- 醫學院助理院長(學生支援)
- 生物醫學學院高級講師
- 生理學
- 生命倫理學
BSc, DIC, MSc (Lond.); PhD (HKU)
- Strategies in physiological and bioethical education
- Use of e-learning to facilitate teaching and independent learning in the medical curriculum
- 年度傑出教育獎, 2016
- 內外全科醫學士課程Year 1 Coordinator
- 新亞書院醫學院一至三年級學系聯絡人
- Chairperson of the CUHK e-Learning Community of Practice (微單元課件製作)
部分論文 (只有英文版本)
- Isabel Hwang, WS Chan, Paul Lam, Ray Lee, Phoebi Chan and Joseph Leung. A Course-Oriented Mobile Learning Application (HSApp: HS(a)App and HS(b)App) for Health Science Education in the Medical Faculty Package. Medical Education Journal. 2015. Volume 49 (suppl. Issue 2), page 14
- Isabel Hwang, Kevin Wong, Shun Leung Lam and Paul Lam. Student Response (clicker) Systems: Preferences of biomedical physiology students in Asian classes. The Electronic Journal of e-Learning Volume 13 (Issue 5) 2015, 347-356. (Retrieved 18 Jan, 2016, from http://www.ejel.org/volume13/issue5/p347 )
- Hwang, I., Tam, M., Lam, S. L., & Lam, P. (2012). Review of use of animation as a supplementary learning material of physiology content in four academic years. The Electronic Journal of e- Learning, Volume 10 (Issue 4), 368–377, Oct 2012. (Retrieved January 15, 2013, from http://www.ejel.org/volume10/issue4/p368 )
- Hwang, I., Tam, M., Lam, S. L., & Lam, P. (2012). Use of animation as a supplementary learning material of physiology content. In P. Lam (Ed.), Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on eLearning (pp. 141–149), Hong Kong, China, 21–22 June, 2012.