experience. Ms. Ho Ka Ka is one of the Twenty-five science undergraduate students awarded this scholarship. Details can be found at:

Mr Raymond CHENG, Group General Manager and Chief Operating Officer, Asia Pacific, HSBC presented the certificate to awardee Ms. Ho Ka Ka.

Prof. H.K. Lee (1st right) and Ms. Ho Ka Ka (5th right).

Prof. H.K. Lee (1st right) and Ms. Ho Ka Ka (6th right).
21 Apr
Dr. Raymond Chi-Yuen Kwong (UG 1993/MPhil.1995) has been awarded the “2017 SID Special Recognition Awards”
Dr. Raymond Chi-Yuen Kwong (UG 1993/MPhil.1995) has been awarded the “2017 SID Special Recognition Awards” from Society for Information Display for his pioneering research on the commercialization of high-efficiency and high-stability phosphorescent OLED materials and devices. Dr. Kwong is currently the director of Universal Display Corporation HK Ltd.
For details, please refer to http://informationdisplay.org/IDArchive/2017/MarchApril/2017HonorsandAwards.aspx
The 28th Chemistry Olympiad (for Tertiary Institutions), co-organized by the Hong Kong Chemical Society and the Royal Society of Chemistry, was held in the afternoon of February 25, 2017 at the City University of Hong Kong. Teams from six local universities participated in this event. The theme for this year was “Chemistry and Environmental Protection”.
CUHK team made a presentation on “Sustainable Energy” and won the Championship for the competition.
The CUHK team coordinator was Prof. CHAN Man Chor, assisted by Dr. CHEUNG Yu San, while Prof. LEE Hung Kay sat on the panel of judges as the representative from CUHK.
CUHK Team (Year 2 & 3 undergraduates from the Department of Chemistry)
Presenting Team:
AO Chi Kit
HO Ka Ka
PUN Chun Sang
Supporting Team:
DAI Man Ting Toby
FONG Ching Wai
FUNG Wai Kin
HO Man Wai
LAU Yuk Yiu
WONG Alex Lok Sang
WONG Chun Kit
WONG Yat Hin
CUHK Presentation Team made a presentation about “Sustainable Energy”

(From left) Dr. FUNG Ying Sing (Chairman, Organizing Committee of Hong Kong Chemistry Olympiad), Mr. PUN Chun Sang, Miss HO Ka Ka , Mr. AO Chi Kit and Prof. Marcel SF LIE KEN JIE (Guest of Honour)

CUHK Team taking photo with academic staff [Dr. CHEUNG Yu San (Left 1), Prof. LEE Hung Kay(Left 2), Prof. CHAN Man Chor (Left 4)]

3 Feb
Prof. Henry Wong was awarded the 2nd S. Chandrasekaran Endowment Lecture Award on February 3, 2017 in Gauhati University, Guwahati.
Prof. Henry Wong was awarded the 2nd S. Chandrasekaran Endowment Lecture Award on February 3, 2017 in Gauhati University, Guwahati.

Professor Sourav Pal, President of the Chemical Research Society of India read the citation Professor M. Hazarika, Vice-Chancellor, Gauhati University chaired the Lecture

Professor Sourav Pal, President of the Chemical Research Society of India presented the plaque to Prof. Henry Wong
12 Dec
Mr. Liu Qiang has won the Best Poster Award at the joint international symposium of the 14th ISCOC and the 11th ISCIC (http://iscoc-iscic2016.org).
Name: Mr. Liu Qiang (Supervisor: Professor Henry N. C. Wong)
Poster Award Name: SNIC Poster Award (SNIC: Singapore National Institute of Chemistry)
Poster Title: Iron-Catalyzed Cross-Coupling of Organolithium Compounds with Organic Halides

25 Nov
Prof. T.K.M. Shing and Dr. Wai-Lung Ng Successfully Synthesize New Carbasugars as Antidiabetic Agents
Prof. Tony K. M. Shing and Dr. Wai-Lung Ng has successfully synthesized a series of amino-carbasugars through a novel synthetic strategy. The new carbasugars act as potential drug molecules to treat Type 2 diabetes.
Under the guidance of Professor Shing, Dr. Ng used an inexpensive and readily available raw material, gluconolactone, to create these drug-like chemical compounds. A low-cost chemical synthesis methodology was also adopted. Thus, the cost of making these compounds is remarkably low.
One of the greatest challenges in this project was to figure out how to merge the two ‘drug fragments’ together. With the support from the Fulbright Research Award from the Lee-Hysan Foundation, Dr. Ng spent eight months at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) to acquire a state-of-the-art technology called palladium-catalysed cross-coupling reaction, which functions as a ‘molecular super-glue’ in fusing two molecular fragments together. With the essential ‘synthetic tool’ in hand, the research team was able to create the carbasugar inhibitors that they designed.
‘Synthetic chemistry is both intellectually and physically challenging. Labour-intensive work in the laboratory is unavoidable. However, the research experience has been very enjoyable and fulfilling, especially when we successfully created those new molecules with pharmaceutical values,’ said Dr. Wai-Lung Ng.
‘It has been a long time since we first conceived the research idea back in 2010, and we are glad to see that our research work is now recognized internationally by scientists. More importantly, we have demonstrated the potential of using chemistry to make a positive impact on healthcare applications. Persistence and out-of-the-box thinking are the keys to the success of this project,’ said Professor Shing. ‘We plan to test our novel drug candidates in mouse models of diabetes. We believe that our efforts will be translated from bench-to-bedside eventually, and benefit patients with diabetes.’
This research was given the ‘best poster presentation’ award at the Oxford Synthesis Conference in the UK last summer. The team has had a strong track record in antidiabetic drug discovery. In 2013, they discovered and published their results on another class of carbasugar antidiabetic agents, also in Angewandte. Chemie. International.
For details, please visit here
Related news, please click here
Highly Cited Researchers from the Intellectual Property (IP) and Science business of Thomson Reuters is an annual list recognizing leading researchers in the sciences and social sciences from around the world. The 2016 list focuses on contemporary research achievement: only Highly Cited Papers in science and social sciences journals indexed in the Web of Science Core Collection during the 11-year period 2004-2014 were surveyed. Highly Cited Papers are defined as those that rank in the top 1% by citations for field and publication year in the Web of Science.
Prof. Jimmy Yu has been selected as a Web of Science Highly Cited Researcher. For more details please referto this link:
6 Sep
Prof. S.L. Lam’s two graduate students, Mr. LIU Yuan and Miss GUO Pei, received the Young Investigator Award in the XXVIIth International Conference on Magnetic Resonance in Biological Systems.
Prof. S.L. Lam’s two graduate students, Mr. LIU Yuan and Miss GUO Pei, received the Young Investigator Award in the XXVIIth International Conference on Magnetic Resonance in Biological Systems in Kyoto, Japan during August 21-26, 2016.
Certificate of Mr. LIU Yuan

Certificate of Miss GUO Pei

Dr. ZHAO Da (Supervisor: Professor Xie Zuowei) has been awarded the Springer Thesis Prize 2015 and his research work with title "Functionalization of Carborane via Carboryne Intermediates" will be published in the Springer Theses series that brings together a selection of the very best PhD theses from around the world. A world-renowned publisher, Springer, is the world’s largest book and second-largest journal publisher worldwide.
25 Apr
Professor Yu’s team has discovered an elemental phosphorus photocatalyst with a record high hydrogen evolution efficiency.
Professor Yu’s team has discovered an elemental phosphorus photocatalyst with a record high hydrogen evolution efficiency.
The outcome has been published in Angew Chem (DOI: 10.1002/anie.201603331) and publicized by Hong Kong government internationally.
The video can be seen through the youtube link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9EAKYppVhAw (00'30").
The 27th Chemistry Olympiad (for Tertiary Institutions), co-organized by the Hong Kong Chemical Society and the Royal Society of Chemistry, was held in the afternoon of February 27, 2016 at City University of Hong Kong. Teams from six local universities participated in this event. The theme for this year was “Chemistry in Justice”.
CUHK team made a presentation on “Forgery of Jewelry” and got the Second Runner up for the competition.
The CUHK team coordinator was Prof. LIU Zhifeng, assisted by Dr. CHAN Wing Fat, while Prof. Tony SHING sat on the panel of judges as the representative from CUHK.
CUHK Team (Year 3 undergraduates from the Department of Chemistry)
Team Leader:
PANG Tak Hing
Presenting Team:
CHAN Chung Yi
LOH Leyi
Supporting Team:
CHAN Kin San
CHU Chun Ho
LAU Chun Yin
WONG Yiu Tak
YUEN King Tuen
CUHK Presentation Team made a presentation about the Forgery of Jewelry
CUHK Team taking photo with teaching staff [Dr. Cheung Yu San (left 1), Dr. Chan Wing Fat(Right 2), Prof. Liu Zhifeng (Right 1)

Let see what the team leader PANG Tak Hing says:
“Participating in this year’s Chemistry Olympid is a challenging and fruitful experience. In the preparation of powerpoint, not only did we have to search the material related to the forgery of jewelry, but also distinguish different types of forgery which led to lengthy dispute in our working team. In order to make our presentation smoother, the three presenters performed numerous rehearsals in the matchday morning. It was very amazing to see that our team did much during these 48 hours before the match (We received the presentation topic 48 hours before the presentation). To my teammates, thanks for your effort these days!
Thanks Professor Liu Zhifeng, Dr. Chan Wing Fat as our programme coordinator and gave us much feedback and thanks Dr. Cheung Yu San for accompanying with us. Also, we have to express gratitude to other teaching staff in our department who also came to discuss the detail with us at night.
24 Sep
Professor Wu Chi received the Wang Baoren Award for Accomplishments in Fundamental Polymer Research
Professor Wu Chi received the Wang Baoren Award for Accomplishments in Fundamental Polymer Research
The 26th Chemistry Olympiad (for Tertiary Institutions), co-organized by the Hong Kong Chemical Society and the Royal Society of Chemistry, was held in the afternoon of February 28, 2015 at City University of Hong Kong. Teams from six local universities participated in this event. The theme for this year was “Chemistry and Discovery”.
CUHK team made a presentation on the contributions of Nobel Laureates in Chemistry in 2000, namely, Alan J. Heeger, Alan G. MacDiarmid and Hideki Shirakawa, on the advancement of Chemistry in “Conductive Polymers” and got the Champion for this competition.
CUHK Team (Year 3 undergraduates from the Department of Chemistry)
Team Leader:
PAK Chi Yuen
(Year 3)
Presenting Team:
NG Yik Kwong (Captin)
(Year 3)
CHAN Wai Ming
(Year 3)
TSE Ho Wing
(Year 3)
Supporting Team:
(Powerpoint Production)
AU Yik Ki
(Year 3)
CHEUNG Yin Ying, Yvette
(Year 3)
LAW Ching Man
(Year 3)
Supporting Team:
(Literature Search)
CHAN Ngai Chung
(Year 3)
(Year 3)
CHUNG Kiu Fung, Ronald Kevin
(Year 3)
PANG Yat Sing
(Year 3)
(Year 3)
WONG Kai Wui Rex
(Year 3)
The CUHK team coordinator was Prof. Lam Sik Lok, assisted by Dr. Kendrew Mak, while Prof. Xie Zuowei sat on the panel of judges as the representative from CUHK.

CUHK Team made a presentation about the contributions of of Nobel Laureates in Chemistry in 2000

CUHK Team presenters received the prize
[Prof. Kevin Leung (left1), Mr. Tse Ho Wing (left3), Mr. Ng Yik Kwong (right 3) Miss Chan Wai Ming (right2)]

CUHK Team taking photo with the Chairman and teaching staff
[Prof. H.K. Lee (left 1), Prof. Kevin Leung (Left 2), Prof. S.L. Lam (left 3), Dr. Y.S. Cheung (Right 1)
Let’s see what the team says:
“Participating in the 26th Chemistry Olympiad was surely a challenging but also a fruitful journey. We would like to express our gratitude to the classmates who encouraged us to join this competition. The theme of this year is about the discovery and contribution of different Nobel Prize Laureates in Chemistry. At first we thought it would be a tough 'war'. Will an undergraduate be able to present the academic work from professional researchers? The result turned out to be great and enjoyable.
We have gained much support from different people. We would like to express our gratitude to Prof. Sik Lok LAM, Prof. Qian MIAO and Dr. Kendrew K.W. MAK, who gave us useful and inspiring advice on the ways which we could drill in this topic. We discovered that academic background is not solely the important part of our presentation. Sometimes it is more about passion, communications, and the ability to transcend boundaries among different academic fields. We would also like to thank Dr. CHEUNG Yu San for giving us some final remarks and his accompany on the day of competition. At but not least, we greatly appreciate the efforts from our supporting team. It was exciting to prepare such an excellent powerpoint within 48 hours.
Chemistry is indeed a very fascinating and intriguing realm of science. Participating in this competition expands our horizons in the field of chemistry and we hope we can witness or even participate in the development of chemistry in the future.”
The following paper from Prof. C. Wu has been selected to receive the 8th Feng Xinde Polymer Prize for the Best Chinese Paper published in the journal polymer during 2013:
Title: Unified description of transportation of polymer chains with different topologies through a small cylindrical pore
Chi Wu, Lianwei Li
Polymer, Vol.54, No.5 (2013), Pages 1463-1465.
The prize, established in 2006, is named after Dr. Xinde Feng, who has significantly contributed to the creation and development of modern polymer chemistry in China. In the late 1940s he was the first professor to offer a course on polymer chemistry, and he helped in the development of polymer science through the organization of meetings and symposia involving both Chinese and foreign scientists.
The Royal Society of Chemistry is the world’s leading chemistry community, advancing excellence in the chemical sciences. With over 50,000 members and a knowledge business that spans the globe, they are the professional body for chemical scientists. In recognition of Professor Wu Chi’s significant contributions to the chemical sciences, they had invited Professor Wu to be a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry.
Details can be found on the Faculty Newsletter Issue 50.
2 Jul
Dr. Yue Yanan has been awarded the Springer Thesis Prize
Dr. Yue Yanan (Supervisor: Professor C. Wu) has been awarded the Springer Thesis Prize and her research work with title "How Free Cationic Polymer Chains Promote Genes Transfections" has been published in the Springer Theses series that brings together a selection of the very best PhD theses from around the world. A world-renowned publisher, Springer, is the world’s largest book and second-largest journal publisher worldwide.
27 Jun
Mr Ng Wai Lung was awarded the “Professor Charles K. Kao Student Creativity Awards”
Mr Ng Wai Lung, a PhD student under the supervision of Professor Tony Shing, was awarded the “Professor Charles K. Kao Student Creativity Awards”. Professor Charles K. Kao Student Creativity Awards (http://www.cintec.cuhk.edu.hk/pckksca/HTML/intro.html) is a binnuale competition of technological innovation among full-time students in CUHK aims at promoting the culture of innovation, entrepreneurship amongst students and encouraging cross-disciplinary collaboration among undergraduate and postgraduate students. The theme for this year is “Innovation for Better Life”.
30 May
Dr. Janet Lau Ting Fong has been awarded the Springer Thesis Prize
Dr. Janet Lau Ting Fong (Supervisor: Professor Dennis K.P. Ng, Co-Supervisor: Prof. Gigi P. C. Lo) has been awarded the Springer Thesis Prize and her research work with title "Toward Dual and Targeted Cancer Therapy with Novel Phthalocyanine-Based Photosensitizers" will be published in the Springer Theses series that brings together a selection of the very best PhD theses from around the world. A world-renowned publisher, Springer, is the world’s largest book and second-largest journal publisher worldwide.
15 May
Ms. Janet Lau Ting-fong has been awarded the Postgraduate Research Output Award 2012
Ms. Janet Lau Ting-fong has been awarded the Postgraduate Research Output Award 2012. The Postgraduate Research Output Award is nominated annually by each Faculty to recognize research postgraduate students with commendable research achievements during their studies.
27 Apr
Ms. Shi Wen-Jing has won the Best Poster Award in Inorganic Chemistry at the 20th Symposium on Chemistry Postgraduate Research in Hong Kong
Title :The Best Poster Award in Inorganic Chemistry
Name : Ms. Shi Wen-Jing (Supervisor: Prof. Dennis K.P. Ng)
Title: Formation and Photoinduced Processes of the Host-Guest Complexes of a -Cyclodextrin-Conjugated Aza-BODIPY and Tetrasulfonated Porphyrins

Ms Shi Wen-Jing (left) received the Poster Award from Prof. Xie Zuowei.
25 Apr
Mr Ng Wai Lung was selected as recipient of the RGC-Fulbright award to conduct PhD dissertation research in USA in 2013/14
Mr Ng Wai Lung, a PhD student in Department of Chemistry under the supervision of Professor Tony Shing, was selected as recipient of the RGC-Fulbright Award to conduct PhD dissertation research in USA in 2013/14. His research topic was on synthetic organic chemistry with the goal of making potential drugs for treating Type 2 diabetes. He would be hosted by MIT for 8 months from July 2013.
28 Feb
Chemistry Students Got 1st Runner-up in Hong Kong Chemistry Olympiad
The 24th Chemistry Olympiad (for Tertiary Institutions), co-organized by the Hong Kong Chemical Society and the Royal Society of Chemistry, was held in the afternoon of February 23, 2013 at City University of Hong Kong. Teams from six local universities participated in this event. The theme for this year was “Chemistry for Developing Innovation and Knowledge-based Enterprises in Hong Kong” and the title for CUHK was “Sustainable Energy”. The CUHK team made a presentation on the contributions of chemistry to the development of solar cell technology and got the 1st runners up for this competition.
CUHK Team (undergraduates from the Department of Chemistry)
Yui Tsz Hin 姚子軒 (Year 2)
Lai Sze Nga 黎詩雅 (Year 2)
Yu Sze Chun 余思進 (Year 2)
Supporting Team Members
Chan Shiu Nam 陳紹楠 (Year 2)
Chan Hing Wai 陳慶維 (Year 2)
Cheung Yee Han 張以行 (Year 2)
Tsang Ling Fung 曾凌鋒 (Year 2)
The CUHK team coordinator was Prof. MIAO Q.. Prof. CHAN D.T.W. sat on the panel of judges as the representative from CUHK. Prof. Wong Henry N.C. was the Guest of Honor for this event.

CUHK Team made a presentation about the contributions of chemistry to solar cell technology

Photo taken after the competition

CUHK Team presenters received the prize from Prof. Wong (Guest of Honor).
21 Jan
Prof. Tony K.M. Shing has been awarded the Faculty Exemplary Teaching Award 2012. The Presentation Ceremony hosted by the Science Faculty will be held on 26 January 2013
Details can be found in the Science Faculty Newsletter Issue No.48.
18 Jan
Professor Liu Zhifeng awarded the 2nd Class Prize of National Science Award (Research Topic: “ Gold Cage and the Transformation of Nano-Structures under External Field”)
Details can be found here.
1 Jan
Prof. Xie Zuowei awarded the Choh-ming Li Professorships
Details can be found in the Science Faculty Newsletter Issue No. 47.
9 Aug
Ms. HE Lisi has been awarded the Madam Wong Siew Khoon Scholarship 2011/12
Ms. HE Lisi has been nominated by the Faculty of Science and awarded the Madam Wong Siew Khoon Scholarship 2011/12. Each year, Madam Wong Siew Khoon Scholarship shall be awarded to a first-year full-time postgraduate student from the Mainland in the Faculty of Science.
2 Aug
Prof. Miao Qian has been awarded the Young Researcher Award 2011
2 Aug
Ms. HE Lisi has been awarded the Postgraduate Research Output Award 2011
The Postgraduate Research Output Award is nominated annually by each Faculty to recognize research postgraduate students with commendable research achievements during their studies.The award ceremony will be held at the 71th Congregation for the Conferment of Degrees on 29 November 2012.
29 Mar
Professor Ken Cham-Fai Leung received a MoE Higher Education Outstanding Scientific Research Output Award (Technology Advancement, First class)
Professor Ken Cham-Fai Leung received a MoE Higher Education Outstanding Scientific Research Output Award (Technology Advancement, First class)
For more details, please click here.
14 Apr
Ms. Yeung Hoi Sze and Ms. Ke Meirong received awards from The 19th Symposium on Chemistry Postgraduate Research in Hong Kong
- The Best Poster Award in Analytical and Environmental Chemistry
Ms. Yeung Hoi Sze
(Supervisor: Prof. Dominic T.W. Chan)
Title : Low Cost and High Performance Membrane Funnels for Indirect Spray Mass Spectrometry Analysis of Intact Proteins and Tryptic Digest

- The Best Poster Award in Inorganic Chemistry
Ms. Ke Meirong
(Supervisor: Prof. Dennis K.P. Ng and Prof. Gigi P.C. Lo)
Title: A Phthalocyanine-Peptide Conjugate with High in vitro Photodynamic Activity and Enhanced in vivo Tumor-Retention Property

11 Mar
Ms. Janet Lau Ting Fong, has been selected for the award of a Sir Edward Youde Memorial Honorary Fellowship in 2011/12
Ms. Janet Lau Ting Fong, a PhD student under the supervision of Prof. Dennis K.P. Ng and Prof. Pui-Chi Lo, has been selected for the award of a Sir Edward Youde Memorial Honorary Fellowship in 2011/12 in its 25th Concert-cum-Prize Presentation Ceremony held on 11thMarch, 2012, in the Hong Kong City Hall. This particular fellowship scheme is supported by The Sir Edward Youde Memorial Fund which aims at encouraging and assisting full-time students pursuing postgraduate studies by research.
The Sir Edward Youde Memorial Fund was established in 1987 to commemorate the former late Governor Sir Edward Youde. The purpose of the Fund is to provide for and encourage the education of, or research by the people of Hong Kong. During the past years, over 700 CUHK students have been granted different awards under the fund. This year a total of 12 CUHK students were awarded the Sir Edward Youde Memorial Fellowships and Scholarships.
25 Feb
Chemistry Students Garner Top Prize at Chemistry Olympiad
On Saturday, 25 February 2012, a team of eight Chemistry undergraduates represented our University at the 23rd Hong Kong Chemistry Olympiad (for Tertiary Institutions) and brought home the Top Prize of the competition. The competition was organized by the Hong Kong Chemical Society and the Royal Society of Chemistry, and aimed to promote an interest in Chemistry among young people. This year’s theme was “Chemistry for Good Health”, and the CUHK team made a presentation on the crucial role of chemistry to the discovery and production of pharmaceuticals (namely the drug Tamiflu), beating out teams from five other local universities to claim the top prize. This was the fifth time the Chinese University of Hong Kong had placed top at the Hong Kong Chemistry Olympiad (for Tertiary Institutions). CUHK previously won the first-place in the Hong Kong Chemistry Olympiad (for Tertiary Institutions) in 1993, 1994, 2008 and 2009. This year’s gold-medal team from the Department of Chemistry, guided by Prof. CHAN Man-chor and Dr. Kendrew MAK Kin-wah, comprised of the following students:
CUHK Team (undergraduates from the Department of Chemistry)
CHAN Hoi Wai Nicolas 陳凱瑋 (Year 2)
POON Ivy 潘靜怡 (Year 2)
ZHANG Mengwen 張夢雯 (Year 3)
Supporting Team Members
CHOW Ka Wai Gary 周嘉煒 (Year 2)
IP Ho Wang 葉皓宏 (Year 2)
LAM Kam Wing 林錦榮 (Year 3)
LI Ho Chuen 李浩泉 (Year 2)
NG Kui Sang 吳鉅生 (Year 2)
Prof. Kevin LEUNG Wing-por, also of the Department of Chemistry, sat on the panel of judges as the representative from the University.

CUHK Team made a presentation on the crucial role of chemistry to the discovery and production of pharmaceuticals.

CUHK Team Presenters CHAN Hoi Wai Nicolas, POON Ivy, ZHANG Mengwen (3rd left to 5th left) received the prize from the panel of judges.

LAM Kam Wing, NG Kui Sang (From left to right, back row). Dr. MAK Kin Wah Kendrew, Prof. CHAN Man Chor, CHOW Ka Wai Gary, Chan Hoi Wai Nicolas, ZHANG Mengwen, POON Ivy, IP Ho Wang, LI Ho Chuen, Prof. LEUNG Wing Por Kevin(From left to right, front row).
14 Jan
Prof. Dominc CHAN Tak-wah received a Faculty Exemplary Teaching Award 2011.
Details can be found on the Science Faculty Newsletter Issue No. 44.
14 Dec
Professors Tony K.M. Shing, Henry N.C. Wong, Jason C.Y. Ho and X.S. Peng received an Asian Core Program (ACP) Lectureship Award at the ICCEOCA-6/NICCEOCA-2
Professors Tony K.M. Shing, Henry N.C. Wong, Jason C.Y. Ho and X.S. Peng attended The 6th International Conference on Cutting-Edge Organic Chemistry in Asia / The 2nd New Phase International Conference on Cutting-Edge Organic Chemistry in Asia (ICCEOCA-6/NICCEOCA-2) held in Hong Kong, 11-15 December 2011. They were selected to receive ACP Lectureship Awards.

Prof. X.S. Peng received an Asian Core Program (ACP) Lectureship Award to Japan.

Prof. Henry N.C. Wong and Prof. Tony K.M. Shing received Asian Core Program (ACP) Lectureship Award to Korea.

Prof. Henry N.C. Wong received an Asian Core Program (ACP) Lectureship Award to Taiwan.

Prof. Tony K.M. Shing received Asian Core Program (ACP) Lectureship Award to Thailand.

Prof. Jason C.Y. Ho received an Asian Core Program (ACP) Lectureship Award to Singapore.
1 Dec
Dr. Zaozao Qiu has been awarded 2010 Postgraduate Research Output Award
For details, please click here
23 Sep
Dr. Zaozao Qiu and Dr. Xiao-Yu Sun have been awarded the Springer Thesis Prize
Dr. Zaozao Qiu (Supervisor: Professor Zuowei Xie) and Dr. Xiao-Yu Sun (Supervisor: Professor Henry N. C. Wong) have been awarded the Springer Thesis Prize and their research work will be published in the Springer Theses series that “brings together a selection of the very best PhD theses from around the world and across the physical sciences.” A world-renowned publisher, Springer, is the world’s largest book and second-largest journal publisher worldwide.
22 Jun | Prof. Qian Miao and Prof. To Ngai were awarded the CSJ Lectureship Award 2020 presented by the Chemical Society of Japan. |
Prof. Qian Miao and Prof. To Ngai were awarded the CSJ Lectureship Award 2020 presented by the Chemical Society of Japan.
Details : here
Prof. Fuk-yee Kwong has been elected a member of the Hong Kong Young Academy of Sciences
Details : here
Professor Lee Hung Kay has been awarded the Faculty Exemplary Teaching Award 2019
Prof Xie is elected a member of The Hong Kong Academy of Sciences on November 26, 2019 .
Please click here for details.
Prof. Jimmy YU Chai Mei have been listed one of the nine professors of CUHK who have earned the honour of being named in the list of “Highly Cited Researchers 2019”
as among the world’s top researchers who have demonstrated significant and broad influence reflected in their publication of multiple papers, highly cited by fellow academics.
This is also the second consecutive year that he is named in the list.
Please click here for details.
Professor Yeung Ying Yeung has been awarded the Young Researcher Award 2018
The Young Researcher Award and the Postgraduate Research Output Award were established in 2002 to recognise the research accomplishments of young faculty members and to encourage quality research. The Young Researcher Award is open to all eligible full-time teachers at Assistant Professor rank or above and below the age of 45.
Mr. WONG CHAK KUI has been awarded the University of Oxford Croucher Scholarship
Mr. Pun Sai Ho has been awarded the "Chemistry Letters Young Award"

Prof. Ying-Lung Steve Tse has been awarded the Faculty Exemplary Teaching Award 2019

Prof. MIAO Qian receives Croucher Senior Research Fellowship.
Details : https://scholars.croucher.org.hk/senior_research_fellows/qian-miao
Prof. Jimmy YU Chai Mei have been named by Clarivate Analytics in the list of “Highly Cited Researchers 2018” as among the world’s top researchers whose work has been highly cited by fellow academics and are hence making a significant impact in ongoing research in their respective fields of study.
Please click here for details.
5 Dec | Our alumnus, Dr. CHEUNG Kwan Yin (張均然), receives the Croucher Fellowship for Postdoctoral Research 2018 |
ontent: Dr. CHEUNG Kwan Yin (張均然), receives the Croucher Fellowship for Postdoctoral Research 2018. He graduated with a PhD degree in 2016 under Prof MIAO Qian supervision, and is currently a postdoctoral researcher in Nagoya University
Details : https://scholars.croucher.org.hk/scholars/kwan-yin-cheung
31 Oct | Mr. Wu Ri has been awarded the Best Poster Award in the 22nd International Mass Spectrometry Conference (IMSC) 2018 |
Mr. Wu Ri, a postgraduate student in Prof. Dominic T.W. Chan’s group, has been awarded the Best Poster Award in the 22nd International Mass Spectrometry Conference (IMSC) 2018, held in Florence, Italy from 26th to 31st August 2018.
18 Sep | Mr. Pun Sai Ho has been awarded the Researcher Poster Prize in the Third International Symposium on the Synthesis and Application of Curved Organic p-Molecules & Materials. |
Mr. Pun Sai Ho, a postgraduate student in Prof. Miao Qian’s group, has been awarded the Researcher Poster Prize in the Third International Symposium on the Synthesis and Application of Curved Organic p-Molecules & Materials, held in Oxford, UK from 5th to 7th September 2018.
15 Aug | Prof. Lee Hung Kay received a “Poster Award in the 43rd International Conference on Coordination Chemistry (ICCC2018)”. |
Prof. Lee Hung Kay received a “Poster Award in the 43rd International Conference on Coordination Chemistry (ICCC2018)” held in Sendai, Japan on 30 July to 4 August 2018.
Details: http://www.iccc2018.jp/award_announcement.html
8 Jul | Ms. ZHOU Xiaoyu has been awarded the The Biointerphases First Prize for the Best Student Presentation. |
Ms. ZHOU Xiaoyu (left 2), a postgraduate student in Prof. Zheng Bo’s group, has been awarded The Biointerphases First Prize for the Best Student Presentation at the 2018 GRC on Biointerface Science: Surfaces and Compartments in Biology and Medicine, held in Tuscany, Italy from 17 to 22 June 2018. The award is the only one out of the total 79 posters.
Dr. George Wong receives the CUHK Exemplary Teaching Award in General Education 2018, as recognition for his outstanding teaching performance and contribution to the University. The award presentation ceremony was held at the University Bookstore, Yasumoto International Academic Park, CUHK on 4 May 2018. Dr. Wong joined our Department of Chemistry in 2014, and has since been engaging in general education, laboratory, STOT and PBL courses. He has also devoted himself in other teaching engagements of Summer Institute, Science Academy for Young Talent, The Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education and Education Bureau.
28 Apr | Mr. Pak Chi Yuen has been awarded the “Best Poster Award in Physical Chemistry” in the 25th Symposium on Chemistry Postgraduate Research in Hong Kong. |
28 Apr | Mr. Pun Sai Ho has been awarded the “Best Oral Presenter Award” in the 25th Symposium on Chemistry Postgraduate Research in Hong Kong. |
The 29th Chemistry Olympiad (for Tertiary Institutions), co-organized by the Hong Kong Chemical Society and the Royal Society of Chemistry, was held in the afternoon of February 24, 2018 at the City University of Hong Kong. Teams from six local universities participated in this event. The theme for this year was “Sustainable Living Style”. CUHK team made a presentation on “How do you ‘FUEL’” and won the Second Runner-up for the competition. The CUHK team coordinator was Prof. CHAN Man Chor and Prof. Steve Y.L. Tse, assisted by Dr. George F. Wong, while Prof. Gavin C. Tsui sat on the panel of judges as the representative from CUHK.
Presenting Team |
CHEONG Hau Lam Jody |
(Year 3) |
Supporting Team |
CHAN Kam Tung |
(Year 2) |
Event Photos:
Caption: CUHK Presentation Team made a presentation
Caption: (Left) Mr. Jimmy Kwok, BBS, MH, JP (Guest of Honour), Miss Jody CHEONG, Miss YENG Sze Ching and Mr. WONG Chak Kui
CUHK Team taking photo with academic staff [Prof. Gavin C. Tsui (Left 1), Dr. Y.S. Cheung (Left 2), Prof. Steve Y.L. Tse (Right 1) and Dr. George F. Wong (Right 2)]
Let’s see what WONG Chak Kui say:
It was a challenging but rewarding experience to participate in the Chemistry Olympiad. This year, the theme was “Chemistry for Sustainable Living Style”. We received a photo of a gas station as the topic, so we decided to focus on the sustainable use of fuel. With only two days for preparation, we had very limited time to prepare the slides. Thanks to our team spirit, we successfully finished the slides on time.
During the preparation, we searched for a lot of information related to the topic and we have learned a lot. We can also apply what we have learnt in the lessons and deepen our understanding. Of course, we have also improved our collaborative skills and time management.
I am very grateful for the efforts and hard work of my teammates. I would also like to thank Prof. Steve Tse, Prof. Chan Man Chor, Dr. George Wong and Dr. Cheung Yu San for their valuable advice and support during our preparation.
12 Dec | Mr. CHOY Tsz Hei has been awarded the “Best Poster Award” in the 4th Japan-Taiwan-Singapore-Hong Kong Quadrilateral Symposium on Coordination Chemistry. |
Mr. CHOY Tsz Hei, a postgraduate student in Prof. H.K. Lee’s group, has been awarded the “Best Poster Award” in the 4th Japan-Taiwan-Singapore-Hong Kong Quadrilateral Symposium on Coordination Chemistry held at The University of Hong Kong on 10-12 December, 2017.
Ms. Lu Xiaolin, a postgraduate student in Prof. Henry, N.C. Wong group, has won the Best Oral Presentation Award at The 7th Junior International Conference on Cutting-Edge Organic Chemistry in Asia (ICCEOCA-7) and The 3rd Junior Advanced Research Network on Cutting-Edge Organic Chemistry in Asia (ARNCEOCA-3). The title of her talk is Gold(I)-Catalyzed Tandem Cycloisomerization of 1,5-Enyne Ethers via Hydride Transfer.
18 May | Prof. Ngai’s student, Miss LIN, Kuan-Ting has won the Best Presentation at the Network for Advanced Materials Open Research (NAO) meeting held at BASF, Shanghai |
6 May | Ms. Wong Yi Ling has been awarded the “Best Poster Award in Analytical and Environmental Chemistry” in the 24th Symposium on Chemistry Postgraduate Research in Hong Kong |
Award: The Best Poster Award in in Analytical and Environmental Chemistry
Name : Ms. Wong Yi Ling (Supervisor: Prof. Chan Tak Wah Dominic)
Title: Generation and Characterization of Gas-phase Doubly-ionized Peptide Ions (M2+ ).
25 Apr | Ms. Ho Ka Ka (Year 2, undergraduate) was awarded the Innovation and Technology Scholarship Award Scheme 2017 |
Mr Raymond CHENG, Group General Manager and Chief Operating Officer, Asia Pacific, HSBC presented the certificate to awardee Ms. Ho Ka Ka.
Prof. H.K. Lee (1st right) and Ms. Ho Ka Ka (5th right).
Prof. H.K. Lee (1st right) and Ms. Ho Ka Ka (6th right).
21 Apr | Dr. Raymond Chi-Yuen Kwong (UG 1993/MPhil.1995) has been awarded the “2017 SID Special Recognition Awards” |
For details, please refer to http://informationdisplay.org/IDArchive/2017/MarchApril/2017HonorsandAwards.aspx
The 28th Chemistry Olympiad (for Tertiary Institutions), co-organized by the Hong Kong Chemical Society and the Royal Society of Chemistry, was held in the afternoon of February 25, 2017 at the City University of Hong Kong. Teams from six local universities participated in this event. The theme for this year was “Chemistry and Environmental Protection”.
CUHK team made a presentation on “Sustainable Energy” and won the Championship for the competition.
The CUHK team coordinator was Prof. CHAN Man Chor, assisted by Dr. CHEUNG Yu San, while Prof. LEE Hung Kay sat on the panel of judges as the representative from CUHK.
CUHK Team (Year 2 & 3 undergraduates from the Department of Chemistry)
Presenters | |
Presenting Team: | AO Chi Kit |
HO Ka Ka | |
PUN Chun Sang | |
Supporting Team: |
CHIU Yu Kai |
DAI Man Ting Toby | |
FONG Ching Wai | |
FUNG Wai Kin | |
HO Man Wai | |
HUANG Ho Ying | |
LAU Yuk Yiu | |
WONG Alex Lok Sang | |
WONG Chun Kit | |
WONG Yat Hin |
CUHK Presentation Team made a presentation about “Sustainable Energy”
(From left) Dr. FUNG Ying Sing (Chairman, Organizing Committee of Hong Kong Chemistry Olympiad), Mr. PUN Chun Sang, Miss HO Ka Ka , Mr. AO Chi Kit and Prof. Marcel SF LIE KEN JIE (Guest of Honour)
CUHK Team taking photo with academic staff [Dr. CHEUNG Yu San (Left 1), Prof. LEE Hung Kay(Left 2), Prof. CHAN Man Chor (Left 4)]
3 Feb | Prof. Henry Wong was awarded the 2nd S. Chandrasekaran Endowment Lecture Award on February 3, 2017 in Gauhati University, Guwahati. |
Prof. Henry Wong was awarded the 2nd S. Chandrasekaran Endowment Lecture Award on February 3, 2017 in Gauhati University, Guwahati.
Professor Sourav Pal, President of the Chemical Research Society of India read the citation Professor M. Hazarika, Vice-Chancellor, Gauhati University chaired the Lecture
Professor Sourav Pal, President of the Chemical Research Society of India presented the plaque to Prof. Henry Wong
12 Dec | Mr. Liu Qiang has won the Best Poster Award at the joint international symposium of the 14th ISCOC and the 11th ISCIC (http://iscoc-iscic2016.org). |
Name: Mr. Liu Qiang (Supervisor: Professor Henry N. C. Wong)
Poster Award Name: SNIC Poster Award (SNIC: Singapore National Institute of Chemistry)
Poster Title: Iron-Catalyzed Cross-Coupling of Organolithium Compounds with Organic Halides

25 Nov | Prof. T.K.M. Shing and Dr. Wai-Lung Ng Successfully Synthesize New Carbasugars as Antidiabetic Agents |
Prof. Tony K. M. Shing and Dr. Wai-Lung Ng has successfully synthesized a series of amino-carbasugars through a novel synthetic strategy. The new carbasugars act as potential drug molecules to treat Type 2 diabetes.
Under the guidance of Professor Shing, Dr. Ng used an inexpensive and readily available raw material, gluconolactone, to create these drug-like chemical compounds. A low-cost chemical synthesis methodology was also adopted. Thus, the cost of making these compounds is remarkably low.
One of the greatest challenges in this project was to figure out how to merge the two ‘drug fragments’ together. With the support from the Fulbright Research Award from the Lee-Hysan Foundation, Dr. Ng spent eight months at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) to acquire a state-of-the-art technology called palladium-catalysed cross-coupling reaction, which functions as a ‘molecular super-glue’ in fusing two molecular fragments together. With the essential ‘synthetic tool’ in hand, the research team was able to create the carbasugar inhibitors that they designed.
‘Synthetic chemistry is both intellectually and physically challenging. Labour-intensive work in the laboratory is unavoidable. However, the research experience has been very enjoyable and fulfilling, especially when we successfully created those new molecules with pharmaceutical values,’ said Dr. Wai-Lung Ng.
‘It has been a long time since we first conceived the research idea back in 2010, and we are glad to see that our research work is now recognized internationally by scientists. More importantly, we have demonstrated the potential of using chemistry to make a positive impact on healthcare applications. Persistence and out-of-the-box thinking are the keys to the success of this project,’ said Professor Shing. ‘We plan to test our novel drug candidates in mouse models of diabetes. We believe that our efforts will be translated from bench-to-bedside eventually, and benefit patients with diabetes.’
This research was given the ‘best poster presentation’ award at the Oxford Synthesis Conference in the UK last summer. The team has had a strong track record in antidiabetic drug discovery. In 2013, they discovered and published their results on another class of carbasugar antidiabetic agents, also in Angewandte. Chemie. International.
For details, please visit here
Related news, please click here
Highly Cited Researchers from the Intellectual Property (IP) and Science business of Thomson Reuters is an annual list recognizing leading researchers in the sciences and social sciences from around the world. The 2016 list focuses on contemporary research achievement: only Highly Cited Papers in science and social sciences journals indexed in the Web of Science Core Collection during the 11-year period 2004-2014 were surveyed. Highly Cited Papers are defined as those that rank in the top 1% by citations for field and publication year in the Web of Science.
Prof. Jimmy Yu has been selected as a Web of Science Highly Cited Researcher. For more details please referto this link:
6 Sep | Prof. S.L. Lam’s two graduate students, Mr. LIU Yuan and Miss GUO Pei, received the Young Investigator Award in the XXVIIth International Conference on Magnetic Resonance in Biological Systems. |
Prof. S.L. Lam’s two graduate students, Mr. LIU Yuan and Miss GUO Pei, received the Young Investigator Award in the XXVIIth International Conference on Magnetic Resonance in Biological Systems in Kyoto, Japan during August 21-26, 2016.
Certificate of Mr. LIU Yuan
Certificate of Miss GUO Pei
Dr. ZHAO Da (Supervisor: Professor Xie Zuowei) has been awarded the Springer Thesis Prize 2015 and his research work with title "Functionalization of Carborane via Carboryne Intermediates" will be published in the Springer Theses series that brings together a selection of the very best PhD theses from around the world. A world-renowned publisher, Springer, is the world’s largest book and second-largest journal publisher worldwide.
25 Apr | Professor Yu’s team has discovered an elemental phosphorus photocatalyst with a record high hydrogen evolution efficiency. |
Professor Yu’s team has discovered an elemental phosphorus photocatalyst with a record high hydrogen evolution efficiency.
The outcome has been published in Angew Chem (DOI: 10.1002/anie.201603331) and publicized by Hong Kong government internationally.
The video can be seen through the youtube link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9EAKYppVhAw (00'30").
The 27th Chemistry Olympiad (for Tertiary Institutions), co-organized by the Hong Kong Chemical Society and the Royal Society of Chemistry, was held in the afternoon of February 27, 2016 at City University of Hong Kong. Teams from six local universities participated in this event. The theme for this year was “Chemistry in Justice”.
CUHK team made a presentation on “Forgery of Jewelry” and got the Second Runner up for the competition.
The CUHK team coordinator was Prof. LIU Zhifeng, assisted by Dr. CHAN Wing Fat, while Prof. Tony SHING sat on the panel of judges as the representative from CUHK.
CUHK Team (Year 3 undergraduates from the Department of Chemistry)
Team Leader: | PANG Tak Hing |
Presenting Team: | CHAN Chung Yi |
CHEUNG Enoch | |
LOH Leyi | |
Supporting Team: |
CHAN Kin San |
CHU Chun Ho | |
HUNG Tsz Yu | |
LAU Chun Yin | |
WONG Yiu Tak | |
YUEN King Tuen |
CUHK Presentation Team made a presentation about the Forgery of Jewelry
CUHK Team taking photo with teaching staff [Dr. Cheung Yu San (left 1), Dr. Chan Wing Fat(Right 2), Prof. Liu Zhifeng (Right 1)
Let see what the team leader PANG Tak Hing says:
“Participating in this year’s Chemistry Olympid is a challenging and fruitful experience. In the preparation of powerpoint, not only did we have to search the material related to the forgery of jewelry, but also distinguish different types of forgery which led to lengthy dispute in our working team. In order to make our presentation smoother, the three presenters performed numerous rehearsals in the matchday morning. It was very amazing to see that our team did much during these 48 hours before the match (We received the presentation topic 48 hours before the presentation). To my teammates, thanks for your effort these days!
Thanks Professor Liu Zhifeng, Dr. Chan Wing Fat as our programme coordinator and gave us much feedback and thanks Dr. Cheung Yu San for accompanying with us. Also, we have to express gratitude to other teaching staff in our department who also came to discuss the detail with us at night.
24 Sep | Professor Wu Chi received the Wang Baoren Award for Accomplishments in Fundamental Polymer Research |
Professor Wu Chi received the Wang Baoren Award for Accomplishments in Fundamental Polymer Research
The 26th Chemistry Olympiad (for Tertiary Institutions), co-organized by the Hong Kong Chemical Society and the Royal Society of Chemistry, was held in the afternoon of February 28, 2015 at City University of Hong Kong. Teams from six local universities participated in this event. The theme for this year was “Chemistry and Discovery”.
CUHK team made a presentation on the contributions of Nobel Laureates in Chemistry in 2000, namely, Alan J. Heeger, Alan G. MacDiarmid and Hideki Shirakawa, on the advancement of Chemistry in “Conductive Polymers” and got the Champion for this competition.
CUHK Team (Year 3 undergraduates from the Department of Chemistry)
Team Leader: | PAK Chi Yuen | (Year 3) |
Presenting Team: | NG Yik Kwong (Captin) | (Year 3) |
CHAN Wai Ming | (Year 3) | |
TSE Ho Wing | (Year 3) | |
Supporting Team: (Powerpoint Production) |
AU Yik Ki | (Year 3) |
CHEUNG Yin Ying, Yvette | (Year 3) | |
LAW Ching Man | (Year 3) | |
Supporting Team: (Literature Search) |
CHAN Ngai Chung | (Year 3) |
CHOW Ho Yin | (Year 3) | |
CHUNG Kiu Fung, Ronald Kevin | (Year 3) | |
PANG Yat Sing | (Year 3) | |
WONG CHAK Kei | (Year 3) | |
WONG Kai Wui Rex | (Year 3) |
The CUHK team coordinator was Prof. Lam Sik Lok, assisted by Dr. Kendrew Mak, while Prof. Xie Zuowei sat on the panel of judges as the representative from CUHK.

CUHK Team made a presentation about the contributions of of Nobel Laureates in Chemistry in 2000

CUHK Team presenters received the prize
[Prof. Kevin Leung (left1), Mr. Tse Ho Wing (left3), Mr. Ng Yik Kwong (right 3) Miss Chan Wai Ming (right2)]

CUHK Team taking photo with the Chairman and teaching staff
[Prof. H.K. Lee (left 1), Prof. Kevin Leung (Left 2), Prof. S.L. Lam (left 3), Dr. Y.S. Cheung (Right 1)
Let’s see what the team says:
“Participating in the 26th Chemistry Olympiad was surely a challenging but also a fruitful journey. We would like to express our gratitude to the classmates who encouraged us to join this competition. The theme of this year is about the discovery and contribution of different Nobel Prize Laureates in Chemistry. At first we thought it would be a tough 'war'. Will an undergraduate be able to present the academic work from professional researchers? The result turned out to be great and enjoyable.
We have gained much support from different people. We would like to express our gratitude to Prof. Sik Lok LAM, Prof. Qian MIAO and Dr. Kendrew K.W. MAK, who gave us useful and inspiring advice on the ways which we could drill in this topic. We discovered that academic background is not solely the important part of our presentation. Sometimes it is more about passion, communications, and the ability to transcend boundaries among different academic fields. We would also like to thank Dr. CHEUNG Yu San for giving us some final remarks and his accompany on the day of competition. At but not least, we greatly appreciate the efforts from our supporting team. It was exciting to prepare such an excellent powerpoint within 48 hours.
Chemistry is indeed a very fascinating and intriguing realm of science. Participating in this competition expands our horizons in the field of chemistry and we hope we can witness or even participate in the development of chemistry in the future.”
The following paper from Prof. C. Wu has been selected to receive the 8th Feng Xinde Polymer Prize for the Best Chinese Paper published in the journal polymer during 2013:
Title: Unified description of transportation of polymer chains with different topologies through a small cylindrical pore
Chi Wu, Lianwei Li
Polymer, Vol.54, No.5 (2013), Pages 1463-1465.
The prize, established in 2006, is named after Dr. Xinde Feng, who has significantly contributed to the creation and development of modern polymer chemistry in China. In the late 1940s he was the first professor to offer a course on polymer chemistry, and he helped in the development of polymer science through the organization of meetings and symposia involving both Chinese and foreign scientists.
The Royal Society of Chemistry is the world’s leading chemistry community, advancing excellence in the chemical sciences. With over 50,000 members and a knowledge business that spans the globe, they are the professional body for chemical scientists. In recognition of Professor Wu Chi’s significant contributions to the chemical sciences, they had invited Professor Wu to be a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry.
Details can be found on the Faculty Newsletter Issue 50.
2 Jul | Dr. Yue Yanan has been awarded the Springer Thesis Prize |
Dr. Yue Yanan (Supervisor: Professor C. Wu) has been awarded the Springer Thesis Prize and her research work with title "How Free Cationic Polymer Chains Promote Genes Transfections" has been published in the Springer Theses series that brings together a selection of the very best PhD theses from around the world. A world-renowned publisher, Springer, is the world’s largest book and second-largest journal publisher worldwide.
27 Jun | Mr Ng Wai Lung was awarded the “Professor Charles K. Kao Student Creativity Awards” |
Mr Ng Wai Lung, a PhD student under the supervision of Professor Tony Shing, was awarded the “Professor Charles K. Kao Student Creativity Awards”. Professor Charles K. Kao Student Creativity Awards (http://www.cintec.cuhk.edu.hk/pckksca/HTML/intro.html) is a binnuale competition of technological innovation among full-time students in CUHK aims at promoting the culture of innovation, entrepreneurship amongst students and encouraging cross-disciplinary collaboration among undergraduate and postgraduate students. The theme for this year is “Innovation for Better Life”.
30 May | Dr. Janet Lau Ting Fong has been awarded the Springer Thesis Prize |
Dr. Janet Lau Ting Fong (Supervisor: Professor Dennis K.P. Ng, Co-Supervisor: Prof. Gigi P. C. Lo) has been awarded the Springer Thesis Prize and her research work with title "Toward Dual and Targeted Cancer Therapy with Novel Phthalocyanine-Based Photosensitizers" will be published in the Springer Theses series that brings together a selection of the very best PhD theses from around the world. A world-renowned publisher, Springer, is the world’s largest book and second-largest journal publisher worldwide.
15 May | Ms. Janet Lau Ting-fong has been awarded the Postgraduate Research Output Award 2012 |
Ms. Janet Lau Ting-fong has been awarded the Postgraduate Research Output Award 2012. The Postgraduate Research Output Award is nominated annually by each Faculty to recognize research postgraduate students with commendable research achievements during their studies.
27 Apr | Ms. Shi Wen-Jing has won the Best Poster Award in Inorganic Chemistry at the 20th Symposium on Chemistry Postgraduate Research in Hong Kong |
Title :The Best Poster Award in Inorganic Chemistry
Name : Ms. Shi Wen-Jing (Supervisor: Prof. Dennis K.P. Ng)
Title: Formation and Photoinduced Processes of the Host-Guest Complexes of a -Cyclodextrin-Conjugated Aza-BODIPY and Tetrasulfonated Porphyrins

Ms Shi Wen-Jing (left) received the Poster Award from Prof. Xie Zuowei.
25 Apr | Mr Ng Wai Lung was selected as recipient of the RGC-Fulbright award to conduct PhD dissertation research in USA in 2013/14 |
Mr Ng Wai Lung, a PhD student in Department of Chemistry under the supervision of Professor Tony Shing, was selected as recipient of the RGC-Fulbright Award to conduct PhD dissertation research in USA in 2013/14. His research topic was on synthetic organic chemistry with the goal of making potential drugs for treating Type 2 diabetes. He would be hosted by MIT for 8 months from July 2013.
28 Feb | Chemistry Students Got 1st Runner-up in Hong Kong Chemistry Olympiad |
The 24th Chemistry Olympiad (for Tertiary Institutions), co-organized by the Hong Kong Chemical Society and the Royal Society of Chemistry, was held in the afternoon of February 23, 2013 at City University of Hong Kong. Teams from six local universities participated in this event. The theme for this year was “Chemistry for Developing Innovation and Knowledge-based Enterprises in Hong Kong” and the title for CUHK was “Sustainable Energy”. The CUHK team made a presentation on the contributions of chemistry to the development of solar cell technology and got the 1st runners up for this competition.
CUHK Team (undergraduates from the Department of Chemistry)
Presenters | Yui Tsz Hin 姚子軒 (Year 2) |
Lai Sze Nga 黎詩雅 (Year 2) | |
Yu Sze Chun 余思進 (Year 2) | |
Supporting Team Members | Chan Shiu Nam 陳紹楠 (Year 2) |
Chan Hing Wai 陳慶維 (Year 2) | |
Cheung Yee Han 張以行 (Year 2) | |
Tsang Ling Fung 曾凌鋒 (Year 2) |
The CUHK team coordinator was Prof. MIAO Q.. Prof. CHAN D.T.W. sat on the panel of judges as the representative from CUHK. Prof. Wong Henry N.C. was the Guest of Honor for this event.

CUHK Team made a presentation about the contributions of chemistry to solar cell technology

Photo taken after the competition

CUHK Team presenters received the prize from Prof. Wong (Guest of Honor).
21 Jan | Prof. Tony K.M. Shing has been awarded the Faculty Exemplary Teaching Award 2012. The Presentation Ceremony hosted by the Science Faculty will be held on 26 January 2013 |
Details can be found in the Science Faculty Newsletter Issue No.48.
18 Jan | Professor Liu Zhifeng awarded the 2nd Class Prize of National Science Award (Research Topic: “ Gold Cage and the Transformation of Nano-Structures under External Field”) |
Details can be found here.
1 Jan | Prof. Xie Zuowei awarded the Choh-ming Li Professorships |
Details can be found in the Science Faculty Newsletter Issue No. 47.
9 Aug | Ms. HE Lisi has been awarded the Madam Wong Siew Khoon Scholarship 2011/12 |
Ms. HE Lisi has been nominated by the Faculty of Science and awarded the Madam Wong Siew Khoon Scholarship 2011/12. Each year, Madam Wong Siew Khoon Scholarship shall be awarded to a first-year full-time postgraduate student from the Mainland in the Faculty of Science.
2 Aug | Prof. Miao Qian has been awarded the Young Researcher Award 2011 |
2 Aug | Ms. HE Lisi has been awarded the Postgraduate Research Output Award 2011 |
The Postgraduate Research Output Award is nominated annually by each Faculty to recognize research postgraduate students with commendable research achievements during their studies.The award ceremony will be held at the 71th Congregation for the Conferment of Degrees on 29 November 2012.
29 Mar | Professor Ken Cham-Fai Leung received a MoE Higher Education Outstanding Scientific Research Output Award (Technology Advancement, First class) |
Professor Ken Cham-Fai Leung received a MoE Higher Education Outstanding Scientific Research Output Award (Technology Advancement, First class)
For more details, please click here.

14 Apr | Ms. Yeung Hoi Sze and Ms. Ke Meirong received awards from The 19th Symposium on Chemistry Postgraduate Research in Hong Kong |
- The Best Poster Award in Analytical and Environmental Chemistry
Ms. Yeung Hoi Sze
(Supervisor: Prof. Dominic T.W. Chan)
Title : Low Cost and High Performance Membrane Funnels for Indirect Spray Mass Spectrometry Analysis of Intact Proteins and Tryptic Digest
- The Best Poster Award in Inorganic Chemistry
Ms. Ke Meirong
(Supervisor: Prof. Dennis K.P. Ng and Prof. Gigi P.C. Lo)
Title: A Phthalocyanine-Peptide Conjugate with High in vitro Photodynamic Activity and Enhanced in vivo Tumor-Retention Property
11 Mar | Ms. Janet Lau Ting Fong, has been selected for the award of a Sir Edward Youde Memorial Honorary Fellowship in 2011/12 |
Ms. Janet Lau Ting Fong, a PhD student under the supervision of Prof. Dennis K.P. Ng and Prof. Pui-Chi Lo, has been selected for the award of a Sir Edward Youde Memorial Honorary Fellowship in 2011/12 in its 25th Concert-cum-Prize Presentation Ceremony held on 11thMarch, 2012, in the Hong Kong City Hall. This particular fellowship scheme is supported by The Sir Edward Youde Memorial Fund which aims at encouraging and assisting full-time students pursuing postgraduate studies by research.
The Sir Edward Youde Memorial Fund was established in 1987 to commemorate the former late Governor Sir Edward Youde. The purpose of the Fund is to provide for and encourage the education of, or research by the people of Hong Kong. During the past years, over 700 CUHK students have been granted different awards under the fund. This year a total of 12 CUHK students were awarded the Sir Edward Youde Memorial Fellowships and Scholarships.

25 Feb | Chemistry Students Garner Top Prize at Chemistry Olympiad |
On Saturday, 25 February 2012, a team of eight Chemistry undergraduates represented our University at the 23rd Hong Kong Chemistry Olympiad (for Tertiary Institutions) and brought home the Top Prize of the competition. The competition was organized by the Hong Kong Chemical Society and the Royal Society of Chemistry, and aimed to promote an interest in Chemistry among young people. This year’s theme was “Chemistry for Good Health”, and the CUHK team made a presentation on the crucial role of chemistry to the discovery and production of pharmaceuticals (namely the drug Tamiflu), beating out teams from five other local universities to claim the top prize. This was the fifth time the Chinese University of Hong Kong had placed top at the Hong Kong Chemistry Olympiad (for Tertiary Institutions). CUHK previously won the first-place in the Hong Kong Chemistry Olympiad (for Tertiary Institutions) in 1993, 1994, 2008 and 2009. This year’s gold-medal team from the Department of Chemistry, guided by Prof. CHAN Man-chor and Dr. Kendrew MAK Kin-wah, comprised of the following students:
CUHK Team (undergraduates from the Department of Chemistry)
Presenters | CHAN Hoi Wai Nicolas 陳凱瑋 (Year 2) |
POON Ivy 潘靜怡 (Year 2) | |
ZHANG Mengwen 張夢雯 (Year 3) | |
Supporting Team Members | CHOW Ka Wai Gary 周嘉煒 (Year 2) |
IP Ho Wang 葉皓宏 (Year 2) | |
LAM Kam Wing 林錦榮 (Year 3) | |
LI Ho Chuen 李浩泉 (Year 2) | |
NG Kui Sang 吳鉅生 (Year 2) |
Prof. Kevin LEUNG Wing-por, also of the Department of Chemistry, sat on the panel of judges as the representative from the University.

CUHK Team made a presentation on the crucial role of chemistry to the discovery and production of pharmaceuticals.

CUHK Team Presenters CHAN Hoi Wai Nicolas, POON Ivy, ZHANG Mengwen (3rd left to 5th left) received the prize from the panel of judges.

LAM Kam Wing, NG Kui Sang (From left to right, back row). Dr. MAK Kin Wah Kendrew, Prof. CHAN Man Chor, CHOW Ka Wai Gary, Chan Hoi Wai Nicolas, ZHANG Mengwen, POON Ivy, IP Ho Wang, LI Ho Chuen, Prof. LEUNG Wing Por Kevin(From left to right, front row).
14 Jan | Prof. Dominc CHAN Tak-wah received a Faculty Exemplary Teaching Award 2011. |
Details can be found on the Science Faculty Newsletter Issue No. 44.
14 Dec | Professors Tony K.M. Shing, Henry N.C. Wong, Jason C.Y. Ho and X.S. Peng received an Asian Core Program (ACP) Lectureship Award at the ICCEOCA-6/NICCEOCA-2 |
Professors Tony K.M. Shing, Henry N.C. Wong, Jason C.Y. Ho and X.S. Peng attended The 6th International Conference on Cutting-Edge Organic Chemistry in Asia / The 2nd New Phase International Conference on Cutting-Edge Organic Chemistry in Asia (ICCEOCA-6/NICCEOCA-2) held in Hong Kong, 11-15 December 2011. They were selected to receive ACP Lectureship Awards.

Prof. X.S. Peng received an Asian Core Program (ACP) Lectureship Award to Japan.

Prof. Henry N.C. Wong and Prof. Tony K.M. Shing received Asian Core Program (ACP) Lectureship Award to Korea.

Prof. Henry N.C. Wong received an Asian Core Program (ACP) Lectureship Award to Taiwan.

Prof. Tony K.M. Shing received Asian Core Program (ACP) Lectureship Award to Thailand.

Prof. Jason C.Y. Ho received an Asian Core Program (ACP) Lectureship Award to Singapore.
1 Dec | Dr. Zaozao Qiu has been awarded 2010 Postgraduate Research Output Award |
For details, please click here
23 Sep | Dr. Zaozao Qiu and Dr. Xiao-Yu Sun have been awarded the Springer Thesis Prize |
Dr. Zaozao Qiu (Supervisor: Professor Zuowei Xie) and Dr. Xiao-Yu Sun (Supervisor: Professor Henry N. C. Wong) have been awarded the Springer Thesis Prize and their research work will be published in the Springer Theses series that “brings together a selection of the very best PhD theses from around the world and across the physical sciences.” A world-renowned publisher, Springer, is the world’s largest book and second-largest journal publisher worldwide.