- 醫學院副院長 (外務)
- 醫學院國際事務策劃處處長
- 內科及藥物治療學系教授
- 肝臟護理中心主任
- 逸夫書院副院長
- 腸胃及肝臟科
- 病毒性肝炎
- 肝纖維化
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- 抗病毒治療
- 脂肪肝
- C
larivate Analytics最廣獲徵引研究人員(跨領域), 2018 - 德國慕尼黑大學榮譽訪問教授, 2018
- 廣東省科學技術一等獎, 2018
- 亞太消化疾病周 Okuda Lectureship Award, 2018
- 泰國肝臟研究學會 Chainuvati Lecturer, 2018
- 香港食物及衞生局優異研究獎, 2014
- 國家科技進步獎二等獎, 2012
- 國家教育部高等學校科學研究優秀成果獎 - 科技進步獎二等獎, 2012
- 香港內科醫學院 Sir David Todd Lectureship, 2011
- 裘槎優秀醫學科研者, 2011
- 亞太消化疾病周 JGH Emerging Leader Lectureship Award, 2010
- 香港食物及衞生局優異研究獎(臨床研究), 2010
- 東南亞高等教育協會 Scopus年輕科學家, 2008
- 香港內科醫學院 Distinguished Research Paper Award for Young Investigators, 2008
- 亞太肝臟研究學會青年學者獎, 2008
- 香港十大傑出青年, 2008
- 世界衛生組織西太平洋區肝炎策略技術顧問委員會主席
- 香港肝病學會委員
- 威爾斯親王醫院內科及藥物治療科部門副主管
- Hepatology International 副編輯
- Seminar of Liver Diseases 副編輯
- 專業醫學傳意證書課程主任
- 腸胃學理學碩士課程副主任
- 醫學科學碩士及博士課程指導導師
- 內科醫學文憑講師
部分論文 (只有英文版本)
- VWS Wong, GLH Wong, RS Chan, SST Shu, BH Cheung, LS Li, AML Chim, CK Chan, JK Leung, WCW Chu, J Woo, HLY Chan. Beneficial effects of lifestyle intervention in non-obese patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. J Hepatol 2018;69:1349-56.
- K Agarwal, M Brunetto, WK Seto, YS Lim, S Fung, P Marcellin, SH Ahn, N Izumi, WL Chuang, H Bae, M Sharma, HLA Janssen, CQ Pan, M Celen, N Furusyo, Shalimar, KT Yoon, H Trinh, JF Flaherty, A Gaggar, A Lau, AL Cathcart, L Lin, N Bhardwaj, V Suri, GM Subramanian, E Gane, M Buti, HLY Chan. 96 weeks treatment of tenofovir alafenamide versus tenofovir disoproxil fumarate for the treatment of chronic hepatitis B virus infection. J Hepatol 2018;68:672-81.
- TCF Yip, GLH Wong, VWS Wong, YK Tse, GCY Lui, KLY Lam, HLY Chan. Durability of hepatitis B surface antigen seroclearance in untreated and nucleos(t)ide analogue-treated patients. J Hepatol 2018;68:63-72.
- HLY Chan, S Fung, WK Seto, WL Chuang, CY Chen, HJ Kim, AJ Hui, HLA Janssen, A chowdhury, TY Tsang, R Mehta, E Gane, JF Flaherty, B Massetto, A Gaggar, KM Kitrinos, L Lin, GM Subramanian, JG McHutchison, YS Lim, SK Acharya, K Agarwal, GS-US-320-0110 investigators. Tenofovir alafenamide versus tenofovir disoproxil fumarate for the treatment of HBeAg-positive chronic hepatitis B virus infection: a randomized, double-blind, phase 3, non-inferiority trial. Lancet Gastroenterol Hepatol 2016;1:185-95.
- HLY Chan, SH Ahn, TT Chang, CY Peng, D Wong, CS Coffin, SG Lim, PJ Chen, HLA Janssen, P Marcellin, L Serfaty, S Zeuzem, D Cohen, L Critelli, D Xu, M Wind-Rotolo, E Cooney, and the LIRA-B study team. Peginterferon lambda for the treatment of HBeAg-positive chronic hepatitis: a randomized phase 2b study (LIRA-B). J Hepatol 2016;64:1011-9.
- VWS Wong, GLH Wong, JCL Yeung, CYK Fung, JKL Chan, ZHY Chang, CTY Kwan, HW Lam, J Limquiaco, AML Chim, HLY Chan. Long-term clinical outcomes after fatty liver screening in patients undergoing coronary angiogram: a prospective cohort study. Hepatology 2016;63:754-63.
- P Marcellin, SH Ahn, X Ma, FA Caruntu, WY Tak, M Elkashab, WL Chuang, SG Lim, F Tabak, R Mehta, J Petersen, GR Foster, L Lou, EB Martins, P Dinh, A Corsa, P Charuworn, GM Subramanian, H Reiser, HW Reesink, S Fung, SI Strasser, H Trinh, M Buti, GB Gaeta, AJ Hui, G Papatheodoridis, R Flisiak, HLY Chan, on behalf of the study 149 investigators. Combination of tenofovir disoproxil fumarate and peginterferon alfa-2a increases loss of hepatitis B surface antigen in patients with chronic hepatitis B. Gastroenterology 2016;150:134-44.
- Y Tian, VWS Wong, GLH Wong, W Yang, H Sun, J Shen, JH Tong, MY Go, YS Cheung, PB Lai, M Zhou, G Xu, YH Huang, J Yu, KF To, ASF Cheng, HLY Chan. Histone deacetylase HDAC8 promotes insulin resistance and β-catenin activation in NAFLD-associated hepatocellular carcinoma. Cancer Res 2015;75:4803-16.
- VWS Wong, GLH Wong, DKW Yeung, TKT Lau, CKM Chan, AML Chim, JM Abrigo, RSM Chan, J Woo, YK Tse, WCW Chu, HLY Chan. Incidence of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in Hong Kong: a population study with paired proton-magnetic resonance spectroscopy. J Hepatol 2015;62:182-9.
- HLY Chan, CK Chan, AJ Hui, S Chan, F Poordad, TT Chang, P Mathurin, JF Flaherty, L Lin, A Corsa, A Gaggar, GM Subramanian, JG McHutchison, S Lee, EJ Gane. Effects of tenofovir disoproxil fumarate in hepatitis B e antigen-positive patients with normal levels of alanine aminotransferase and high levels of hepatitis B virus DNA. Gastroenterology 2014;146:1240-8.