For the Information Age
For CUHK to stay competitive, rise to new challenges and excel, we shall require a physical and IT infrastructure that supports the academic endeavours in the information age. Our goals are to foster a sustainable campus with professional management of the space to support the University's strategic developments, and to enhance IT governance and technology capacity with improved security and accessibility.

Our strategies are to:
- Enhance campus infrastructure and facilities to support new University initiatives
- Use space more efficiently to promote social and academic exchanges and to meet new teaching and research needs
- Build and maintain a green and sustainable campus to meet challenges in Hong Kong and globally in the post-COP21 era
- Strengthen IT governance to improve strategy for management information and enhance the IT infrastructure to improve security
- Develop effective and efficient High Performance Computing (HPC) administration and services to better support research and knowledge transfer
- Develop a cloud-based infrastructure for an increased service scope for easier access