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Student Federica Attico from University of Padua, Padova recently spent 8 weeks with us at The Chinese University of Hong Kong for her final year research project in the Department of Medicines and Therapeutics. This was her first time to do a research project abroad and she was collecting a database of arrhythmia patients, studying their discharge summaries and medical histories for further analysis. 

Student Federica Attico
Research inspires me a lot. I believe that clinical experience and research knowledge are inseparable. It is important for a doctor to do research as it is a way to keep you mentally active and being very vigilant on your clinical work every day.

Federica’s parents came to Hong Kong during Christmas holiday. They had a wonderful time exploring the city of Hong Kong and visiting famous tourist attractions such as Stanley, Aberdeen and the Big Buddha.


As one of the youngest institutions to be ranked among the world’s top medical schools, the Faculty of Medicine at the Chinese University of Hong Kong is reputable for being innovative and forward-thinking, having nurtured cohorts of new-generation healthcare professionals who have gained national and international recognition.