Investment to Sustain a World-class Environment
Our aspirations to achieve enduring excellence in teaching, research and knowledge transfers will require an enabling platform whereby resources are strategically invested to sustain a world-class learning and research environment. Our vision is to put in place expanded teams of outstanding faculty members, professional and support staff and talented students with potentials, through strategic allocation and deployment of human, financial and physical resources.

Our goals are to recruit and to retain the most outstanding faculty members in order to develop critical mass in strategic areas and to consolidate the development of our Faculties, and to put in place incentive schemes in order to create a world-class environment for research, teaching and service.

Our strategies include allocating financial resources for strategic development, establishing critical mass in human resources and developing physical and supporting resources:
- Set up a strategic recruitment fund to recruit top-notched academics in our strategic areas of research and teaching
- Establish a Vice-Chancellor's discretionary fund to enhance development of strategic areas of research and teaching, as well as consolidate global partnerships
- Diversify our sources of income and reach out to benefactors and potential donors in fund-raising
- Increase the number of research postgraduates to reach a critical mass
- Provide more residential accommodation to attract recruitment of young and up-and-coming academics globally, especially those who wish to return to Hong Kong
- Optimize the utilization and management of space, conduct space audits/reviews and revamp the inventory updating mechanism
- Establish a Council committee to oversee the effective management of risks, especially the mitigation of reputational and financial risks that could affect our ability to achieve our objectives
- Develop and revise our policies to streamline various administrative functions in order to better support our academic developments